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Elenin may not have disintegrated at all - Please try and Debunk this

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posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 05:58 AM
The author fails when he explains how he caculated the mass of the comet by the size of it's coma and how it exhibits gravitational microlensing, when it takes a mass of an entire galaxy to exhibit gravitational microlensing, or at the very least a black hole with 10 times the mass of the sun!

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 05:58 AM
okay wow. I opened this pdf expecting to find actual data.

what i found is what is so often the case. lay people cherry picking data and using their preconceptions to guide their guesswork.
Let's start at the beginning.
Film shot from a camera has relative light levels in its field of focus. Meaning, brightness can be distorted by the camera incidentally pointed at a big star, rather than a comparatively tiny comet. There are also a dozen or so other reasons for possible light distortion.

Secondly, his guesswork based on this is done in astronomical units, (not the specific distance AU, rather units of measure generaly relegated to astronomy) If everything else is accurate, (it's not) his margin of error would put elenin somewhere between the size of our sun, and the size of a peanut. Especially given his assumption of near parallels.

finally, nasa's STEREO as released pictures of elenin, despite the claim from this author.

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by theXammux

That's very true, that the author's basic premiss of observing microlensing is really not an observed phenomena, its a detection artifact of the digital CCD, but wait! It must be Jupiter. How absurd.

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 06:06 AM
None of the links work. Couldn't view anything.

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by XplanetX

haha, don't get me wrong, i love to indulge too, but the first few paragraphs came over so factual, that the hearsay after runined it's credibility.

which was actually quite helpful, cause the first bit was kinda scary

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 06:55 AM

The world governments ARE getting ready for something. The 100's of billions spent just don't lie. Something has them worried...but Elenin wasn't it. The fact Elenin wasn't even known to exist until 2010 should say alot of how much more could be out there and discovered almost entirely by accident.

maybe the whole elenin thing was just misdirection?

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 06:56 AM

To summarise, Elenin cannot be a comet as it exhibits gravitational microlensing as it passes directly over a background star.

To summarise.....whoever wrote that article is talking crap. C/2010 X1 Elenin is a comet. Nothing more, nothing less. It's mass is a tiny, tiny fraction of the mass of Earth. Any suggestion that it's gravity is causing detectable microlensing effects is laughable.
edit on 18-9-2011 by Mogget because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 07:03 AM
there's only one way to find out, wait and see.

we won't get any information from our goverment etc etc and all the other agencies. we only have ourselves and most of the time we just fight of who is right and wrong. which doesnt help i might add.

anyway, if it's real we'll see it soon and if not boohoo life moves on.

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 07:37 AM
There is no "wait and see" required here. If C/2010 X1 Elenin were 10 or 20 times as massive as Earth, it would be detectably perturbing the orbits of the other planets. It is doing nothing of the sort, and therefore this claim is false.
edit on 18-9-2011 by Mogget because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by XplanetX

I am no astronomer, so maybe someone can read this document and shed some light on the information contained within.

You don't need to be an astronomer to evaluate the credibility of this blogger. First, he or she says:

The following report is offered as a public service, and contains ONLY information that is publicly available. I have no access to classified information, and am not sworn to any secrecy oaths.

Then they claim:

(also, the brightest frame was deleted before public release.)

If they have no access to classified information, how would they know that?

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by DJW001

You really disappoint me!!

Having an off day today are you that you could only come up with that? I know you are capable of tearing the whole stupid article apart.

Have at it Tiger!

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 10:10 AM
My favourite part of all of this Elenin hysteria is this:

Elenin discovered:

NASA: our scientific data shows Elenin to be nothing more than a standard comet

ATS: NOOO! you are lying, your scientific data is a forgery, you are hiding the truth from us! It's really a craft/impactor!

Elenin disintegrates as it approaches perihelion:

NASA: Scientific data appears to show it is breaking up.

ATS: NOOO! you are lying, your scientific data is a forgery, it is really still intact and getting closer to Earth!

Someone believes NASA imagery shows gravitational microlensing:

ATS: NASA scientific data/imagery shows that elenin is causing gravitational lensing so it's mass must be excessively higher than reported!


So, is NASA lying about it's telemetry only when it suits the conspiracy theory?

I believe NASA and the world governments are withholding data and important information but in this case, it seems like a major case of hypocrisy.

Either NASA is lying about it's data or not, you cant pick and choose to suit your agenda.

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by PuterMan

Having an off day today are you that you could only come up with that? I know you are capable of tearing the whole stupid article apart.

Been there, done that. If there's nothing interesting happening later, maybe I'll come back to this one for the exercise.

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by Morgil

Either NASA is lying about it's data or not, you cant pick and choose to suit your agenda.

The way your argument is laid out is downright brutal, but maybe it needs to be at this point. Elenin would be close enough for a backyard hobbyist to work the math on if it were still there/visible/large enough to be seen or whatever actually happened to it.

I sure can't fault a single part of your post, though. People seem to forget that NASA starts data tracks on every object it finds (or others report, in most cases) in a 100% public and transparent way. If they were to alter those data streams to suit their own ends, there would be deafening cries from the world wide astronomy community, rightly calling fraud and deception. I'll bet even a little runt like Yu-55 has it's fan club watching the numbers even when something is NOT passing right over our heads. Take your pick...but there are a few solid and really indisputable points that prove Elenin being nothing more than NASA has always said it was.

Great post with some very solid points.

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by Misterlondon

maybe the whole elenin thing was just misdirection?

I agree with you.

If something was coming our way that was a ELE event I do not believe we would know about it until it happens.

Also this talk about Elenin has people looking in one direction in the sky most of the time, were as before this comet was discovered people were actually looking elsewhere for nibiru and other surch things which now seems to have died down and people are now starting to claim that Elenin or something behind it is Nibiru.

I believe that Elenin is going to be a none event and is just a distraction.

Space is BIG, really really BIG.

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