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Racist Congress Coming After Patriots

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posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 02:50 PM
This Black Caucus can start with these guys. If they still want to pursue it, I'll be more than happy call their bluff. But it won't work out the way they think it will.


posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by The Old American

That's the point though. Their entire premise is so far off base as to be ludicrous but for some reason they don't get called on it.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 05:47 PM
The political parties are destroying this nation and that is there ultimate goal. Madison and Hamilton wrote extensively on the dangers of "factions" in governemnt while writing the federalist papers. These "factions" are not concerned with the state of our nation and only seek to further divide the people through their "entertainment politics" where you have each party vying for the same end goal while playing the people against each other.

Our government has been over-run by elitists that seek to destroy not only our liberties, but our will and they will stop at nothing to accomplish this goal. Hamilton wrote in Federalist #47 that "even a freedom-loving people maybe willing to sacrifice their liberties in response to "the continual effort and alarm attendant on a state of continual danger." Hamilton concluded that such fears would compel people to support proposals that "have a tendency to destroy their civil and political rights. To be more safe they at length become willing to run the risk of being less free."

Madison went on to write that "men of factious tempers would surrender to the tyranny of their own passions and in a sudden breese of passion, may forget their obligations to their constituents, and prove unfaithful to their important trust." Madison said that "It is this reason alone, of the public that ought to control and regulate the government. The passions ought to be controlled and regulated by the government." This is where we have erred as a nation, we have failed for many generations to properly regulate our government. The result is a government that is intent on regulating us.

What we are witnessing in todays government is a result of that failure to regulate the government and the government is therefore becoming what our founders feared most for this nation. It is becoming the very thing that the founders fought and sacrificed so much to escape from, absolute tyranny and total control over every aspect of our lives. Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories. We must stop looking to the government to supply us with our every need. Remember, any government that is strong enough to give you all you want is also strong enough to take all you have.

History has shown, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny. In The Declaration of Independence our founding fathers listed 27 facts of absolute tyranny that the King of England had perpetrated upon them. Those facts are earily similar to the actions that our government has been perpetrating upon over the last several decades. This tyrannical elitist government that we are living under must be brought to a halt lest our nation as we know it will forever fall and our liberties will fall right along with it.

This call by the CBC is nothing more than a ploy to initiate a state of civil unrest that will enable the government to impliment more laws that seek to infringe upon our liberties. We do need an uprising in this nation to qwell the ever reaching arm of the government, but for that uprising to work it must be done in a way that will insure that it will serve a purpose other than to play into the hand of TPTB.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 07:35 PM
Tom Brady will disect them too. It's what he does.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by Nucleardiver
...This call by the CBC is nothing more than a ploy to initiate a state of civil unrest that will enable the government to impliment more laws that seek to infringe upon our liberties. We do need an uprising in this nation to qwell the ever reaching arm of the government, but for that uprising to work it must be done in a way that will insure that it will serve a purpose other than to play into the hand of TPTB.

There is the nut of it, eh? How to win peacefully before the leaders of political party launch a primitive conglomeration of uneducated, greedy, ruthless in their sense of "ME": communists, faux-anarchist, black, etc, gangs beg a more permanent solution?

And we're right when we assume that leads to a worse and worse police state.

I don't see any solutions yet that don't have terrible consequences...unless the people demand to protect themselves instead of growing the para-military police locally.

My solution to the TSA is to arm everyone on the plane. I think that would still work on a larger scale too.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by TreadUpon

Originally posted by Nucleardiver
...This call by the CBC is nothing more than a ploy to initiate a state of civil unrest that will enable the government to impliment more laws that seek to infringe upon our liberties. We do need an uprising in this nation to qwell the ever reaching arm of the government, but for that uprising to work it must be done in a way that will insure that it will serve a purpose other than to play into the hand of TPTB.

My solution to the TSA is to arm everyone on the plane. I think that would still work on a larger scale too.

That was my thought as well but we all know that the current nany state that we live in will never allow that because then we would not be dependent on an overly oppressive government regime for our safety. That would also go directly against their agenda of infringing our 2nd amendment rights and eventual disarming of the citizenry.

Sadly there is no peaceful solution to our problems, I wish there was. The solution to our problems will only come after the majority of citizens get tired of the constant government intrusions into our lives and liberties and we are forced to follow in the footsteps of our founders and throw off this government and start anew.

However there are those in our society that would never go for that because they would rather have the government provide for their every need than to live truly free. Personally I would rather live in a truly free state and have to provide for my own substanance and security than to have it handed to me at the expense of my liberties. Until people decide that freedom is more important than handouts we will never see a change in things.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 07:35 AM
the tea party are just a bunch of nazi's in disguise. history will bear this out.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by lostinau
the tea party are just a bunch of nazi's in disguise. history will bear this out.

That's it? Your reply is that the only group of self-determinationists are really just national socialists playing make believe?

I believe the quote is attributed to Mark Twain but to paraphrase; It's better to remain silent during the conversation of adults and be thought an idiot than to type your "thoughts" on a keyboard and remove all doubt.

That the Tea Party has been called racist, old, Nazi, terrorists, etc with nothing to back any of those things up happens in lock step with multiple declarations of "war" from the Black Caucus to Hoffa.

Jeez, the tea partiers I've seen were carrying lawn chairs and smiles. Quite the opposite as any leftwing event before, during, and after (see clean-up required behind mother gaia crowd vs Tea Peeps)...

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 08:54 AM
While it is unfortunate that we have to endure such theatrics from black politicians, what I wanted to add to this discussion is that while many can spout or state the voter numbers that supposedly got Obama elected, I for one have never believed that Obama or many other corrupt politicians ever got elected honestly and by the will of the people.

As with Bill Clinton, I have yet to find anyone that admits that they voted for Obama let alone Bill Clinton and yet the media and the so called elected officials contend they won by the majority will of the people and some bogus fabricated voter numbers.

While this may be a regional thing and a matter associated with the black race, I still contend that many black politicians and many presidents have become president not because of the vote of the people, but because of the voter rigging and vote fraud that is conducted in such a high tech manner these days and controlled in such a manner that winning has become a matter of fact and not based on any political facts or true voter responses.

With so much voter fraud in America, I don't know how anyone can believe that Senator McCain, Dennis Kucinich, Joe Lieberman and the other criminals in congress and the Senate all get to maintain their positions only because of a corrupt voter fraud system that the politicians use to elect those that will support the globalist plans for a one world government and will obey the commands from their corporate masters that give them millions to do what they are told to do.

The Black Caucus is no different and many of the members are only in office today because of gerrymandered districts and also because of long term systemic and automated voter fraud that is always used to secure the seat and the position being pursued.

It is these Communist black politicians that clearly state by their words and actions that they are not American and in fact pursue the destruction of what America remains in the face of so many groups and political groups trying to undermine what was once good with American while replacing it with Communism and the worst type government known to man.

While these Communist who have grown accustomed to the good life, they have done so only by selling their souls to groups like AIPAC and other lobby groups that also seek to undermine what America once stood for and who seek to replace America with masters whose interests are only to Israel while subjugating the citizens to the status of human slaves who are abused, so as to create profits for those that seek to make profits at all costs.

Black corrupt politicians are no different than white corrupt politicians and when we see that its all about their masters interests and their future profits to be gained is when this political truth will sink in to where it can be clearly understood.

Any group that such criminal Communist go after or name as enemies of American would if effect not be real criminals but those that only threaten the status quo of those that are pursing national Communist ideologies while pretending to be loyal Americans and spokes persons for the black community. What a joke indeed.

We should remove all these known and proven criminals from office by whatever means works and we should make it so that these traitors can never represent anyone ever again. Only in such a way would we as a nation begin to heal from all the damage that such criminal groups have conducted while hiding behind the American flag and patriotic and empty platitudes that they think Americans want to hear.

Thanks for the thread and thank you for considering these remarks.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by MaxBlack

Thanks for the input MaxBlack, I agree with your analysis.

The whole problem is bigger now though. You've well described one spoke and the axle. Another spoke is the communists and faux-anarchists, often from the universities. Another is the Unions, public unions vs private unions to the Tea Party, but there is no distinction to Hoffa. All of the new rioting-class, all under the control of international interests instead of local ones.

This thread was meant to expose one spoke specifically, which you have done more eloquently than I.

For how long must things get worse before they get better?

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by MaxBlack

You're right on, the voting process in this country has been turned into the biggest sham that has ever been perpetrated upon the people. We are presented with basically the same group of elitists every voting cycle and made to believe that our vote matters, when in reality I honestly believe that the winner was decided long before the precincts ever opened.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by lostinau
the tea party are just a bunch of nazi's in disguise. history will bear this out.

Context? Provide some background on this. Not many people here are so closed-minded that we aren't going to accept the mountains of information you have on this. We are ready and willing for your observable data.


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