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It's official, #OccupyWallStreet seizes The Brooklyn Bridge!

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posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 11:28 PM
was it already mentioned the occupy wall street in LA!!! guys i was waiting for one to come over here and now its here! im getting off my ass and you guys should do too if any near you!

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by MissingRonnieR
Some of you need to realize who these people are. These losers want Obama re-elected and the introduction of a totalarian Government, a Dictatorship. There people are the enemy of Freedom, not heros of Democracy. If you are a Freedom Loving American you should applaud every time one of the vermin are arrested..

Really? That explains the Ron Paul supporters I saw when I visited the demonstrations on Saturday. Oh and the anti US/Israel policy crowd happened to show up. Oh and lets not forget the actual anti war and pro liberty crowd.

Please, stop listening to the media and go down to see for yourself before you make ridiculous comments.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by DeadBirdCitizen

I couldn't care less if you were there or not. It's your word against video evidence. I don't need any contest for it since it's pretty obvious what happened. You guys were told not to go onto the bridge and warned that you will be arrested if you do and then you just ignore it. Those who chose to take the assigned routes were not but you guys chose make a scene so you can cry foul play when you get arrested. If the case were that "you were just following" then it's your own personal fault for not checking where the exits were.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 11:48 PM
Wow this is rather bizarre stuff.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 12:15 AM
I can't believe that after all the messed up s#%t going on in the USA and around the world, everything that has happened, everything we(especially here on ATS) have witnessed go down, all the corruption and lies and greed and deaths spreading because of our governments and the elites, that people are actually going to hate on this movement, complaining about petty details and whether or not they "know what they're protesting"... But offer nothing helpful themselves...

People are finally out in the streets, this is what we've been waiting and wishing for, yet people want to complain and add negative energy because the revolution isn't happening in some perfect organized way that they imagined it would happen according to their ideologies and expectations.

This movement is just starting and yeah its not perfect, but it's growing and taking shape, people are sick and tired of everything, it doesn't matter if they all have one specific thing to protest, just pick from the list of outrageous things to be pissed about, it's pretty much endless, the more important thing is people get out and get involved.

Look to what is going on in the world, Revolution. People in the streets can make a difference, it's probably the only thing that could ever make a difference.. For people saying, "how is this going to make the economy better??" Are you kidding me?? Of course it's not going to make the economy better! The economy IS NOT GOING TO GET BETTER! It's completely f#$%#!, that's why this is happening, THEY ruined our world and our society, our civilization is basically the equivalent of a dead person connected to life support which is running off of a almost fried back up generator, and the persons limbs are tied to strings so THEY can make him dance and appear to be alive and well.....

No... this global revolution is going to be bigger than anything, or at least we should hope. They only way to fix this world is to tear it all down and start over, yeah that's going to hurt, yeah it's going to be uncomfortable, scary and life altering, but the worlds going down either way, either on their terms or on ours...

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 01:00 AM

Originally posted by WielderOfTheSwordOfTruth
I can't believe that after all the messed up s#%t going on in the USA and around the world, everything that has happened, everything we(especially here on ATS) have witnessed go down, all the corruption and lies and greed and deaths spreading because of our governments and the elites, that people are actually going to hate on this movement, complaining about petty details and whether or not they "know what they're protesting"... But offer nothing helpful themselves..
Same thing happened to the Tea Party. People protest higher taxes, and they're hated on. People protest Wall street and banksters, and they're hated on. It appears the government is behind these haters.

Now what nutcase can be for both the bankers and the taxes that bail them out?

Remember, the Federal Reserve founders urged Congress to pass the 16th amendment (Income tax) and the creation of the IRS.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 01:09 AM

Originally posted by Dbriefed
Same thing happened to the Tea Party. People protest higher taxes, and they're hated on. People protest Wall street and banksters, and they're hated on. It appears the government is behind these haters.

Some people are never happy with anything, some people are full of talk but avoid walking, some people are afraid to imagine an "unstable life" or afraid of change in general, some people love the government, some people are the government, some people are crazy, and some people are mistaken, misguided and confused. I think.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 01:43 AM
Real Funny. The MSM doesn't cover something as important as history being made; but will televise an empty podium for an hour when Obama decides he wants to be an hour late for every speech to suck on a cigarette.

But hey, that's important stuff.

~ Noah

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by noah1111

its being reported here now [holland]
this is crazy man
900 arrested for blockin the bridge
similiar demostrations in over four other big cities
demanding the arrest of bernanke
seems pretty big
to bâd the demonstrators got set up and now spending some nice time in jail
those #^#&**%$$*$#%^*%#^#^#

edit on 3-10-2011 by icecold7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 01:58 AM
reply to post by Gorman91

That is the definition of commandeering, to seize or to take control of, to capture.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 03:04 AM
reply to post by Mr Headshot

Wrong thread to spew the Birther crud. That's already been disproven so sorry!

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 03:36 AM
NYPD bought and paid for by JP Chase Morgan, nothing but thugs and hired mercs. You cant ignore the fact JP Chase "donated" almost 6 mil out of the kindness of their hearts right? The KKK protest the police protect and assist , Westboro Baptist Church protest the police protect and assist them. Peaceful protesters protest Wall Street Bankers well... break out the zip ties, mace kettle women followed up with brutality and ask for predator drones.... obviously this subversion is unwarranted. Obviously the NYPD serve and protect the banking scourge before the people. Because a charitable cause enough compensation to do the bidding of Bankers.

Banker: whats your price Those damn protesters are drawing us too much attention. SHUT THEM UP!

Police: my squad car needs a laptop hell throw that in with that windows 7 also a new squad car and laptop for me and my buddies Sal and Carmine and we have a deal

Banker: done and done your whole force has new lap tops and cars, .

Dons, Capos the mob never died this is mob rule. They just wear badges and drink champagne on a balcony while the undesirables make them uncomfortable. We are the elephant in the room now. We will not be silenced, we will not go quietly in to the night. We will not be intimidated. A sleeping giant has awoke! Expect MORE of us.
edit on 3-10-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by DeadBirdCitizen
Listen up everyone. I was there on the bridge, so let me explain what happened and clear the air.

The PLAN was to march (legally) on the pedestrian walkway. Now if you've been on the Brooklyn bridge, the part where it branches off into a pedestrian walkway from the road is pretty sudden and comes up quick.
With a massive crowd of 3000 people marching, it was impossible to see clearly up ahead. Maybe people in front led us to the roadway section of the bridge on purpose, but as for me, and I suspect most of us, we ended up down there accidentally, just caught in everyone's confusion.

The police were escorting us as they always do when we march, and they were directing the flow to ensure that many hundreds would end up on the roadway section. The police were walking alongside, in front and behind us, controlling our flow and guiding us ONTO the roadway! In the confusion, most of us either didn't realize what was going on or thought we were being allowed to march on the bridge as long as we stayed to the side, which has been the case in our past marches. The cops worked to ENSURE that many would be trapped on the bridge. They didn't tell us to take the pedestrian walkway with megaphones until AFTER getting tons of us onto the road and it was too late! The NYPD led us on the roadway to trap us and make us look like disruptive jerks, causing trouble for the sake of it. I realized what had happened, turned around and saw 30-40 cops getting orange nets ready, and paddywagons blocking the bridge up ahead. Trapped and seeing what was coming I climbed up the metal bridge to get to the pedestrian walkway and then watched as everyone I was just standing with were cuffed, mugshots taken on the spot, and taken away into big buses.

Basically, the NYPD manipulated the flow of people and took advantage of the confusion to FORCE us to block the bridge, then make us look like bridge-blocking bad guys, THEN told us we'd be arrested for blocking traffic. It was a total con. I seriously wonder if there were some undercover agents all the way up front, ensuring that more of us would walk into the trap. Many marchers also weren't from NYC, so they weren't familiar with the layout of the bridge. In a crowd of 3000 and a tiny pedestrian walkway, it was VERY easy to go the wrong way and get confused, especially since thousands had already started down the roadway and the rest of us just had to follow behind since we couldn't really see what was going on.

Long story short: The plan wasn't to block or disrupt traffic or anything else on the bridge. The cops took advantage of the situation to A-make it look like disruption was the plan, B-make mass arrests and C-Discredit us by painting us as troublemakers for the sake of making trouble. the cops also split the group in two by blocking us at the middle, on both the road and pedestrian levels. When asked why they were blocking people on the pedestrian level as well, they said they were "just following orders." The NYPD blocked the brooklyn bridge, NOT US.

I have heard this from several others that were there the agenda was clear all along thanks for posting

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 06:37 AM
Ahh yeah that makes sense, that's why when I was watching the live feed the crowd was yelling, "Let us go! Let us go!"

Those damn dirty police... it's things like this that should be giving people more motivation to protest!

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

no. If a bunch of people with the same idea occupied a set area you say you take it over. That doesn't mean you're drawing swords and telling old man gandalf in his suv, "you shall not pass".

Please don't blow things over proportions. Nobody's putting up a flag on the Brooklyn bridge, waving guns around and declaring secession from the union for the mighty state of bridge.

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