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Political correctness versus the truth

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posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 02:36 AM
It seems to me that ever since 'political correctness' has been introduced, the truth has gone.

If we don't face the truth, we face lies.

Let's get rid of this rubbish 'political correctness' and speak the truth. 'Political correctness' equals lies.

"The truth will make you free."

It is lies that are ruining our lives.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 02:52 AM
It's not lies as such, it's just not the truth, its when people dont want to listen, when they've been forced to feel ashamed or embarassed about things our great great greatgrandparents did etc. Doesn't matter that was a different time. PC is not wanting to face issues you know you need to, but would rather wait and leave it for the next generation to clear up, or continue sweeping under the carpet.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 06:39 AM
reply to post by catwhoknowsplusone

It seems to me that people are ALL too concerned about saying the right thing or worrying about hurting or offending someone else... Many conservative people throw the phrase "political correctness" around as something VERY negative, and generally employed by the political left. But then when THEY are offended or hurt, they don't think a thing of complaining that others should be more sensitive to them...

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by catwhoknowsplusone
It seems to me that ever since 'political correctness' has been introduced, the truth has gone.

If we don't face the truth, we face lies.

Let's get rid of this rubbish 'political correctness' and speak the truth. 'Political correctness' equals lies.

"The truth will make you free."

It is lies that are ruining our lives.

Okay, but you're being pretty vague here. The Tea Party has their version of political correctness, and the granola Liberals have their version. Which version is pissing you off? And how do you know the difference between truth and political correctness? I was part of a poll worker training class (a fun little temporary job teaching these folks) yesterday, and some guy was fuming about that very issue, only his version of political correctness was that "it wasn't until women were told that they couldn't smoke or drink during pregnancy that we started having all these things going wrong with kids."

I said, "Really? What things are those?"

He said, "You know, like ADD, and autism, and all that crap. It didn't exist when I was a kid."

I asked him how old he was, and he said 53 yrs old. So, I told him that I'm 55 and my mother smoked, and I have ADD. He laughed and said "No you don't."

I didn't really have anything to come back with, since it was obvious that he had the truth all sewn up regardless of what I replied with. Besides, if I'd done what I really wanted to do to the idiot, I would've lost my job. After all, eliminating his wife's most virulent regret isn't what I was hired to do, and employers are pretty specific about moonlighting on the job.

I get these kinds of emails all the time, and from people who open-CC everyone on the list (like most neophytes and older folks tend to). It's as if they've just discovered their fingers and can't keep them out of their noses during dinner.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 07:18 AM
political correctness is just a way of restricting freedom of speech and a way to make the truth seem like a bad thing. The number one tactic of disinformation propaganda is to articulately state (some of) the truth and then label it unpatriotic or racist so that in the future when weak minded individuals come across the truth they will think it is racist. This only works for really dumb people because if you do it to smart people they will see the truth and the propaganda will be revealed for what it is.
edit on 18-10-2011 by filosophia because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 11:13 AM
I most always tell the truth, even when it hurts. I place a high value on honesty. Like if i had a fat girlfriend, and she came up to me and said, "do these jeans make me look fat?", I would say yes.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by catwhoknowsplusone

Political Correctness...what a crock of horse *manure*. That's about as politically correct as I'm gonna get.
What ever happened to a man speaking his mind ? Telling it like it is ? Calling a spade a spade ?
Anyone who bends to political correctness is a weak-minded individual who is afraid of getting the arse kicked by someone who "might" be offended. It is a disgusting concept, and renders the person who employs it a quivering, spineless mass of useless flesh. Not only does it emasculate, but after years of it's wide acceptance, it reverses everything. Now what once was right, is now wrong. What once was considered evil is now good.
Political correctness is destroying Western Civilization. And the PC idiots can't even see it because they are too afraid that if they do they will offend someone.
I could go on, but why even bother. There will be somebody along soon who will label me as insensitive, redneck, or racist or some such crap. Watch and see.

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