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Italian astronomer depicts primordial collision in Uranus, EXACTLY as told on Sumerian ENUMA ELISH.

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posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by Illustronic
The Sumerians had no way of detecting Uranus's existence for one thing, another thing is that 14 to 17.5 AU distance between Uranus and the main asteroid belt, doesn't make me want to lay down smart money on this block of garbage.

Uranus was found on March 13th, 1781 by Sir William Herschel of England.

So how do you explain the famous sumerian tablet that depict Ten Planets plus Sun and Moon more than 6,000 years ago?

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 01:29 AM

Originally posted by Arken

Originally posted by Illustronic
The Sumerians had no way of detecting Uranus's existence for one thing, another thing is that 14 to 17.5 AU distance between Uranus and the main asteroid belt, doesn't make me want to lay down smart money on this block of garbage.

Uranus was found on March 13th, 1781 by Sir William Herschel of England.

So how do you explain the famous sumerian tablet that depict Ten Planets plus Sun and Moon more than 6,000 years ago?

He doesn't!!

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 01:29 AM
I'm sick of these thread-wreckers of ATS pretending to be experts in Sumerian cosmogony. They insist in claiming that NIBIRU is not a Sumerian word, but it IS and it's mentioned many times along the ENUMA ELISH:


He (Marduk) made the stations for the great gods;
The stars, their images, as the stars of the Zodiac, he fixed.
He ordained the year and into sections he divided it;
For the twelve months he fixed three stars.
After he had ... the days of the year ... images,
He founded the station of Nibir [the planet Jupiter] to determine their bounds;
That none might err or go astray,
He set the station of Bel and Ea along with him.
He opened great gates on both sides,
He made strong the bolt on the left and on the right.
In the midst thereof he fixed the zenith;
The Moon-god he caused to shine forth, the night he entrusted to him.
He appointed him, a being of the night, to determine the days;
Every month without ceasing with the crown he covered him, saying:
"At the beginning of the month, when thou shinest upon the land,
Thou commandest the horns to determine six days,
And on the seventh day to divide the crown.
On the fourteenth day thou shalt stand opposite, the half....
When the Sun-god on the foundation of heaven...thee,
The ... thou shalt cause to ..., and thou shalt make his...
... unto the path of the Sun-god shalt thou cause to draw nigh,
And on the ... day thou shalt stand opposite, and the Sun-god shall...
... to traverse her way.
... thou shalt cause to draw nigh, and thou shalt judge the right.
... to destroy..."

... the star, which shineth in the heavens.
May he hold the Beginning and the Future, may they pay homage unto him,
Saying, "He who forced his way through the midst of Tiamat without resting,
Let his name be Nibiru, 'the Seizer of the Midst'!
For the stars of heaven he upheld the paths,
He shepherded all the gods like sheep!
He conquered Tiamat, he troubled and ended her life,"
In the future of mankind, when the days grow old,
May this be heard without ceasing; may it hold sway forever!
Since he created the realm of heaven and fashioned the firm earth,
The Lord of the World," the father Bel hath called his name.
This title, which all the Spirits of Heaven proclaimed,
Did Ea hear, and his spirit was rejoiced, and he said:
"He whose name his fathers have made glorious,
Shall be even as I, his name shall be Ea!
The binding of all my decrees shall he control,
All my commands shall he make known! "
By the name of "Fifty " did the great gods
Proclaim his fifty names, they, made his path preeminent.

edit on 10/8/2011 by 1AnunnakiBastard because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 01:31 AM

Originally posted by Arken

Originally posted by Illustronic
The Sumerians had no way of detecting Uranus's existence for one thing, another thing is that 14 to 17.5 AU distance between Uranus and the main asteroid belt, doesn't make me want to lay down smart money on this block of garbage.

Uranus was found on March 13th, 1781 by Sir William Herschel of England.

So how do you explain the famous sumerian tablet that depict Ten Planets plus Sun and Moon more than 6,000 years ago?

It doesn't I'm afraid.
Recent translations suggest that this was simply Venus.
I was astounded when I first read Zecharia Sitchin's translation of the Sumerian tablets and was an ardent follower of his teachings until I read Michael S Heiser's debunking. Zecharia had, unfortunately, used 'artist's licence' and used his own interpretations. When Michael pointed out these faults he added that nowhere in the Sumerian Tablets are the Anunnaki or Nibiru mentioned and explained Zecharia's mistaken interpretations fully.
Christian and Barbara Joy O'Brian's "Genius of the Few" will give you a much better insight.

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 01:41 AM

Originally posted by OzTiger

Originally posted by Arken

Originally posted by Illustronic
The Sumerians had no way of detecting Uranus's existence for one thing, another thing is that 14 to 17.5 AU distance between Uranus and the main asteroid belt, doesn't make me want to lay down smart money on this block of garbage.

Uranus was found on March 13th, 1781 by Sir William Herschel of England.

So how do you explain the famous sumerian tablet that depict Ten Planets plus Sun and Moon more than 6,000 years ago?

It doesn't I'm afraid.
Recent translations suggest that this was simply Venus.
I was astounded when I first read Zecharia Sitchin's translation of the Sumerian tablets and was an ardent follower of his teachings until I read Michael S Heiser's debunking. Zecharia had, unfortunately, used 'artist's licence' and used his own interpretations. When Michael pointed out these faults he added that nowhere in the Sumerian Tablets are the Anunnaki or Nibiru mentioned and explained Zecharia's mistaken interpretations fully.
Christian and Barbara Joy O'Brian's "Genius of the Few" will give you a much better insight.

I have to burst your Zecharia-Sitchin-debunked bubble, because the word NIBIRU DOES APPEAR in the ENUMA ELISH, which is originally Sumerian, not Akkadian. I just posted the verses above:

And a team of researchers of Cambridge University released audio files containing translations of Sumerian tablets, and the ANUNNAKI also appear just like told by Sitchin:

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 01:41 AM
Double post.
edit on 10/8/2011 by 1AnunnakiBastard because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 02:02 AM
reply to post by Arken

Ah yes. The twelfth planet. There's a problem with that.

When Sitchin wrote his book (based on that seal) there were nine known planets (Pluto had not been demoted yet). So, counting the Sun and the Moon (I wonder why Ganymede didn't count as a planet if the Moon did), there were 11. And Nibiru makes 12. The 12th planet...right?

But what about Eris, Sedna and Quaoar. They are all comparable to Pluto, why leave them out? Shouldn't Nibiru be the 15th "planet"? If it was the Annunaki who "revealed" the "12th Planet"...what happened? They knew about Pluto but not the others? How can that be? They only knew about the planets that were known at the time Sitchin wrote his book (+1). Interesting.

Sitchin's interpretation is nonsense. It was based on incomplete astronomy (really ridiculous astronomy on his part) and a weak understanding of Sumerian symbology.

edit on 10/8/2011 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 03:05 AM
reply to post by 1AnunnakiBastard

Many thanks for your video's which I have watched but I remain unconvinced by them.
I have read Michel S Heiser especially his:

SITCHIN IS WRONG.COM where he gives the translation of the words Nibiru and Anunnaki and then challenges anyone to find them in the sumerian texts and especially the so-called elliptical orbit. Sitchin died in 2009 but Heiser challenged him to a debate many times and well before this but to no avail.
I will be forever interested in this subject as I do believe in the interpretations regarding the interference to our DNA by extraterrestrial visitors but believe Mr Sitchin's version is somewhat exaggerated.

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 07:23 AM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by Arken

Ah yes. The twelfth planet. There's a problem with that.

When Sitchin wrote his book (based on that seal) there were nine known planets (Pluto had not been demoted yet). So, counting the Sun and the Moon (I wonder why Ganymede didn't count as a planet if the Moon did), there were 11. And Nibiru makes 12. The 12th planet...right?

But what about Eris, Sedna and Quaoar. They are all comparable to Pluto, why leave them out? Shouldn't Nibiru be the 15th "planet"? If it was the Annunaki who "revealed" the "12th Planet"...what happened? They knew about Pluto but not the others? How can that be? They only knew about the planets that were known at the time Sitchin wrote his book (+1). Interesting.

Sitchin's interpretation is nonsense. It was based on incomplete astronomy (really ridiculous astronomy on his part) and a weak understanding of Sumerian symbology.

edit on 10/8/2011 by Phage because: (no reason given)

Well, at least one Australian astronomer, EXPERT in Mesopotamian astronomy and one American scholar EXPERT in Mesopotamian archeology, CORROBORATE Zecharia Sitchin:

I suggest you read their researches and their profiles, before saying that Sitchin's understanding on Sumerian symbols is "weak" and "ridiculous".

And the ENUMA ELISH depicts NIBIRU as an outpost (space) station, built by MARDUK:

The Fifth Tablet

1. He.(i.e. Marduk) made the stations for the great gods;
2. The stars, their images, as the stars of the Zodiac, he fixed.
3. He ordained the year and into sections he divided it;
4. For the twelve months he fixed three stars.
5. After he had [...] the days of the year [...] images,
6. He founded the station of Nibir 1to determine their bounds;

edit on 10/8/2011 by 1AnunnakiBastard because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by 1AnunnakiBastard

Your first source says this.

The 'fixed-star' catalogue of the Mul.Apin series contains 60 rising and setting stars, 6 circumpolar stars, and 5 planets.)
Not ten planets, five. The five planets which are visible to the naked eye. No corroboration here. No mention of Nibiru other than a name sometimes applied to Jupiter (as Heisner also points out).

Your second and third source doesn't corraborate Sitchin, he uses Sitchin as a source.

The Seven (and more) Planetary Gods

(adapted from Z. Sitchin, "The 12th Planet", all definitions by Sitchin)

But at least Pope has a bit of sense.

Although this is not a blanket endorsement of Sitchin's complete body of work, many of his conclusions about the ancient pantheon can now be confirmed in the most spectacular way.
But it doesn't look like Pope is really an "EXPERT in Mesopotamian archeology",

Drawing on the works of Zecharia Sitchin and others, this piece will open new vistas of inquiry for you. I can't seem to find his CV anywhere. Can you provide it?

A space station? Seriously? (Did you miss the footnote in your source? Where your quote has the number "1"? Try clicking on it.)


79:1 Jupiter
Do you understand what the verse is about? It's about Marduk creating the heavens, arranging the stars and assigning the gods their own parts of the sky. Marduk "stations" Jupiter (see your source above) to make sure the stars stay where they're supposed to be. A couple of other translations:

When he had marked the limits of the year, he gave them Nebiru, the pole of the universe, to hold their course, that never erring they should not stray through the sky.

He founded the station of Nibir [the planet Jupiter] to determine their bounds;

Put in or assign to a specified place for a particular purpose, esp. a military one: "troops were stationed in the town".

edit on 10/8/2011 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 09:29 PM
I'm elated (but not surprised)this umpteenth thing I've found just this week confirming what I have discovered completely on my own (without Sitchin) my trouble with his translations is they don't have curious repetitious rhythm that the actual texts have (which I believe is the signature of the Anunna mind.)

the Sumerian texts,The books of Enoch and the Atarahasis all corroborate and fill each out . taken together and with information in the Bible they fill in the puzzles and answer the questions of the ages

all other civilizations records confirm them and support their truths ,having for so long now been so accustomed to understanding these things ,it's hard for me to remember what it was like when I was like Phage, and fighting for anything but this to be true. I finally had to capitulate , and accept it these texts are simply the real deal,actual accounts of people who knew and walked with these 'others' sometimes in love and sometimes in all out war.

1AnnunakiBastard this is great thread and I am proud you are my friend(you probably didn't even know that!)

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 11:06 PM
As one of the qualified translators brought to our attention it is not simply the translation but the very complicated way in which the language has changed over the centuries. Our own language differs greatly from what it was a mere 200 years ago with accents and dialects forever changing. One word on its own has a meaning but totally different when connected with another word. The four letters 'ough' are simple enough but bough, cough and dough are all pronounced differently and have totally different meanings.
Zecharia Sitchin has indeed opened up a huge amount of information through his intensive studies over the years but scholars of the Sumerian, Aramaic and Hebrew languages have picked up on the grammar which has affected some of his translations.
There are thousands of these tablets yet to be made available for translation which will, I'm sure, bring further in-depth debate and discussion.

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