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Occupy Wall Street Movement Angry at Freeloaders and Homeless Invading the Park

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posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 09:42 AM
So...a lot of the homeless are joining the (Occupy movement)....and they are being fed etc....there is no harm in that! Maybe many of them bring a willing attitude in fighting for freedom, rights, and changes. Maybe their hearts, souls and spirits are in agreement with what (Occupy) is trying to do.

For those who don't want the homeless at (Occupy) me....that is very shallow of them and it seems to me they are being non-compassionate and greedy....just like the corporations they are fighting against.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 09:43 AM
Hmm, i think organizers of those protests (I mean people workin with catering food etc) dropped a ball. They could give perfect example there, introduce some sort of system allowing homeless to do small jobs around, thus giving something to the table.
I'm sure loads of those homeless folks would just turn it down, but maybe some would leave, and some other actually pick up opportunity,

Instead it sounds like "Ewww, we dont like you homeless people, go beg somewhere else.
It was all very easy to predict, and sad they didnt think about solutions earlier.
And yes, irony of whole thing is pretty massive.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 10:07 AM
They are now fighting over money also... how it is spent and how much will be allocated to each of the 30 committees. Sounds like they are forming their own government. They even have paper work to fill out to get the money.

I couldn't make this up if I tried.
This will soon collapse into a scene from "Lord of the Flies" Everyone with a cause is getting involved now...

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 10:09 AM

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 10:09 AM

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 10:21 AM
I saw the homeless every time I went the OWS where I live. They were ignored the first, second time and by the third time I saw OWS organizers telling them to leave. When one refused, they sic'ed the cops on the guy and shoo'ed him off. That turned me off just due to hypocrisy alone.

I'm observing and still haven't decided whether I support them or not...

But I am starting to lean against after watching who they are allowing within their ranks. That and still no clear message.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 10:28 AM
Here we go again. I don't know what disturbs me more...the fact that too many people on ATS drool at the prospect of people who are actively doing something to try to change the status quo, failing, or that suddenly, the majority who are always MSM sucks this and MSM skews that, are now all for picking one interview out of the crowd, cherry picked mind you, and running with it because it confirms your wrongly pre-conceived leftist agendas correct.

Now, protesters from Portland to Los Angeles to Atlanta are trying to distinguish between homeless people who are joining their movement and those who are there for the amenities. When night falls in Portland, for instance, protesters have been dealing with fights, drunken arguments and the display of the occasional knife.

However, many homeless say the protests have helped them speak out against the economic troubles that sent them to the streets in the first place.

"The city wasn't giving us what we needed," said Joseph Gordon, 31, who trekked his way from Cincinnati two months ago and noted that there is nearly always enough food but never enough shelter. "You can't feed your problem away. It took this camp to show people how it really is."

Billy Jones, 28, provides security at the protests. Jones said he's not just looking for free food.

"Don't have the misconception that most homeless people are always out for a meal," Jones said. "I'm here because there are things I can lend that are helpful to the movement. I can get food anywhere. I don't have to be at 'Occupy Atlanta' to get food."

In Salt Lake City, protesters see working with the homeless as an opportunity to demonstrate their political views. "We can help people get out of homelessness," said organizer Jesse Fruhwirth, 30. "We have already surpassed any effort the state or city has ever made to create a sober, happy space for the homeless."

Yes, there are going to be problems with ANYONE from any label you want to slap on them. Yes, there are going to be freeloaders and people doing it just because. Yes, there are going to be malicious minded persons roaming about. Isn't that society in general though?

USA Today
edit on 26-10-2011 by Kali74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 10:43 AM

"If you're going to come here and get our food, bedding and clothing, have books and medical supplies for no charge, they need to give back," Digioia said. "There's a lot of takers here and they feel entitled."

I love it. I just absolutely love it.

How dare they feel entitled? Those darn takers!


posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by phishyblankwaters
reply to post by backinblack

I'm reading them as saying "Fine, take what you want but give something back".. Sounds reasonable to me and as someone else has mentioned, they could help clean up or aid the protesters some other way..

Indeed. And what is the major complaint right now about the camps? The filth. If these people intend to come and take residence in the middle of a protest they should at least be part of the protest, not a convenient thing to complain about.

And for the millionth time. They ARE NOT PROTESTING ABOUT WEALTH DISTRIBUTION. They are protesting because that 1% isn't paying their fare share, it really is THAT simple and no amount of butthurt and complete and utter BS the like of which other users are spewing here, will change that fact.

The core reason has been explained since day one. Just because you conservatives REFUSE to listen doesn't mean they have no voice, they do. There is a problem that needs to be addressed and we've sat by for a long time waiting for the government to fix it. What was their solution? Take YOUR TAX DOLLARS, yes, you conservatives had YOUR MONEY taken and given to the banks because they gambled and lost in a ponzi fraud scheme.

This is where I just lose my mind. I get it, most conservatives view the world through a filter that only allows them to look at how things affect THEM, the conservative talks in terms of ME. Don't take MY money, why do you want ME to pay for your life.

But it's your money being wasted, if these crooks had to pay like the rest of us there would be no reason for the government to be taxing YOU so much.

Unless you are a financier or a CEO you are the 99%.

Anyone care to give odds on how long it takes for racism to take hold over this issue?

I'm quite amazed it hasn't already. Look at Oakland, majority of the population is Black or Hispanic. Look at the entire protests as a whole, the poor are demanding that the rich live by the same rules they do, and by that you have to take into account the fact that the "poor" is made up mostly of minorities.

It really is only a matter of time IMO. One way or another this movement will be derailed.
edit on 26-10-2011 by phishyblankwaters because: (no reason given)

As simply as I can boil it down: OWS expect others to have their stuff forcibly taken by the govt and shared with them, but they do not want to freely share their stuff with those less fortunate.

Well you suck at boiling. Keep repeating that same bogus talking point, maybe if you say it enough times and loudly enough it might become true.

OWS expects the same laws and regulations that apply to the 99% apply to the 1%, they do not. It really is that simple. They don't want your money. They want you to pay the same proportionately as they do. Most of us do, but the 1% that doesn't accounts for more lost revenue than the entire 99% is paying in.

The people who need the tax breaks to survive in this joke of an economy not only don't get the break, they get higher taxes and more IRS audits because the government has basically given up trying to make the 1% actually pay up.

Here's a great example and I'm sure I could find a news story to reference....

corporate CEO evades his taxes for years, totaling millions of dollars in lost tax revenue for the government. by some miracle the IRS decides to audit him, they catch the fraud and fine him slightly, or simply strip down most of the charges and settle on something minor.

Now you go ahead and cheat on your taxes for a few years and see what happens when you get caught.

edit on 26-10-2011 by phishyblankwaters because: (no reason given)

the homeless people just want THEIR FAIR SHARE too.

but i guess theyre not worthy of it right? because they dont have mortgages they signed up for and dont want to pay now and liberal arts degrees they cant find work with, and student loans they dont want to pay back?


to the real homeless, all these idiots hanging out in the park where they arent even normally allowed to sleep and loiter, eating donated meals, singing songs and playing on their iphones ARE THE 1% they might wish to be.

they should round up every OWS protestor and deport them to N. Korea.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 12:10 PM
There is always someone with more money than you... the opposite is always true too... there is always someone with less money than you.

That then makes you the wealthier person and you should share your possessions and profits with them...

The irony in this story is overwhelming and more than a little amusing. Marxism would be great if everyone not only shared equally, but had as much passion for the ideal. However, when you throw people into the mix... you get all kinds of folks with all kinds of effort... and some with no enthusiasm nor effort what so ever... then Marxism falls apart.

That is the beauty of Capitalism... you want to work 16 hour days and make a good life for yourself... you can. If you want to eat Doritos and watch TV or play on the computer all day... you can. You can be anything you want to be.

My stepson is about the age of the majority of OWS folks.... he could be protesting about inequity and justice and priviledge.... But he is working and going to school on his own... and he is also writing, recording, and producing a Rap CD and is busy distributing and promoting it. He already has a growing following, is going to have to go into a second run of this CD, is working on a second CD and better, more professional packaging and distribution. He has a priemere party next week with 4 other bands and he is headline.

I say this as an illustration of what is possible, what he is doing on a shoe string without any help... and he is succeeding and making a little money to boot. Hey, that is the American dream....the effort of the individual to succeed to the level they aspire to. It is hard work... it takes time and may be a few years before he makes any big money or none at all... But he is trying.

The way to beat the system is to circumnavigate the system... avoid the system... do not make deals with the system.... think outside of the box. When the OWS folks and anyone else signed up for the was all there spelled out for you... you signed it anyway. When you bought a house... you knew what you were getting into... and if you didn't, you learned a valuable lesson too late.

I have to stop and go now... lunch on my farm is over. I have to go and load up some firewood to drop off this afternoon. It is being bought by an evil capitalist single mom/ real estate agent and I am going to make some evil capitalist money selling my evil capitalist firewood so i can go and buy evil capitalist things... like feed for my evil capitalist goats and pigs. I hope you have an evil capitalist day.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by AlreadyGone

I have to stop and go now... lunch on my farm is over. I have to go and load up some firewood to drop off this afternoon. It is being bought by an evil capitalist single mom/ real estate agent and I am going to make some evil capitalist money selling my evil capitalist firewood so i can go and buy evil capitalist things... like feed for my evil capitalist goats and pigs. I hope you have an evil capitalist day.

Quote of the day.

Star for you

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by phishyblankwaters

And for the millionth time. They ARE NOT PROTESTING ABOUT WEALTH DISTRIBUTION. They are protesting because that 1% isn't paying their fare share,

Lol ok whatever you say...

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by backinblack
reply to post by macman

Where are you going with this??

I don't see an issue with them asking for a little in return for their generosity..

I would like to know also, where are you going with this? The PROPAGANDA machine and paid shills at work again trying to derail the occupy wall street peoples and also the tea party people to make it look like they are all a bunch of people protesting over nothing really matters. When really it does matter. First it was said that everyone had different signs up saying different things. SO WHAT. they made them look stupid and disbanneded. Now some paid shills in the croud trying to insight violence. WHO ARE THE SHILL'S ANYWAYS AND WHO PAYS THEM? The movements are perfectly clear. WE ARE FED UP WITH ALL YOU PUT US THRU. Each sign is different. YES. Each portrays what is going on in the world and is getting worse all the time. These are the americans who really care for change, right NOW. Just follow the camera's, i'm sure a paid shill is right next to it saying and acting stupid purposefully as a way to cut down the people's protest. Those peoples usually are few in numbers and are visually in sight of all the camera's.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 07:41 PM
If you can't afford a .17 package of Ramen noodles OWS doesn't want your help.


The Irony

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by cloaked4u

Yep, because if you oppose OWS, then you are a shill.

Ok then.

Grasping at straws aren't we??

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:40 PM

And for the millionth time. They ARE NOT PROTESTING ABOUT WEALTH DISTRIBUTION. They are protesting because that 1% isn't paying their fare share,

That also made me laugh out loud. THIS quote is why mainstream America doesn't care for OWS. I'm sure the contradiction is lost on many...

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by GeorgiaGirl
That also made me laugh out loud. THIS quote is why mainstream America doesn't care for OWS. I'm sure the contradiction is lost on many...

Agree, this whole 'not paying their fair share' is a laugh. What this movement lacks is actual data about money flow from bank cartels to FED and IMF, and economics consequences this flow had.

Public needs hard facts about bailouts that happened, and implications they raised.

Billions were spent to bailout banks in so many countries. Banks that are tightly tied with each other. Taxpayers will have to pay their credits, thats caused a 'bubble' and the bailout over years. Sick greed of banking system.

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