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An Idea - Running to the banks en masse (Nov. 5)

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posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 09:18 PM
I've procrastinated in creating this topic. I tried last night and spent so much time prefacing the now abandoned thread with rules that this site establishes and how I'm not breaking them by making this topic. I spend so much time looking through the United States Code, and looking up the definitions of Economic Terrorism to see if there was relevant case law that would defend my right to post this thread. However, I've lost care. Mods, ban me, warn me or step out of my damn way. I'm not soliciting members to do anything. This is not a call to political or social action. If you view it that way, it's your own fault for being so anal retentive.

Now, to the thread.

I see many people complaining about OWS and the protests that are taking place world wide. Many naysayers are out there doubting not only the message, but the effectiveness of the people standing together. Let me help you all see further than your own nose.

Have you ever considered that there was a plan, a solid plan to use the power of the people to actually strike at the ruling institutions? No, I speak not of heads of state, governments, or petty corporations. I'm talking bankers, zionists, and those who think they remain hidden in the upper most part of the pyramid. The protests, on their own, are nothing. Let me provide you with a Peter Rollins quote about a certain movie that we should all be familiar with:

Text…in the second and third installments [of The Matrix Trilogy], we discover something truly surprising. This group of freedom fighters who have dedicated themselves to the destruction of the machines are actually supported by the machines. The machines secretly encourage the freedom fighters, help them build Zion, and provide them with their Messiah. We learn that there have been many cities before Zion and many Messaihs before Neo. We thus discover that Neo is not really on the side of freedom but actually a vital part of the oppressive system itself. It turns out that the machines initially attempted to build a Matrix where rebellion was impossible, a world that was, however, modeled upon human perfection. But the results were disastrous; it failed. The machines realized that people needed to have the ability to fight. Hence they created release valves in the system, opportunities for people to resist in a way that was ultimately authorized by those in control. In short, the freedom fighters were the very thing that the system allowed in order to ensure nothing significant really changed. Indeed, true change only happens when an anomaly enters the world of the machines.

Protesting is a joke. They allow us to perform this action. Our dissent allows for steam to be released without the pressure building up too much. They expect us to be docile and emotionally crippled after generations of propaganda and comfort. They assault your mind, your emotional sanctuary, and your spiritual divinity everyday and you wouldn't be the wiser. This is why your daughter has body image issues that you do not know about. This is why your son has a skewed perspective on what it means to be a man. This is why racism, sexism, homophobia, intolerance, and ignorance exists. You may see it as religion, You may think it to be a simple social structure, you may call them harmless advertisements, and you may think of them with your subconscious only; but, you are still infected with the spiritual virus that they have released. You, however, are stronger than that. You are more, something divine. Not just you, but your neighbor who is being foreclosed upon, your nephew who has been laid off, your mother who's medicare has been cut, and your brother who's future is all but gone. You, all together, are more powerful than they can allow. So, they separate you, and lift veils of illusion so that you see nothing but the jagged duality of imagination. But...what if there was a plan, a plan that you all couldn't see because of preconceived notions of failure.

You're designed to see these protests as failures, or at best see them as at least addressing the issues that need to be addressed. You're designed to be happy with some governmental action, some new jobs bill that will "make everything a little better." You were even designed to be conspiracy theorists, and armchair coffee shop revolutionaries, effecting no real change. However, what if I told you there was a plan. A plan that would rely upon your consent, and your consent alone. What if I told you that it was as easy as going out on one Saturday morning and doing something that would take no longer than 10 minutes? What if I told you that gathering the protestors and gaining media attention was only the first step to a greater plan?

You the people are the hand. Gathering you was an exercise in having the fingers curl. The fist is being made each and every day that these protests persist. Far too often, in history, the punch is never thrown. We assume that outbreaks of violence that results in regime change are equivalent to the blow...but how wrong are we in our assumptions. Violence is only the fist relaxing into a palm once more. They expect your violence, or your content nature. Violence only begets a new regime with the same institutions and shadow players that support it. Let us not relax our unified fist, let us curl it even tighter and focus on the coming blow to the elite.

This punch will be powerful, not enough to topple the shadow players...that comes later. This blow is to initiate the coming battle and to set the playing field in our house. We hit them where they least expect to be hit. We hit them where they were arrogant enough, for the first time in recorded history, to flaunt as a imaginary falsehood that is given arbitrary value. We hit them in their money bags. For the first time, you the people control the flow of money. You control it, they have allowed you to do so in their arrogance and sense of security. Now you have the ability to stand United and strike into the shadows, past the political puppets and figureheads.

On November 5th, we as a United People. Yellow, Black, White, Red, American, European, Asian, Oceanic...we have the ability to Occupy the controlled opposition and strike back with the first Global Economic Rebellion. We have the ability to crash what they sought to build. We have the ability to pull the foundation from their tower of control.
On November 5th, we have the ability to turn one insignificant Saturday into a day when we have a few extra physical dollars within our pockets. That will be enough to rock them, to make them lose their footing. That will be enough to make this game a little more balanced. All it takes is a Saturday morning drive and reclamation of currency from your account. All it takes is 10 mins.

Just food for thought. An idea. A goal. A mission...or maybe not. Its just the very LEGAL ramblings of a young man with a little time on his hands on a cold Friday night. I purpose nothing illegal, and I do not want you to act (mods, see here, I am not calling for action). Instead, I want you to discuss an idea.

Discuss my flow of consciousness may be sloppy, but hopefully you get the gist.
edit on 21-10-2011 by TheOneElectric because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 09:32 PM
I believe you are correct: The 5th is on a Saturday. That would be a weekend and quite a few banks are open only until noon on Saturdays and have limited services on weekends.
Expect the banks to do the following.
They will simply not open for business on Saturday. This should have been scheduled on a weekday.
A weekend is far to easy for a bank to excuse out of simply by closing doors and limiting services using that excuse.
Everyone knows ahead of time. Have you wondered why the MSM and the Government doesn't seem too concerned about this? They have a plan to. Weekend limited services. I don't know who came up with the date but you can bet they have it all in hand.
It should be very interesting to see how it all turns out.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by DavidsHope

Closing the banks on that Saturday would be a consent to actively pull money the following week, plus initiate phase 3. I am guessing what phase three of the legitimate resistance is, and I find it to really involve us in an actual conflict of interest with those who think themselves our masters.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by TheOneElectric

The Matrix was designed to allow the protests as a venting of steam. They allow us to protest knowing it will do no good. Our minds have been conditioned to think that changing laws or politicians will have an effect, but it won't.

Why isn't your plan just a steam release that's being permitted?

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by charles1952

It's not my plan.

It's a focus on neither the symptoms or the cancer within the host, for the body is terminally ill. This is a focus on curing the cancer, by eliminating it's origins. The first step in eliminating any type of cancer, is to understand the cancer's origins, its genetic code and how it begins to establish its roots. We can see that the illusion itself is the structure of its genetic code...but what is a good illusion without a fantastic slight of hand coupled with a flashy distraction? The financial institutions are key to revealing the illusion as a whole. Undermine the financial institutions and the structure of the cancer will become a rubix cube just a few moves from being solved.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by TheOneElectric

Pay close attention to the second paragraph. It's real easy... Take a sharpie or a pen and "brand the scam."

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 10:31 PM
Dear TheOneElectric,

Please forgive my ignorance, thank you for your response and patience. And, fine, it's not your plan.

It's a focus on neither the symptoms or the cancer within the host, for the body is terminally ill. This is a focus on curing the cancer, by eliminating it's origins. The first step in eliminating any type of cancer, is to understand the cancer's origins, its genetic code and how it begins to establish its roots.

My question, which I phrased poorly, is how do you know that you have found the threatening cancer? After all, TPTB don't seem to be taking any action against those who want to attack banks, or OWS, or anyone else for that matter. Could that be seen as evidence that people are shooting at the wrong target and the bull's-eye isn't the financial markets?

We can see that the illusion itself is the structure of its genetic code...but what is a good illusion without a fantastic slight of hand coupled with a flashy distraction? The financial institutions are key to revealing the illusion as a whole. Undermine the financial institutions and the structure of the cancer will become a rubix cube just a few moves from being solved.
Isn't it just as likely that financial institutions aren't the key to anything? Besides, there will always be a system where some people can "reward" others in some way, even without financial markets. Barter, and trading beads and shells come to mind, along with roving gangs, as alternate systems

You may be right, and I admire certain aspects of your writing, but the argument still seems to be naked assertion.

With respect,

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 10:37 PM
While protests do allow the protesters to blow off some steam, that does not by any means mean that they will not lead to greater change. Throughout history there have been unorganized protests that have turned into all out revolutions, and despite the police state, they were successful.

Granted, many lives were lost, but eventually the elites lose their only advantage, which is physical control via the military and police forces. I completely agree with most of what you are saying, and hitting the banks in their pocketbooks is the only peaceful way to shift some power back to the people.

Even though Nov. 5 is a Saturday, that doesn't mean the withdrawals cannot continue throughout the following week. I would expect them to. Nov. 5 could just be the beginning, with the following week or more being the final nail in the coffin of hypocrisy.

Time will tell, and hopefully something good comes from this. But as with many things, there will be a period of suffering before anything gets better, at least in my opinion. I just hope that the people can unite and not become discouraged. Everyone just needs to remember that there is a greater plan, and that if we keep up what has been proposed, we can initiate change for the greater good.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by charles1952

You post truth. In all honesty, I can not know. However, from my observation of history and the current system, the main problem seems to be the object of scarcity. It is when we either take away what they deem scarce, or deny them value to what they deem scarce that we find the whole root source.

So to be more specific, it is not the currency always, but this time it happens to be the currency. It could be gold, oil, platinum, salt or whatever they give false value to. It is truly that thing that they control and regulate which is the root. The complete structure of the thing is their ability to decree value. We have to undermine them one step at a time. The financial blow that could occur on the fifth is meant to knock the players from the shadows so that a partial reveal may occur. Once this happens, we will see and know how they are able to bestow value upon things.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by TheOneElectric

Dear TheOneElectric,

I appreciate your kind response. It opens doors to your thinking that I hadn't seen before. I'm sure you'll grant me time to allow the ideas to swirl through my thoughts. It will, no doubt, be of great benefit to me.

With respect,

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by TheOneElectric

The slightest smell of tulips... Makes you wonder where are heads have been at.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 01:03 AM
Let me be sure I understand this.. your calling for all people to go to the bank and close out their accounts?

How many would need to do this to make a dent?

What about business accounts?

You said it wasn't your plan.. who's plan was it? Are they advertising this en mass? I have not heard about this before now. If they cannot get this out en mass then it cannot make a dent.

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

Then we set up a new date, and we revise the plan until it's perfect.

Occupy Wallstreet gave us a voice.
The media gave us the exposure.
Now we have the ability, all of us lower class humans, to make our dent.

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 02:37 AM
reply to post by TheOneElectric

What's more a joke than protests is people who are obsessed with movies and base their 'logic' on the 'reality' within a movie.

If you're too much of a coward to get out and protest, just keep watching movies while they take the heat. What a joke to sit here and criticize people standing up for your rights.

To show you how powerful the protests are is to see to the extent they went at making sure lots of violent action against protestors was publicized. That was a way to discourage the protesting because it is powerful when people stand together.

Go back to your fantasy land.

And, no, I didn't read the rest of your post after I read you knocking the protestors.

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