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Why David Icke Is Lord, God Wingnut of The Universe. And Why You Should Stop Listening To Him.

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posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 03:35 PM
I have listened to this guy the lasy couple days and yes, he says some crazy stuff.
He also has some points of view on life that are really interesting and...peaceful i guess.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by Swills
reply to post by Heartisblack

He's not bat # crazy, a lot of what he says a lot of people agree with. He is accused of being bat # crazy when he starts talking about reptiles and what have you. As far as the global agenda of the elite and their practices, he's spot on. Check out the Bilderberg group and Bohemian Grove if you're not familiar with this, but being a member of this website I am sure you are.

David Icke as Lord? Who is saying that?

What's your point? Even a broken clock is right twice a day...still doesn't mean everything is in working order.

Maybe a lot of people believe him because there are a lot of mentally infirm and gullible people out there.

edit on 18-11-2011 by Threadfall because: grammar

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:02 AM
someone i know listens to alex jones on a regular basis (i don't). he informed me that icke was in a heated discussion with jesse v and it got silly. he then claimed that icke spurted out that russia and china have influential illuminati structures. although the jury is out with me on this claim, i am wondering if any of you on here have any input on this.
regards fakedirt

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by Frater210

I'm not too sure you've listened to everything Icke has to say.... a lot of what he says is true thats for sure.... what i laugh at though is when he goes all reptilian on us (that to me is just silly) but definately the rest of what he says is mainly true!!
edit on 19-11-2011 by TruthxIsxInxThexMist because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 11:44 AM
How long has Icke been speaking about reptilians?

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 12:47 PM
Those without the ability to think outside the box, or is completely ignorant of what a metaphor is, should not read, listen, watch or comment on David Icke. Why? Because they completely miss the point and instead hate on a man due to their own inability to grasp simple concepts let alone covert meaning. Icke may have said he was the son of God, but he also stated we are all the son of God. He never claimed to be Jesus or the like contrary to the opinion many a shill. As for the whole reptile thing, well if you honestly believe he's talking about lizard people then not only are you missing the point, but your comprehension skills are shockingly terrible.
edit on 18-12-2011 by quackers because: because autocorrection is fail

posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by quackers

Those without the ability to think outside the box, or is completely ignorant of what a metaphor is, should not read, listen, watch or comment on David Icke. Why? Because they completely miss the point and instead hate on a man due to their own inability to grasp simple concepts let alone covert meaning. Icke may have said he was the son of God, but he also stated we are all the son of God. He never claimed to be Jesus or the like contrary to the opinion many a shill. As for the whole reptile thing, well if you honestly believe he's talking about lizard people then not only are you missing the point, but your comprehension skills are shockingly terrible.

Quacker's I mean no offense and I am sorry for being so late with this but you never bothered to offer what the point is that Icke is trying to make. 'metaphor' is not a point, more like a diffuse line, as it should be.

So would you mind telling me for what the subway full of Illuminati eye symbols is a metaphor. You seem to share a mind with David, please enlighten us all.

Also, are you actually calling me a shill? That's funny, ATS seems to be so casually aware of these 'shills'. Would you be willing to expand on that idea?

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by Frater210

No offence taken. Look at it this way, if I pointed someone out to you and described them as a cat would you honestly expect them to meow or would you be intelligent enough to understand that I'm speaking figuratively and they possess cat like traits and manerisms? If you were unintelligent or simply trying to be difficult, you might say something along the lines of "don't be so stupid they look nothing like a cat, you must be crazy".

The shill would insist I was actually saying the person was a cat which is rediculous, everyone agrees, everyone misses the point. Icke himself has explained the lizard thing yet people still want to take him littleraly and then use their own misunderstanding to bash the man.

That's how I see it anyway. He might not be right but it at least helps to understand what he is really talking about. Its all there for those who can be bothered be a bit more objective.

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by quackers

Thanks Quackers.

Would you be willing to find his apologia in a nutshell and bring it over here and post it? I would love to read his rationale for what he says. I actually believe that David is a very sweet and kind man at heart. I like to think that I can see that in him through the metaphor of his eyes.

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by Frater210

Not 100% on which particular bit of film has him talking about it. It might be on a documantary done on him while he was in Canada a few years back on a booksigning/conference tour. On this tour he was persistantly harassed by members of the ADL (who also got to voice their opinion on Icke in the film) because they believed that the lizards Icke was refering to were a euphemism for Jews (as if anyone would ever believe that the Jews are a ruthless race hell bent on control of the masses through manipulation and have been at it for centuries, thats just daft. Isn't it?). If i recall its not so much about Ickes views but about him and what he has and is continuing to have to go through simply for stating his views in the public forum. I will try ro find a link if i get time, orherwise it shouldnt be too dificilt to find on the net.

This might be it;

Google Video Link

Also of relevence;

The other foundation of the ridicule was that I had supposed to have called myself the Son of God, implying that I wasJesus or something. Ironically 'Jesus' is a 'man' I have no doubt did not exist as depicted by Christianity as I
have explained in detail in some of my books. I used the term 'Son of God' in the sense of being an aspect, as I understood it at the time, of the Infinite consciousness that is everything. As I have written before, we are like droplets of water in an ocean of infinite consciousness. We are 'individual' on one level, but also part of the infinite whole. More than that, we are the infinite whole as I shall later explain. I was not trying to say I had come to save the world or anything, only that, like everyone and everything else in all existence, I was an aspect of the Infinite and not just a physical 'personality'.

If you call the Infinite consciousness 'God', I was trying to say, we are all the symbolic 'sons' and 'daughters of 'God'. Obviously my awareness of these matters has increased dramatically since then, but that was the
basis of my comments about being a 'Son of God'. However, I was both misrepresented in the media and, with my mind downloading so much information following the mound in Peru, I wasn't grounded or 'here'
enough to articulate clearly what I was trying to say and this led to even greater misrepresentation and misunderstanding among those who ridiculed and laughed.

Icke's Tales From The Time Loop link

edit on 13-1-2012 by quackers because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 09:19 PM
Jesse Ventura simply asked what is your proof, reason for your belief in reptilians.
and their influence ect.

Jesse was told he would have to listen to a nine hour presentation ???

im a christian, i could share why ibelieve in God the Father, and His son , the Lord Jesus Christ,

about satan fallen angels and the ruling elite who serve satan, through their rituals. sacrifices.
serving the will of the anti christ.

in less than 9 minuets.

As for reptilians towing their space craft here ie the moon, see david icke hollow moon. you tube

the only thing is hollow is his head. he mixes enough truth in with his deceptions.

he thinks he,s the messiah above reproach.

pouring insults upon jesse ventura for asking a straight forward question,

if any thing knowing Jesse Ventura would see right through him.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by johnnymax

Is the moon hollow?

Hmmm......It does ring like a Bell!!!


posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 09:33 PM
Genesis God made a greater light for the day, and a lesser light for the night , and the stars.

ask mr icke how big the rope was the reptilians used to tow their moon space craft here.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by johnnymax

If you understand the universe you wouldn't ask that. Its a hologram and it would be a very low tech group that would tow a planet or moon, though I'm sure some do, and not with our technology, they would steer it with some kind of collider type job within or scalar waves, and they wouldn't use normal speed, but hyperspace.

We don't understand the universe and we have ant hill technology. Now on an even higher level of the metaphorical digital, imagine being the coders.

However, that is not what this is. Earth was moved too, and it was a much higher frequency then.
edit on 16-2-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 09:59 PM
maybe its made out of leggo
johnny max

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 11:36 PM
on a warning because i challenged david ickes teaching, if you take what is false, a lie, and say it is the truth,

this is being deceitful, using deception, so those under Judas ickes control, said i was calling david icke a liar,

well if you are not telling presenting the truth ,but presenting lies as truth what are you doing. ?

another example of this david icke,s hard core followers at his forum, say that this forum is run by the CIA

false messiah, prophet of the truth movement

Saddam Hussein is dead.


edit on 17-2-2012 by johnnymax because: david ickes false prediction, statement, Saddam Hussein was dead,

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 08:15 AM
David judas ickes biggest claim to date, but mixing lies false hood, false teaching and deception to make it.

enough truth to lead people up the garden path. and down his rabbit hole of deception.


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