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de ja vu - de ja reve - psycosis - o.b.e - HELP NEEDED

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posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by truthseeker10

In my opinion, no need to try to prove honesty or not. I know I believe you. I can't begin to understand how it appeared during your sleep, but I believe you when you say it did.
I have rolled it around in my could a scar appear overnight? What could be an explanation? Although, I haven't come up with any reasonable explanations...I do know there are NO reasonal

Again, something that appeared when there was no explanation...the finger...strange indeed....

Have you already set a date for the doctor or no?

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 04:38 AM
reply to post by truthseeker10

Once, in the morning, I was at work.. working. Suddenly I looked downstairs standing at the stairs in the house of a girl I know. While busy at work my mind slipped to that experience.. looking downstairs at the stairs in the house of a girl I know. Somehow I wonder why I didn't fell on the floor or lose consciousness. I asked her then that night if she was at that spot at that exact time cause I thought I looked through her eyes that moment. It was rather a weird experience. Never had such thing since. It's prolly 6 years ago. Now that I said that, that doesn't seem a long time ago. I recall I didn't have any awareness of my surrounding at work when that happened. Like I zapped out of the situation I was in.. this being working.

It seems a similar experience as you had.

Doesn't make me any special or so.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by etherical waterwave
reply to post by truthseeker10

Once, in the morning, I was at work.. working. Suddenly I looked downstairs standing at the stairs in the house of a girl I know. While busy at work my mind slipped to that experience.. looking downstairs at the stairs in the house of a girl I know. Somehow I wonder why I didn't fell on the floor or lose consciousness. I asked her then that night if she was at that spot at that exact time cause I thought I looked through her eyes that moment. It was rather a weird experience. Never had such thing since. It's prolly 6 years ago. Now that I said that, that doesn't seem a long time ago. I recall I didn't have any awareness of my surrounding at work when that happened. Like I zapped out of the situation I was in.. this being working.

It seems a similar experience as you had.

Doesn't make me any special or so.

yeah very similar only i have full awareness of my surroundings, im not claiming to be special but id like i difinitive answer to this happenings.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by SouthernRain55
reply to post by truthseeker10

In my opinion, no need to try to prove honesty or not. I know I believe you. I can't begin to understand how it appeared during your sleep, but I believe you when you say it did.
I have rolled it around in my could a scar appear overnight? What could be an explanation? Although, I haven't come up with any reasonable explanations...I do know there are NO reasonal

Again, something that appeared when there was no explanation...the finger...strange indeed....

Have you already set a date for the doctor or no?

going to the doc's on tuesday but i dont expect any real answers then, it'll probably be a referal for a scan or something.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 08:37 AM
Sounds like something a lot of people describe happening to them a lot- that is why it is called déja vu ("déja" is one word, it means "already", "vu" means "seen"..... never heard of "de ja reve"- though "rêve" means "dream")

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by Bluesma
Sounds like something a lot of people describe happening to them a lot- that is why it is called déja vu ("déja" is one word, it means "already", "vu" means "seen"..... never heard of "de ja reve"- though "rêve" means "dream")

imo deja vu is when you reckon you have been at a certain place before were everything feels familiar, giving you that deja vu feeling.

what im experiencing is seeing places/things while being somewhere completly different at the same time, its almost like an involuntary remote viewing lol.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 02:00 AM
Hear anything at the doctor? Hoping all is well.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by SouthernRain55
Hear anything at the doctor? Hoping all is well.

i didnt go, i know its stupid but fear and embarasment got the better of me

i really should make another appointment, but i dont know how to express to the doc what's happening.

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by truthseeker10

I can understand the fear. Its only natural. None of us would want to know if there is something wrong!

But, yes you do need to make another appointment. Just to be safe. I don't think they are going to find anything wrong but its always best to be safe than sorry. You did a fine job describing it to us. Just describe it as you did before. A doctor will be able to determine immediately if there is need to do more tests.

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by truthseeker10

From the post to which I am replying, about 'seeing from my own perspective', it sounds much like a sort of OOBE - out of body experience. Do you have the sense of floating, or does it feel as though you are 'full-bodied'..? Can you feel your footfalls down the stairs / is there any audio / can you smell anything in the 'other place', or is it a purely visual sensation.?

I've read that people can have these OOBE's quite easily with practice - a sort of consciousness projection, not necessarily actually leaving the body - it's like our brain is able to 'be' in two places at once. Quantum entanglement represents the start of knowledge that may one day lead us to a scientific explanation for these types of occurrence. Hopefully it's not too disturbing for you? I certainly wouldn't call it a psychosis, as you did in your title for the thread. Don't allow anyone to try and label you as psychotic for something like this by the way..

Chronaut's advice seems wise - get checked properly with an MRI scan (or whatever scan it is the doctors do in such cases). Could be that you are having some sort of 'misfire' in your brain electrical activity which is somehow triggering a consciousness experience of (either) simple memory, or (more exciting) consciousness projection. There is a risk that it could be practically hazardous in some situations (whilst driving for example), so take things easy and don't put yourself under pressure to get loads done in one day - tiredness may influence the matter.

If the doctors are reluctant to investigate, bring up a 'concern' about your safety while driving. Depends where you live and what your doctors are like, what type of healthcare provision you have etc - but if you bring up safety concerns (whether real or just hypothetical) they tend to act, if only to cover their own rear ends... After a full scan and a consultation with a specialist, there's every chance that a medication exists to bring the symptoms under control - but if you don't ask, you won't know..


Say that you are concerned there is some odd brain activity causing these experiences. Don't try and explain it as an OOBE (or they may try to review you under mental health grounds). Raise a concern about your safety while driving - or while crossing the road. Demonstrate that you live a normal life (assume you do) and that you believe the symptoms are quite possibly coming about as the result of a biochemical/ bioelectrical problem in your brain. The doctors will easily assess the matter - but remember that a general practitioner is effectively a 'nuts and bolts' doctor, a generalist who is not specifically trained in these matters and cannot give you a full explanation - that's why he refers you to the care of a specialist neurosurgeon (or whichever sort of specialist it may be).

edit on 15-10-2011 by FlyInTheOintment because: spelling police

edit on 15-10-2011 by FlyInTheOintment because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by FlyInTheOintment
reply to post by truthseeker10

From the post to which I am replying, about 'seeing from my own perspective', it sounds much like a sort of OOBE - out of body experience. Do you have the sense of floating, or does it feel as though you are 'full-bodied'..? Can you feel your footfalls down the stairs / is there any audio / can you smell anything in the 'other place', or is it a purely visual sensation.?

it feels full bodied and yes i think i felt mysteps on the stairs. no audio that i can remember ( memory is getting real bad) cant smell anything.

I've read that people can have these OOBE's quite easily with practice - a sort of consciousness projection, not necessarily actually leaving the body - it's like our brain is able to 'be' in two places at once. Quantum entanglement represents the start of knowledge that may one day lead us to a scientific explanation for these types of occurrence. Hopefully it's not too disturbing for you? I certainly wouldn't call it a psychosis, as you did in your title for the thread. Don't allow anyone to try and label you as psychotic for something like this by the way..

it was very disturbing at the start but ive gotten used to it now. it could very well be OOBE's i have heard it possible for a person to double OBE/ASTRAL PROJECT where the consciouness splits in two and they have different experiences while out of body, maybe 1 of my obe's has bad time keeping and returning real late lol.

thanks alot for your input and concern

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 08:58 PM
i never did go to the doctors about it, but my symptoms are getting worse ie: memory loss, anxiety and depression so im 90% sure it's temporal lobe epilepsy. i will be making an appointment and going to the doctors at some point this week. enough is enough.

the reason im only 90% sure is because one of my visions came true in november last year and a dream i had in december came true in april

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 01:19 PM
well just over a year later it turns out that i suffer from Temporal Lobe Epilepsy im not special after all

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 08:52 PM

well just over a year later it turns out that i suffer from Temporal Lobe Epilepsy im not special after all

the UK's #ty nhs is-int sure now its TLE, but they told me i had a stroke for definite and they will still investigate the TLE.

but the whole visions/dream's coming true has more recently become weirder, completely random thoughts are coming to me only to come true later.

had a random thought that my cousin was gay (hadn't seen him in years and there was no reason to think he was) few weeks later his dad told me that he came out!!

just two nights ago same random thought that my grandfather was about to die - next night bamm he died.

freaking me out a little. wouldn't mind if i could predict something nice or even know how to develop it more.

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