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When will people learn the difference between completely possible but we don't have the technology

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posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 09:25 PM
I was just reading a post on here in which someone said Resurrection isn't possible outside of fictional text which is WRONG! It's completly wrong.

A surgeon at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, Hasan Alam, has tested the technique about 200 times on pigs, with a 90 per cent success rate. First he anaesthetises the animal, then cuts a major vein and artery in its abdomen to simulate multiple gunshots to a person's chest and abdomen. As the pig rapidly loses about half its blood and enters a state of shock, Dr Alam drains its blood and stores it before pumping chilled organ preservation fluid into its system. The animal's body temperature falls to about 10C until it is in a state of "profound hypothermia" and has no pulse and no electrical activity in its brain.
But after the blood stored earlier is warmed and pumped back into the pig's body its heart starts beating again and it comes back to life.

The Pig was for all intents and purposes legally dead but it was brought back to life.
It has happened and it does exist outside of fiction we simply do not have not mastered the technology at this point.

Here's another post. The long extinct and deadly woolie mammoth is set to be cloned and resurrectted from the dead in less then five years. That includes a creature dead for SIXTEEN YEARS being brought back. /19/japanese-scientist-wants-to-clone-a-woolly-mammoth-in-the-next-five-years/

Then in 2008, Wakayama’s clone of a mouse dead and frozen for 16 years changed the rules. With mice, he was able to use DNA to create partially viable embryos, then use the embryonic cell DNA to create clones. Similar or modified techniques may allow Iritani and his team to take mammoth DNA previously considered too damage to be viable, and boot strap it into a clone .

I'm just using Resurrection as an example , I've noticed people doing it with forward time travel as well which is widely accepted to be possible by moving at 99 percent the speed of light.

Thanks to Einstein, we know that the faster you go, the slower time passes—so a very fast spaceship is a time machine to the future. Five years on a ship traveling at 99 percent the speed of light (2.5 years out and 2.5 years back) corresponds to roughly 36 years on Earth. When the spaceship returned to Earth, the people onboard would come back 31 years in their future—but they would be only five years older than when they left. Indeed, Einstein himself could be alive today! If he could have hopped aboard a spaceship traveling at 99 percent the speed of light in 1879—the year of his birth—he would be only 17 years old upon his return to Earth today.

I just don't get why people think that things that are completely possible and accepted in mainstream society don't exist.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 09:38 PM
It bothers me to think that there are many things that we call factual or many ways in which we think that we've grown accustomed to that could be totally wrong or off a bit. I want something really dramatic to happen soon that will turn the heads of those fixated on one position. I love the overall subject.
edit on 29/10/11 by murkraz because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 09:41 PM
Im just waiting for lightsabers. Those beasts might be "impossible" now but when we get there, I'll be using the damn thing all the time. To cut my food, toast my bread, for defence, for opening doors, you name it and I'll be doing it with that damn lightsaber.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by Tea4One
Im just waiting for lightsabers. Those beasts might be "impossible" now but when we get there, I'll be using the damn thing all the time. To cut my food, toast my bread, for defence, for opening doors, you name it and I'll be doing it with that damn lightsaber.

"The toast is strong with this one"

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 10:32 PM
Wellif they produced the blackbird SR-71 allthose years ago and look at what it can do,

Whats been hidden from us now??

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 10:58 PM
I've heard it said that the US military is 50 years ahead of the general public. I don't know if that is true now with as fast as computer technology has come along,
but I am still amazed at what has been created,invented and genetically engineered in the last 10 years.

knowledge has been exploding faster than we can keep up, but then, that's what computers are supposed to be for....

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 11:02 PM
Nothing is impossible if we can dream it up.

Everything is impossible if it can't turn a profit.. *sigh*


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