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Purpose of Fame, Personas and the Dream World

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posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 05:48 PM
Now most people may say they have never or don't have this desire but I think it is innate in all of us, maybe the attention makes this reality more concrete and believable or just easier to live in when people around us to verify our existence regularly.

I do not think just fame is the only way we can do this, people can also do this through developing varying degrees of personas. For example lets say the high school persona, you fall in with the goths, jocks, skaters, pretty girls, outcast, nerds. Some do not like the category they are thrown into so they may try everything in their power to change peoples perception about them, so come summer they are almost completely a different person, maybe over that 3 months all there acne went away and they were hitting the weights everyday. Now their persona has change, they are aware of this change so they embrace the change and identify with it.

From here past the age eighteen we may go through multiple persona changes of who we think we are who we identify with what are morals are who we surround ourselves with, how we want our family to perceive us. Some do not care how their family perceives them then others mold themselves based on what their family will think if dressed a certain way or got that tattoo in a certain area.

Eventually we will settle into one area were we feel most comfortable for long periods of times sometimes never changing but in some cases drastic changes can occur. I think in almost every person you can figure out their category they are putting themselves into, from hipsters, punkers, activist, usually its about fitting in and feeling they belong but I believe most of it is the idea of the perception people have of them. By that I mean sometimes at peoples inner cores this is who they are, i.e. males becoming females females becoming males, its like a playing a note on a guitar, it won't sound good unless its string is tuned appropriately.

Throughout life I feel we are all trying to tune ourselves to what is most natural, some from a early age fall exactly into their destined paths, some may always be going against the current never choosing the most natural path.

We are living in a dream world that just happens to have a very real physicality to it, where death is possible, not everything you try to manifest will manifest, the love you give may not be returned. Just think in the dream world as soon as you doze off your kind of picking up from where you left off, you remember the familiarity of the dream its like going back to your old stomping grounds that you spent alot of time at, its all very familar, you cannot die, you can fly though, you can create anything you can imagine, can love whoever you want and get whoever you want, and feels just as real as this world. I'm sure many of you have started to fall in your dream and jolted out of bed, been attacked and punched at the air.

If we look at the dream world in parallel to this physical reality, I think its the very reason why video games are so subconciously hypnotizing and powerfully addicting, I should know I quit gaming a few years ago and was just as hard as quitting smoking. Now inside these games you cannot die you can fly, you can create, you can manifest, you can go up and talk to any and all the female polygons that you can desire. You have your persona, you can become very popular person in a game from becoming good at it, maybe making funny videos about it so from within that non phsyical reality you are gaining fame/attention, money, strength/power, invincibility, love, friendship, and recognition.

Now I think videos games is probably the best example of how we try to project the dream world on to this reality to try to make it more manageable, but sure you can find more examples from an actor in a play that comes back to life after each showing receiving attention that they desire. A writer who can create full worlds through just words and in essence become god. We really are all just actors playing a part, some of us have real #ty roles and some have better ones through are limited perspective, a very rich person could think they have the most horrible life and a poor person could have an amazing life.

I think the talked a bout shift that is predicted to occur soon in the near future will combine a physical type world with non physical rules, pretty much like neo jacking into the matrix. We would be able to come and go as we please when we need to experience physicality, now I also think we will be able to do anything we want in the non physical but its kinda like have infinite life and every cheat code enabled eventually if all you feel is pure love all the time you will need to come out of it to feel the absence once in awhile to remember what its like to not have it, and this development of the planet earth is to do just that. Now this is just a theory but I do think the shift we are going into is kind of a merger of the two types of perception, where we will remember more from both and won't forget the purpose of each.
edit on 3-10-2011 by phiktion because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 06:05 PM
What more is there to wish for? Human experience is already so amazing, and we hardly recognize it. Buddha said if everyone just recognized the magic of life, there would be no more suffering because we would be mesmerized with the present moment and the fact of consciousness and awesome things we get to experience as a human.

And I agree on the shift part. People are less negative now, everyone seems to be more self aware. People are generally nicer and are starting to "get" it.

Attention is great, it's a way to raise consciousness.
edit on 3-10-2011 by FluorideVSPineal because: none

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by phiktion

Fame and attention aren't so great.

A whole lot of people seem to have figured out who I am in real life, and I actually hate it. It's brought me nothing but torment and misery.

I'd give any money to go back to just being some random normal guy with a normal life. But, too late now

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 06:31 PM
Oh.......enough about me, let's talk about my new book! LOL

No way would I want fame. I like living under the radar. Unfortunately, big money brings too much attention as well. I'll stay middle class and happy.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by brilab45

If you truly want to live "under the radar", then posting on this site isn't a good idea....

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by cupocoffee

You do it Mr. Famous, its so rough, I just can't stand it, please give me another sir! Come on budro. Lighten up. LOL. Being here is not going to throw me in the limelight. OK, only once. MSNBC contacted me over a post and did an article. Just once.
edit on 3-10-2011 by brilab45 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by brilab45

You don't get it.

This place is crawling with military, police, intelligence operatives of all types.

If you do something they don't like, they'll figure out who you are in real life, and then you get to be blacklisted and gang-stalked, forever.

Wheeee! So much fun!

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by cupocoffee

Don't take me to heart. I mean you no harm. However, I do not post about conspiracy here. Yet, I do read with rabid fervor. Smarter than that. Feel free to review my posts. Most assuredly, my posts are completely benign. I agree with you.

OP, sorry to derail. At least your getting the points

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 07:08 PM
Well I'm not alluding solely to the fact of fame and fortune, just that we as a society need things to identify ourselves with, you can look at taste in art a way to do that, from taste in music, clothes, movies, books you like, taste for certain foods. Their is a ton of different approaches on how to think about this, now I don't think everyone is consciously trying to become rich and famous but there is a desire in all of us call it the ego if you wish to have people perceive us a certain way. We would like to be that popular guy or girl, or be super rich but some of us are fine being identified as that loner nerd., though given the chance I think they would reroll a new persona in a heartbeat some say they wouldn't, if anyone remember that movie Bedazzled Brendan Fraser was making wishes to be someone else but never was happy with what he got till he settle back to being his self, I think thats one of the hardest things, being happy and content with who you are no matter how bad the draw of the hand was for you.

I kind of have noticed their are some people with a crazy amount of bad fortune in their lives, then there are people who have good fortune in some areas and bad fortune in other areas.

Now the people that seems to have everything under the sun you can imagine, I don't see it as a person conquering this physical reality, I see it as a person who has done the hardships over the years and it was their turn to experience a very easy physical life to just experience what its like or another theory is a young spirit whos not ready to go hard mode physical reality they want to play the first time on the easiest setting. But they get very little if not nothing at all from the experience.

The only way we can truely appreciate what we have and who we are is to lose it, we lose love, we lose are looks, we get physically damaged, slowed down, weakened through sickness and various other aliments by the time we reach death usually in old age when we die we have that 60+ years of stress and pain to compare to the complete opposite of it, I think thats where the non physical and physical variations create that contrast that is needed, similar to everything in nature always balancing itself, the color black you cant see without other objects framing it to see. We need the absence of something to appreciate what we have.
edit on 3-10-2011 by phiktion because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 10:33 PM
I think their is some truth in the thought process that investing time into these non physical realities may weaken us in our physical reality. Just look at people addicted to doing certain things it definitely takes a toll on their health.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 05:38 AM
Really liked the post. So true about the video games.

Many of my dreams are adventurous, inspiring. But i read on the internet...supposedly dreams mean nothing, that it is our mental "recycle bin" of footage. Reading about Lucid dreaming and OBE's gets me excited though. I wish i could do it.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by cupocoffee
reply to post by brilab45

If you truly want to live "under the radar", then posting on this site isn't a good idea....
He has as much right to post here as anyone,,,,I have no idea who he is xecept in the mucic biz I I R C.....As this site lets us post under assumed identitys.He is hardly attention seeking,,,,Personaly I know quite a few so called celebs in the mucic biz a few are uppity arseholes the majority are humble genuine souls,,,

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