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They Are Steering Hurrican Irene.

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posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 08:18 PM

edit on 8/28/11 by adeclerk because: double

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by adeclerk
Feel free to substantiate any of your "HAARP" and hurricane claims, though. Thus far you haven't provided any evidence.

Well, it is not about proofs; it’s about system of beliefs and ability to change a point of view. People who say “show me proofs” usually are already mentally prepared to dismiss the proof they are asking to see. It takes a real man to consider something that is beyond someone’s belief system. If you already made up your mind – no proofs will change that. And if up to this date you have not “found” proofs of weather modification – then you will never find them. Even if all mainstream media will talk about it.

There is overwhelming amount of data on this, but it is there for ones who are ready to face something that might be uncomfortable to face. Another reality (or another point of view) can be very uncomfortable.

In other words, if you are ready to dismiss any proofs, there’s no point to ask for any proofs. Whatever proof I would show you – you’d dismiss it as fake. You will say that a photograph, for example, is photoshopped. But YOUR proof, of course, is never photoshopped, but real… You see? It has nothing to do with proofs. It has to do with belief system. If you’d be ready to see the other side, you would easily found proofs all around you.

I know that proofs won’t matter for you, but here are very few of many articles. But don’t read them – they will upset you because they go against your belief system:

And some quick google searches: 1 ,

edit on 28-8-2011 by MrHonest because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by MrHonest
Well, it is not about proofs; it’s about system of beliefs and ability to change a point of view. People who say “show me proofs” usually are already mentally prepared to dismiss the proof they are asking to see. It takes a real man to consider something that is beyond someone’s belief system. If you already made up your mind – no proofs will change that. And if up to this date you have not “found” proofs of weather modification – then you will never find them. Even if all mainstream media will talk about it.

I don't want "proof", I want some evidence to support your claim. If HAARP was "steering" hurricanes, it would be readily apparent. You are right, it is an issue of belief for you, but I'm not going to take such fantastical claims on faith.

Originally posted by MrHonest
There is overwhelming amount of data on this, but it is there for ones who are ready to face something that might be uncomfortable to face. Another reality (or another point of view) can be very uncomfortable.

I wouldn't consider radar glitches as being proof of anything, really.

Originally posted by MrHonest
In other words, if you are ready to dismiss any proofs, there’s no point to ask for any proofs. Whatever proof I would show you – you’d dismiss it as fake. You will say that a photograph, for example, is photoshopped. But YOUR proof, of course, is never photoshopped, but real… You see? It has nothing to do with proofs. It has to do with belief system. If you’d be ready to see the other side, you would easily found proofs all around you.

All it takes is a little evidence. Evidence of any of your claims. Especially the fantastical claims of HAARP being used in such absurd ways.

The links are no good, not because you provided them, but because the "content" is not backed up by anything other than it's own "claims".

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 11:02 PM
how in the world do threads like these get so popular...

Yes we have a room full of Albert Einsteins, throwing monkey wrenches into storms to steer them...

I find that something a stand up comic would announce on a stage in front of drunk people to try to make them laugh.

Its hard to understand but man, Humans, are not Gods, our technology is no where close to manipulate weather or Hurricanes that we do not even understand...

Just for giggles if we did know how, and we might have a clue to some degree MAYBE, just maybe it would be apparent we would not have droughts or floods, and we would manipulate our weather and control it...

So what do I think? I think we are not smart enough to do something like that... Highly doubt we ever will be..

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by TWILITE22
reply to post by ignant
I don't know a lot about weather radar or haarp either but my question is rather a simple one that no one else has asked,if those streaks shown in the video are normal,as many has stated,why don't we see them going all the way up the map?Why are they just showing up the one time?

Originally posted by MrHonest
.. what is most astonishing is that they knew as yearly as Friday that public transportation will not reopen until Monday’s rush hour: “There could be lingering delays and service outages into Monday’s morning rush hour."

Now, look at this bizarre statement by Obama:

Obama praised cooperation between FEMA and state and local agencies during today's teleconference. Via pool reports: "Obviously we are going to have to make sure that on the response and recovery phase we are just as effective and on top of it…It's going to be a long 72 hours"

So he said he is concerned about power outages. But Bloomberg said that power will be down preemptively shut down:

12:12 PM | MTA shutdown going into effect, ConEd May turn off power to lower Manhattan.
Con Edison is considering shutting off power to the Battery Park area of Manhattan. From The NYP: "If salt water gets on these cables when they are being used the damage is substantial," the Mayor said in Battery Park City. "There’s a lot less damage to cables if salt water gets on them when they don’t carry any current."

9:44 AM | Mayor Bloomberg says be prepared for power outages.
If low-lying areas begin to flood, there's a chance Con-Ed will have to shut down the power grid in parts of the city.

So, 2 days before the hurricane they exactly new when to shut down power, when to close and when to re-open public transportation, how many people will go to “shelters”, and that, Quote: “It's going to be a long 72 hours and obviously a lot of families are going to be effected.”


This whole thing was another stinking false flag OPERATION. It was an exercises to put people to FEMA camps (so called “shelters”) and to train people to get along with idea that in any moment of their lives men in uniform will knock they door and they will be taken to where “authorities” want so.

I guess operation went well. You can hardly find a broken tree branch in streets of NYC after this hurricane, but surely enough you can find 370.000 people forcibly put to concentration camps. If anyone doubts that these are concentration camps – prove otherwise. Beds within 4 feet from each other, a blanket per person, dried food, and guards on entrances. When will people wake up?..

Rats! Someone quoted Twilite's observation (why do the line end exactly at the eye instead of go strait through the radar if its a 'glitch') but didnt address what he was pointing out at all.

Similarly no one is answering why all this steering - of the media, sheeple - is going one. It was orchestrated and then officials who are in our employ, pretend like they are making real-time decisions. I'm glad Irene was only steered but not strengthened this time around. They are no probably going over their experiment on Americans as we speak and perfecting it for the next "Storm of the Century" *cough*

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by ignant

Why would changes in the direction and strength of a hurricane be a result of anything but water temperature / high altitude wind directions? Why does someone want to push this absurd idea onto you?

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 05:19 AM
Here comes Hurricane Katia, right along Irene's path.

Will be VERY interesting if we see similar anomalies that we saw with Irene that coincided with a dramatic shift in direction.

Hurricane Katia Inbound For USA on 9/11

Will they be steering Katia? Did Irene miss the mark?
Stay tuned.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by goochball
Here is a video of Irene that shows the same "tuning fork". WTF is that lol.

edit on 8/26/2011 by goochball because: (no reason given)

OK, that fork thingy is just SPOOKY looking.....................i agree........WTF...

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by RoyalBlue
OK, that fork thingy is just SPOOKY looking.....................i agree........WTF...


The individual images that are used as input into this product sometimes contain bad data in the form of missing scanlines or anamalously high or low values that often stretch in an arc across the image. When these areas are incorporated into the MIMIC product they form artifacts that fade in and out, and appear to move with the storm center. However, they have no physical meaning and hopefully they will not obstruct your interpretation of the imagery.

There's a patch on the image that seems to pulse on an hourly basis. Is this a real phenomenon?

It is probably an artifact of the morphing algorithm. The algorithm blends in a new "base image" every hour, and if there is a long time gap between actual microwave data, then the animation will repeat small-scale advection in the same feature until the next update occurs, creating a "pulsing" artifact.

A dark red patch (or streak) suddenly appeared on the image, and it seems to repeatedly flash every hour, moving with the storm. Is this real?

It is not real. As we say in the disclaimer on the main page, the individual images that are used as input into this product sometimes contain bad data in the form of missing scanlines or anamalously high or low values that often stretch in an arc across the image. When these areas are incorporated into the MIMIC product they form artifacts that fade in and out, and appear to move with the storm center. However, they have no physical meaning and hopefully they will not obstruct your interpretation of the imagery.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by MathiasAndrew
This video shows how they can steer a hurricane

skip to minute 21:00 if you don't want to watch the whole documentary

edit on 27-8-2011 by MathiasAndrew because: (no reason given)

Lots of great information, thanks for sharing!!!

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