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Social Security is being saved by the economic gauntlet..

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posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 09:22 AM
short, sweet and to the point..

As many know, and some do not. The social security takes into consideration the last five years wages as adetermining factor in benefit amount.

So, if everyone gets a huge paycut, then retire, their SS checks will be drastically lower..

could the manufactured recession be part of the way to shaft people into working some loser minimum wage (under 15 $hr) to save the SS system.. Instead of paying out based on the previous persons salary..which was say $28 hr.. Over the life of a retiree, or SSI (disablity/welfare) would be a huge savings..

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 11:09 AM
Any money saved in this fashion will be spent to cover any other 'department's shortcomings, or budget cuts. That is how Clinton created a 'surplus', he raided SS coffers.

In fact, it is common practice to dry up SS funds to cover losses. Can you take money out of your savings account without consequence? Well so can they!

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