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Expose getsValley mom banned from McDonald's

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posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 06:49 PM
Expose gets valley mom banned from McDonalds

PHOENIX -- An Arizona State University professor's campaign against dirty restaurant playgrounds got her banned from several McDonald's in the Valley.

Dr. Erin Carr-Jordan, a mother of four, started recording and posting videos of trashy playgrounds, and quickly built an international following. Her lab tests, which revealed dangerous bacteria on the equipment, have been featured on network broadcasts and in major national newspapers.

mcdonalds response

Statement from McDonald's spokesman
"We take feedback about our restaurants extremely seriously. Over the past several months we have engaged in open and honest dialogue with Dr. Carr-Jordan in an effort to address her concerns and review her findings.

"We are still committed to doing this. It appears that recent actions by Dr. Carr-Jordan have become disruptive to the employees and customers within our franchisee's restaurants, which prompted the letter from his attorney.

"We remain committed to working with an internal team on ensuring that our PlayPlaces are clean and safe for all customers."

Danya Proud, Spokesperson
McDonald's USA

What it sounds like to me is this...

The franchise owners are lazy... They do not force their managers to maintain cleanliness...

the managers do not care... not required so they do not do it...

The corporation is trying to cover itself because she is exposing a serious health issue...

my question is where is the city health inspector... Paid off I assume... note I assume because the ones I have meet would have closed the place down over it...

I vote with my dollars and due to this story I will no longer eat at McDonalds...

Their two mcdonalds I have quit eating at over health issues I observed myself...

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 06:55 PM
Just as likely that she's a fanatic. A company's got the right to ban someone who is too disruptive. It jsut looks bad to the suspicious of corporations.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 06:58 PM
some follow up info..

yahoo vid 51070%252Fexpose-gets-valley-mom-banned-from-mcdonald-s-27068678.html

mid story... abc

ahhh.. here it is


I have to say it this way... It is close to T and C so I will only provide a link for you to follow and read on your own... that is if you choose to..

she detail some of what she found and where... enjoy reading

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 07:01 PM
Oh No there is bacteria on my little brats jungle gym!! Sounds like a helicopter mom with nothing better to do with her time. What is McDonalds supposed to do? Wipe down every piece of playground surface every hour so that little Juan/jimmy/whoever does not get a cold? Is the world not safe enough for your children? COME ON, enough all ready!!

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by CynicalDrivel

A fanatic about a food service area be clean?

A good point but I do not buy it...

In this having seen these conditions my self.... Unclean tables, flys, exctra...nope...

It is mostly lazy staff members.... very lazy management not doing its job....

The present corporate standards are for you as an employee to do only as you are told... nothing more...

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by discharged77

No, but certainly daily or, at the very least, weekly.

If they are going to provide a play area, they need to ensure it is safe, in all aspects of the word.

It's called responsibility. You do understand the word?
edit on 27-10-2011 by LightAssassin because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by discharged77

actually the goal should be every 45 minutes....

It is nothing personal with anyone here... you are free to live as you please but I have no wish for children to catch something that could have been prevented by proper hygenic methods...

For the slides and climbing areas yes...

The balls should be cleaned every night...

Right now the spread of various diseases is growing so This is one of those conservative moments I rarely have and save tis better to be safe in this condition then very sorry

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 07:09 PM
Being banned from McDonald's?

I would consider that a favor. I banned myself from McDonald's and have lived healthier ever since.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by CynicalDrivel

Usually I like to take more time to respond...

it got my attention as well... why ban her and bring attention to it... it is odd

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by LightAssassin

we agree to disagree on a schedule...

the whole thing is that the responsibility part is dead on

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by LeTan

I am self banning as well....

Considering walmarts to...

I know on the health part.....

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by ripcontrol

How sanitary are public playgrounds?

Do you think mcdonalds or the state does a better job?

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by Wertdagf

Made sure my children had no open cuts...

I know kids will get scratches and cuts.... especially those active in sports... You make sure your first aide kit is up to date and even little cuts are immediately taken care of...

I have had to see friends deal with MRSA... not pretty

McDonalds is a restaurant and has higher health standards........ Would you eat at a restaurant where trash was piling out of the garbage cans....

Not mention dance floors, sports arenas, churches, ect... I am just prepared and refuse to vote yes with my dollars on those who can not do bare minimum health standards

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by ripcontrol

I have to say it this way... It is close to T and C so I will only provide a link for you to follow and read on your own... that is if you choose to..

she detail some of what she found and where... enjoy reading

Enjoy reading???

I just almost lost my home-cooked dinner over the description.

Because most of those playgrounds are contained indoors, and involve too many mazes and balls, they even look and smell gross--not that I ever frequent fast-food places

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 07:32 PM
I used to let my kids play in those things up until the day we went there for lunch and my kids and myself got seriously ill. I was so sick that I could barely move and my poor kids were a palish shade of blue for a day, not able to do anything but lay down and watch tv. They were 4 at the time. I couldn't even keep down water.

I doubt it was the food because my husband and I both at their leftover nuggets and fries but he did not get sick, not even a little bit icky.

But even if it was the food, the play structure had to have a hand in it. I let them play for a little bit and when it was time to go, I went over, stuck about half my body inside one of the tubes to be playful and get them out and what I smelled and saw almost made my lose my lunch right there. It was NASTY. Food all over..dried sauces smeared all up the tube, french fries and nuggets everywhere. Half eaten burgers, oh, I cannot describe how gross it was. I couldn't believe my kids actually wanted to play in there. It was my fault for just letting my kids go without checking, assuming they paid some kid to clean it up once in a while but apparently, they don't. Ever.

We must not have been the only ones because about a month after that, they tore the entire restaurant down to the ground and rebuilt it.

There are germs and then there is just disgusting, vile nastiness. We didn't go back to one for a long time and it was about a year before I could even say the name without getting nauseous at the simple mention of it.
Now when I do, I get a fruit cup or something. Blech. (I no longer eat there anymore but for other reasons.)
edit on 27-10-2011 by CoherentlyConfused because: typo


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