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We have effectively been divided.

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posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 11:59 PM
Nothing could have prepared me for what I have witnessed with my own two eyes on this microcosm
of our world called ATS. I have finally seen with my own two eyes how their plan is going to unfold.

We have all talked about it for years now. You know, how it was all going to "go down".
How TPTB were going to institute Martial Law in America. How, if they did, we would all rise up against them and how they could pry our guns from our cold dead hands.

Oh yeah, there are "more of us than there are of them".

Well, actually.......Not so much.

Who is "US"? and who are "Them"??

Do you see how these protests are playing out?
Do you see the comments popping up regarding topics relating to the governments trashing of our constitution?

Do you hear some of the comments being made.??

here are a few

It was inevitable that these protesters sitting around doing nothing and getting nothing done, in their own filth, would get fed up at this directionless movement and get violent in the end. It's what their handlers have been grooming them for all along.

Well, the occupy movement is generally "leftist" so most people on ATS support their silencing by any means possible. Violence, preferably.

Looked like scenes from a middle eastern uprising. How can people on ATS condone the police using tear gas? Just because you don't like what the movement stands for, these are still your fellow citizens, who are upset with whats happening to their world. The police massively over reacted and to those who support and condone their actions, shame on you.

"first they came for the communists....."

They have been doing random checkpoints here for a while. The first time I saw one I was shocked. It is such a violation of our rights as citizens, though no one else seemed concerned. People in general seemed to think that the stops were okay and that if the drivers were doing nothing wrong they didn't have anything to worry about. In fact a lot of people were all for it...catching random 'law breakers' and what ever else-probably looking for illegals as we are in California.

So much fearmongering

Wake me when the national guard have checkpoints

the reason for the unrest is becasue the babies are upset becasue the free money is limited now , they want more of the useless # to buy but can't afford it .

im sorry if living within your means means protesting to go back to living beyond your means.

do you not see these same coporations were the ones everyone was contempt with when economic times were good ?

now its bad they want there cheap money back , and now their crying ?

Everyone receives free K-12 in this country, period. Beyond that you must earn your way into college. In my opinion we need far less people in our colleges, when ‘higher education’ just becomes another stage of education for people it loses the ‘higher’ part of its title. When every moron who can garner a C average is allowed in, it weighs down the credibility of a degree. Then everyone will start moving towards having a Masters because most have Bachelors, and on and on. We have to draw the line somewhere.

The state should pay for higher education, I agree, but only for the ones colleges deem to be the most promising. This filters out the less desirable from bogging down the worth of degrees. The whole notion of equality of education is a sham and destructive for the high achievers. If you had 4.0 in school and get a Bachelors in College you have basically as much worth as the guy who was getting stoned, partying, and having a good time in high school and college but just barely earned a degree. It is an insult to treat people equally in my opinion when we are inherently unequal.

Evolution would say natural selection, let the intelligent move on and leave the weakest links to die. So do not bring evolution into the discussion here.


If you look closely there is two objects thrown, one from the cops but a second before that, it looks like another object thrown by someone outside the camera view to the right. Interesting.... However I have seen worse police brutality than that. My view they need to move these left wing protesters along by ANY means. it's getting stupid now, you might as well elect George Soros as your president if you support this movement....

Uh... The source is a YouTube video... That looked like absolute BS. Screaming medic? You guys are seriously going to get riled up over this? Perhaps I missed a legit link and am wrong... If I got 5 of my friends to carry me screaming medic and then put #OWS protesters beat me up would you believe that?

As you can see there are no shortage of people who would support our Government in anything they choose to do and there are no shortage of people who see exactly what is happening to our rights and our country.

Don't you see what they are doing!?!?!?

We are already divided.
We have already lost.
If you have ever wondered how they are going to pull it off then this is your answer.

While your ass is being hauled off to some undisclosed location for one of any number of reasons including domestic terrorism, aiding a domestic terrorist, or just peacefully protesting,
your neighbor,friend,boss,family will sell your ass down the river without thinking twice about it, much less someone you DON'T know.

These people LOVE their enslavement and are fighting to uphold the system which keeps the enslavement going.They would love to see us filthy hippies locked up. They are now our sworn enemy because they are fighting just as hard as the police/government to keep us in line.

As much as I can't stand duality and I rail on it every chance I get I am having a hard time seeing past this one.

It seems to me that what we are facing comes down to two very simple mindsets which are mutually exclusive and incompatable with eachother.


A. Those who are hell bent on control.

These are people who have an overwhelming desire to:

- control others
- see to it that others are controlled by someone else
- be controlled themselves.

B. Those who do NOT fixate on control.

These are peolpe who tend to do as they please and allow others to do as THEY please......

Other than that, it is pretty much fair game for the most part.

They have an overwhelming desire to:

- Let others do as they please
- See to it that others have the right to do as they please
- do as they please themselves.

If there is something I am missing please point it out.
This is how our nation was destroyed.
We turned on eachother and we either controlled or allowed ourselves to be controlled by eachother.

edit on 27-10-2011 by Screwed because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-10-2011 by Screwed because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-10-2011 by Screwed because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:16 AM
Right here with you.
Different scenario, but when we had the 'riots' here in the UK, despite outcry over police heavy handedness during the student protests, there were people literally screaming ''bring in the army, and shoot them all''
I was like wtf...really?? Some of my friends, are actually so against what these people are doing, that they would be quite happy for the army to roll in and gun down rioters in the street....?
I learned a lot about people I thought I knew during that week I can tell you..

It's amazing how much police/governments can get away with doing to other people, if YOU are willing to turn a blind eye to it, just because you disagree with those people..

Those stinky hippies you think should get a job, are still human beings. When the police decide to bring this occupy stuff to an end, once and for all, and you sit and watch them getting battered, and shot at, and tear gassed for speaking up for something they believe in, even if their views differ from yours.
I hope.. In fact I pray, that you have just the slightest flicker of compassion for them.
Because they are your fellow countrymen, in ''the land of the free''

I'm really not religious, but considering how god-fearing some of the occupy haters are.. I really wonder what your god would say about the way you look down upon your fellow man.
Good will to all men? Or just those you agree with?

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:20 AM
Some will side with the Gov. until they find out they are nothing but Pawns in the game. Don't let those words you quoted bother you. These tactics are used all over this and many web forums.Their Divide and Conquer tactocs are slowly breaking down and it is easy to see who is playing for the other team. Those quotes sounded like something from the Nazi party. It would not surprise me if that person is a supporter of the Nazi regime. Same ideas as that inhumane group. I will never lose hope in my fellow brother even when the Elite use tactics to keep us divided. We have seen too much and a major change is occuring. Nothing can slow it down. The entire planet is changing. We the people will be free.

Peace to you.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:37 AM
Those who support "Empires" over individuals have ALWAYS used these tactics. This is nothing new, what is new is that sometimes some realize they have been used and lied too...sometimes for many generations.
I agree the tricksters are trying to be more clever, but only because they are being forced to do so.
Managing domesticated beasts of burden can be so trying.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:42 AM

We are already divided.


but lost, no..........there are peaple like you, me & well at least half of the US that will fight so do what you can and see how it (falls on the wall) .....the sh1t that is . I'm with ya

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by Screwed

These people LOVE their enslavement and are fighting to uphold the system which keeps the enslavement going.

E Pluribus Unim

Do you work for the Ministry of LOVE Brother?

edit on 27-10-2011 by InformationAccount because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 01:57 AM
I know what your saying brother, I'm right there with you too.
All my life I've wondered what is wrong with people? Why do they put up with this crap, not only that but it seems like they can't get enough of it!
Then this OWS stuff starts and my faith in humanity starts to get restored, it's like my God they're finally starting to wake up. Then I read some of these posts and I'm just shocked, I can't believe some of these people actually think the way they do, it's depressing.
It seems like most of this stuff comes from the more conservative posters, I found this, maybe it might shed a little insight on why they think the way they do:

We psychologists have been examining the origins of ideology ever since Hitler sent us Germany's best psychologists, and we long ago reported that strict parenting and a variety of personal insecurities work together to turn people against liberalism, diversity, and progress. But now that we can map the brains, genes, and unconscious attitudes of conservatives, we have refined our diagnosis: conservatism is a partially heritable personality trait that predisposes some people to be cognitively inflexible, fond of hierarchy, and inordinately afraid of uncertainty, change, and death
Then there's the matter of delegating authority, to keep the masses in line, I'm sure whether conscious or not there's a certain degree of that going on.
Under normal circumstances we are kept in a state of divided confusion, in times such as this we can only expect these efforts to go into overdrive. The seeds of distrust are being frantically thrown at this thing, the likes of which I've never seen. I swear to God the last time I heard the word commie was 1980 something, now I'm hearing it every day.
The hippy thing, the get a job thing, well you know what's going on with that. Once you've attached a derogatory label to someone and dehumanized them you can easily dismiss anything they have to say, or worse. Think of every war we've ever got in and the names we called those people, it's easier to kill a stereotype than a fellow human being who has a Mom who loves him.
Well OP S&F thanks for posting, I've caught a lot of your posts in a lot of threads and you've really been throwing down. I've seen you articulate a lot of things I wanted to say better than I could have said them. Keep up the good work and fight the good fight.
edit on 27-10-2011 by jlv70 because: typo

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 02:17 AM
I agree. I also believe they are luring out all sort of government critics to "the revolution", and in the end they will hostilize the protester through some domestic terrorist attack. After that, the masses will hate all critics of the government. It will also lead to a lot more paranoia, and therefor more security. All protesters and government critics will then be quarantined (with the masses approval of course), and no such activities will ever be allowed again. The need for absolute security will then bring in all the horrors we have feared, from the RFID to TSA groping your children every time they go to school, or every time you go to the store. Unless of course, people realize it's;




and make no mistake about that, this is it. This is check mate for the elite. If we play the game in their terms, it's all over. They understand violence, and are prepared for a fight. On the other side, psychopaths have a hard time getting their heads around love. Love is the only 'weapon' we have against them.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by OleMB
I agree. I also believe they are luring out all sort of government critics to "the revolution", and in the end they will hostilize the protester through some domestic terrorist attack. After that, the masses will hate all critics of the government. It will also lead to a lot more paranoia, and therefor more security. All protesters and government critics will then be quarantined (with the masses approval of course), and no such activities will ever be allowed again. The need for absolute security will then bring in all the horrors we have feared, from the RFID to TSA groping your children every time they go to school, or every time you go to the store. Unless of course, people realize it's;




and make no mistake about that, this is it. This is check mate for the elite. If we play the game in their terms, it's all over. They understand violence, and are prepared for a fight. On the other side, psychopaths have a hard time getting their heads around love. Love is the only 'weapon' we have against them.

OleMB you need to understand

"The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism by Goldstein - (How You Are Controlled)"

One of the historical reasons the Oligarchs were overthrown was they were too soft on up an commers. I believe that the group of Oligarchs currently in power have learned from history and are completely prepared to murder thier own citizens to remain in power.

No doubt in my mind.


They are playing for keeps.

edit on 27-10-2011 by InformationAccount because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 02:31 AM
We also have the constitution. If some people would read it and try to understand it they would realize how genius the founders were.

But that is part of the genius I suppose. It is written clearly and in english yet some people still do not grasp it.

That will be the part that uncovers the genius behind what the fathers of this country laid out for us. The ability to defend and restore our nation from enemies both foreign and domestic.

There is an element that wishes to supersede the Constitution of the United States, however it will be their own downfall. That is the genius of it.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by thehoneycomb

... defend and restore our nation from enemies ... domestic.

There is an element that wishes to supersede the Constitution of the United States, however it will be their own downfall.

That is the genius of it.

Domestic terrorists

What do you think they were doing in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Playing tiddlywinks?

They were learning how to deal with a domestic insurection before the bankruptcy of the Fed.

Everything is in place now.

Game on
edit on 27-10-2011 by InformationAccount because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by InformationAccount

I totally agree, there is no holding them back when their power are threatened. But us taking to guns, all of us, are not gonna threaten their power. I believe so at least. They have planned this scenario for decades, and are more than ready to start a war on humanity. And they are controlling us via our fears; people would go to great strength just the keep on living, and seeing neighbors shipped of to internment camps would be just fine. People will only think 'thank god they didn't pick me', and then go on living in fear of their government.

Now, I also believe that love vanquishes fear in a big degree. If people loved each other like the brothers and sisters we are, we would drive out many of our fears. Fear of dieing included. If we lost the fear of dieing, it would be game over for TPTB. And if people loved each other, no one would accept police brutality or the government murdering people. But, if people are led by their fears, they would readily stand by watching others being killed and tortured, as long as it doesn't happen to them. History shows this time after time.

Sadly, most people are gonna be led by their fears, as we have been conditioned to all of our lives. We have interesting days ahead of us, doubt it not!

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 03:12 AM
after watching the events of the last week play out,my intuition tells me this is going to get alot worse...and i agree with the op and your name we are screwed unless we all get togethor and fight this staring to look more and more like now or never..the question have enough people awakened...?im hopefull but pesimistic....i would say only 5% of people i talk to care or have a clue...and even on a site like this there any many who can see yet there seems to be just as many that are blind

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 03:13 AM

"the oldest trick in the book"

so dont fall for it!

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 04:52 AM
Well people had peaceful protests in 1930's Germany to stop the fascist state, it didn't work and it won't work today.

Yes they try to divide the people but too many see past the two headed horse and know bankers are behind all these moves so that ploy is falling to bits but they are ahead of the game and have allowed so many immigrants into the USA/UK/Europe not only to force down wages but to be used in false flag race wars that these bankers will start when needed.

Take a look at Libya and how the tribes were turned on each other to know how effective this can be.

if we remove the bankers then the parasites in government will soon return to doing the job we pay them to do and we need to cut off the snakes head to maintain peace and freedom because these people all going on about 'Peace' don't seem to understand that peace comes at a price and the price needs paying in blood every so often and if you think i'm wrong then tell that to Congress and the puppets in the whitehouse who are always bombing across the world for this so called peace of they want to install across the globe.

edit on 27-10-2011 by Master_007 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by jlv70
not only that but it seems like they can't get enough of it!

I am really glad I am not the only one that is seeing this phenomenon unfold.

The way I see it, TPTB are doing what they do best and are creating polarity amoungst us and you are soon to have two, and ONLY two kinds of people in this country and further down the road, THE WORLD>

1. Those who want freedom and wish to control themselves but no one else.

2. Those who fight to keep this system in place and wish to control or be controlled by others.

Like we both agreed, your own neighbor will gladly watch as your sorry ass is hauled away by the jackbooted thugs. They will shake their heads and say to eachother, "Thats what he gets, I told him to keep his mouth shut".

The concept of freedom to these types of peolpe is foriegn. I am not just being a smart ass. They REALLY can't wrap their heads around it. It makes no sense to them. Letting your neighbor do whatever he wants in the comfort of his own home as long as no one is getting hurt WITHOUT CONSENT is a concept that pisses them off and makes them cringe.

This is what we are up against.
People who are addicted to control.
People who feel lost without being controlled.
"If daddy doesn't whip me then he doesn't love me".
This is nothing more than Stockholm syndrome on a mass scale.
edit on 27-10-2011 by Screwed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 02:13 AM
We have been divided since there were countrys, states, cities.... MINES BETTER THAN YOURS..
We have been divided since there was religion... MY GOD IS THE BEST, MY BOOK IS RIGHT YOURS IS WRONG.
We have been divided since the begining of humanity, MEN ARE BETTER THEN WOMEN....

We have not lost anything yet.... they are trying their hardes to use these things as a tool of War and hatred...
We or at least I because I cant tell whose side your on from some of your post, I HAVE NOT LOST UNTIL MY HEART BEATS FOR THE LAST TIME!!!!! If your affraid of the consiquences of speaking your mind, YOUR ALREADY IN PRISION!!!!!!!

It disturbes me that you can give up, while there is still something to fight for!!!!!! If they round us all up, people like me... you think there gonna skip your house because you said "I love my country and agree with whatever actions I am supposed to agree with." in a recent post.... they dispise people like you!!!!!! they get there jollys off watching people like you!!!!! they have fear of people like me!!!!!!!! Your promised 2 things in this world, LIFE AND DEATH.... what can they give you that your not promised????

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by Screwed

I hope more people read this. *BUMP* In a time when the people should be coming together in outrage over our freedoms being trampled, we are more divided than ever because of the Left/Right blinders we are supposed to wear. I hope people take them off soon.

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