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Gatineau police hunt for clues in student's death

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posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 08:12 AM

Gatineau police hunt for clues in student's death

Gatineau police continue to search the scene where a student's body was found burned and beaten outside her school three days ago, but said as of yet have no suspects in the homicide investigation.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 08:12 AM
I don’t often get too disturbed by things but this particular gruesome act that seems to have occurred near to or behind a local university has really got me mad.

What was a young and promising life just a week ago is no more.

I can’t imagine the pain that the parents must be feeling right now.....

My sympathies go out to them.

Like I said earlier this disgusting act took place in my own backyard so to speak, which is why I decided to report it on ATS.

I hope the scumbag(s) get what’s coming to them.

Spike Spiegel
(visit the link for the full news article)
edit on 083131p://am3154 by Spike Spiegle because: grammar

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 08:19 AM
Right in my backyard too buddy and what enraged me even further, is the fact that some cynical people who first found the body, apparently "Played" with the body and burned it...

That's according to the news last night on television.

Really creepy!

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 08:20 AM
reply to post by Spike Spiegle

Yeah this one hits close to home for me since I lived in this city for a good part of my life.

A CEGEP is kind of a middle school between high school and university. Only Quebec has that as far as I know. This just means that the victim was even younger than a university age student. Apparently, these woods are a known spot for predators of various nature.

What makes it even more disturbing is that there's a second investigation concerning the people who found the body. Apparently they manipulated the body before calling the police. I shudder to think what they actually did to the body though.

And this brings me to another question, how could they even touch a dead body like this? Was it morbid curiosity? Is it desensitisation due to all the violence and death that is now available at our fingertips? I know that I'm getting pretty much desensitized to this type of violence.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 08:20 AM
Look at the pic of that girl.....she looks so cute and happy and full of life....sad. I have a daughter and I really just cant imagine how I would react if something like that happened. I am pretty sure someone would die though.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by FrankLY

Wow, I did not know that they were the ones who burned the body, truly disgusting.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 08:22 AM
Poor girl.. probably beaten and raped to death
but then i heard an update about the case

somebody made an outrage with the body
the girl was dead .. somebody found her body and they played with it
and probably burned it for fun .. disgusting world we live in yes

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by Wowbagger

Well like you said, they are investigating the people who found the body therefore, they must have a reason to think (Which was provided by the autopsy results) that someone other than the killer, moved the body.

Only time will tell what really happened and I seriously hope they catch the "Human Being" responsible for such an act.

I have two kids and I would seriously hurt the person who would commit such a crime on my kids.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 08:35 AM
From what I could gather she had a boyfriend about her age.

I have no doubt that the police have already contacted him but I am always very suspicious of a boyfriend in this type of situation.

Spike Spiegel

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 08:48 AM

Originally posted by Spike Spiegle
From what I could gather she had a boyfriend about her age.

I have no doubt that the police have already contacted him but I am always very suspicious of a boyfriend in this type of situation.

Spike Spiegel

I dont believe it was her boyfriend
many said they broke in a good condition and he wasnt a violent person
they refer to him has a good guy

but we never know .. sometime love can be dangerous

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 09:13 AM
As if the murder wasn't enough, some morons had to have fun with her body... How disgusting! I hope they catch those imbeciles soon enough, as well as the killer.

If I was the parent of one of the morons who touched the body, you can rest assured my kid would get the spanking of his life, regardless of his age! I can't believe the stupidity of these guys! They deserve a few many years in prison! I also hope they never graduate to become professionals in anything...

When you lack empathy and sensibility like those guys, you deserve a crappy life!
Because of them, the family won't be able to look at her one last time before the burial...

As for the killer, let's prey the police catch him quickly. It seems to me Canada has had its share of serial killers in the last years. We sure don't need another one!


My condolences go to the Leblanc family who must be devastated beyond words, at the moment .

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 10:19 AM
This hits home. Valerie was at my friend's place last week. You see, she loved children and was part of a small company that specializes in children's birthday parties. A joyful young woman. I know people that went to school with her, heck one girl her age in my Taekwondo class told me that when she got to school ( Cegep ) that morning that the cops were there and still in a "frenzy" to get people away from the scene. Cops did get all the security tapes from the school and surrounding business, there is a small mall across the street and a gas station...I hope some of these camera caught something !!!!

Those woods have been there for ever, I used to play there when I was a kid, I was raised in the Mont-Bleu, Daniel-Johnson area in the 70's and 80's and even then I was told by my parents to be careful and avoid them woods.

If the second investigation turns out to be a valid one and some sick MoFo's did "play" with the body after the fact, they should get the same sentence as the killer, witch I hope they find before everyone in the city does....Cause he/she/they won't stand a chance at making it it to trial I think.

R.I.P. Valerie, my thoughts are with you and your family!

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by Fox Molder

They should be placed in a psychiatric institute
but that would be very unfair to place them in the same page of the killer
they didnt kill her .. but they did some necro stuff on a dead human being body .. those people are mentally ill
even doing this to a dead animal .. still mentally ill
that can lead to worse

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by Ben81

In this case it's 4 kids that are suspected of messing with the body, I'm thinking that one of them might of been trying to get help from his/her best friends and try to cover up the tracks from being the murderer !

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