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OWS Resorting To Capitalism To Support Their Anti-Captalism Cause

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posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by mugger
reply to post by Evolutionsend

They could support the cause by killing a few billionaires.

Really??? Killing anyone has accomplished what exactly? Two World Wars in our recent past.. So killing someone rectifies the problem? Keep speaking like that and your audience will be gone in a heartbeat.. So if your killing scenario happens... then what? Do we sing around the campfire?

The billionaires money is not even "on" wall street. What are you going to do after you murder the CEO? Steal his art and his wife's china? It's not like you can steal his account numbers or his proxy votes in the corporate boards he sits on.

But maybe the joy of killing some ugly old white men will keep the movement alive.

Sort of like Dracula, drinking the blood over others to stay alive forever, if only dwelling in darkness....

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 08:19 PM
I guess all the Koch Bro's NewsMax and Fox News flunkies got the talking points in the mail this week that said:
"CALL THE OCCUPY WALL STREET PEOPLE ANTI CAPITALISTS!!" as this is about the 4th post in a row trying to say this.

Unfortunately for the 1%'ers- most Americans by now realize that a Feudalistic Corporofascist Oligarchy has taken over our financial system and now the political system.

If you aren't fighting it - and you aren't the 1% - then you are like a fat chicken supporting Col. Sanders.

Or maybe you are lapping the crumbs they toss you under the table like a starving cur.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 08:21 PM
You must exploit a system in order to take it down. You must use the tools given in order to dissemble the machine. Given the system in place this is one of the few ways to "raise money" with the only other being a hostile violent taking of funds and/or wealth.

Would that be preferable?

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 08:40 PM
Just amazing the hypocrisy coming from the supposed "99%". Capitalism is evil, but it's OK for us. Soon they'll be sending in campaign contributions to the Democrats. Just watch.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 08:42 PM
I do think that there’s one secret that members of this movement need to learn.

What’s this secret? The power of one.

You see, right now this movement is a disjointed mess. Between inarticulate speakers filled with socialist rhetoric and a dress code reminiscent of Woodstock, there’s one thing missing.

The protesters need one clear, specific course of action, not general outrage at some vague villain named “Wall Street.”

I can think of plenty of changes that need to happen to get the economy on firmer ground. Two, in particular, are ideas that this group of protesters, along with the general public, could rally around.

First, bring back some form of Glass-Steagall. This Depression-Era legislation was designed to separate traditional banking from investment banking. Its repeal in the late 1990s allowed banks to increase the amount of leverage they could use. Given this power, banks set out to create and employ products like derivatives that substantially increased the use of leverage.

While I’m not a fan of government interventions in the market, limiting leverage will do more good than harm. The original law worked. Its repeal allowed for the housing bubble. In your personal life, you separate the cash you need to pay your bills from your investments. If bankers are held to the same standard, we’d likely see less wild booms and busts.

Second, it’s time to impose term limits on members of Congress. The longest-serving members get top committee assignments, and huge corporate donations. It’s also the reason why a lifelong renter like Barney Frank could end up running a committee on housing, where he could claim that one of his top donors, Fannie Mae, was in sound financial condition right before it went bankrupt.

History doesn’t record much of the reason behind the twenty-second amendment, which imposed term limits on the presidency. But it passed Congress in 1947, just as America was starting to emerge from a Great Depression whose depth and severity was caused, in part, by the economic policies of a willful president with a poor understanding of market incentives.

I can understand the frustration of protesters. But blaming Wall Street or a weak economy for the results of your own choices isn’t the answer.

It’s easier to create change from within.

So, pick one change to rally around, then pack it up and go find work. I didn’t say find a job, because there might not be one. Create your own. Innovate.

Call me a protester protester, but spending your time outraged that someone has it better than you doesn’t make your life better. It just makes you look petty and jealous. It detracts you from living your life to the fullest.

If only a small fraction of the protesters created their own jobs and businesses through entrepreneurial derring-do, we’d all be too busy enjoying the fruits of a robust economy to care about those who have managed to do better.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 08:56 PM
I think OWS is really supporting my signature and what John Adams said. Many of the anti-capitalists are simply fed up with corporatism and their anger is directed at the wrong thing. It is understandable though that Americans could be confused about this, because our government tells us what we have right now is capitalism, and it is not.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 01:21 AM

Originally posted by Ferris.Bueller.II
Just amazing the hypocrisy coming from the supposed "99%". Capitalism is evil, but it's OK for us. Soon they'll be sending in campaign contributions to the Democrats. Just watch.

You know you are just repeating talking points for your banking overlords.
OWS isn't saying that capitalism is evil-
They are saying that gambling with peoples money and then rigging the game is evil.
They are saying that buying political favors is evil.
They are saying that organized theft is evil.

Now by supporting the thieves and fraudsters - what are you saying is evil?

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by dc4lifeskater
They are not anti-capitalists

They are anti- government and corporations doing illegal things and stealing money from the american citizens and putting us in more and more debt and starting a war every few years while everything in the US goes to #. While using capitalism as an excuse to say well this is how capitalism works... no its not how capitalism works, capitalism is not insider trading, back room deals, giving contracts to friends and family, gambling away pensions, ponzi schemes, ect

Maybe you should read the definition again yourself and if you can say that we live in a capitalist society that is being run correctly and fairly then you are just another sheep.

The system has been manipulated to keep rich people rich and poor people poor yes there are the few in there that happen to make it from poor to rich but often times its not by hard work and doing the right thing as it should be.

Greed and corruption are rewarded with status and $$$ that is not the america my grandfather and great grandfather fought for.

They are not anti-govt. They want govt intervention. They want the govt to soak....errr tax the rich. They want the govt to do all sorts of things. And yes, most of them appear to be anti corporation....and anti capitalist too, but like all good socialists, they know that the ends justify the starving artists there, they are going to do what they have to.

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