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Sex With Neanderthals Made Us Stronger

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posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by Noinden
Eh, like I said, by no means mainstream. But thought-provoking, and definitely worth considering.

As far as the appearance issues, according to this theory, our common understanding of the appearance of neanderthal is also off-track, given our anthropomorphism of the remains, terrain they lived in, and the like.

As far as us raping them, allegedly their supposed strength and hunting habits, not to mention diets, calls that into question, based on bone structure, musculature, and tooth composition. I'm not seeking to argue with you as this isn't anything I've looked into in-depth, but references provided by yourself would help to challenge NPT...although given mainstream acceptance, it doesn't seem like challenge will be a difficult thing to present.

And just on a side note, my father used to have a dog that was (I believe) half dingo, quarter aussie blue heeler, and quarter collie (or some such...not sure on that last half...and maybe only quarter dingo). Hell of a cattle dog it was.

By no means am I saying it's the way it actually is, just that like so many things we take for granted, we might be on the wrong track. Take care.

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by Praetorius
reply to post by Noinden
Eh, like I said, by no means mainstream. But thought-provoking, and definitely worth considering.

As far as the appearance issues, according to this theory, our common understanding of the appearance of neanderthal is also off-track, given our anthropomorphism of the remains, terrain they lived in, and the like.

As far as us raping them, allegedly their supposed strength and hunting habits, not to mention diets, calls that into question, based on bone structure, musculature, and tooth composition. I'm not seeking to argue with you as this isn't anything I've looked into in-depth, but references provided by yourself would help to challenge NPT...although given mainstream acceptance, it doesn't seem like challenge will be a difficult thing to present.

And just on a side note, my father used to have a dog that was (I believe) half dingo, quarter aussie blue heeler, and quarter collie (or some such...not sure on that last half...and maybe only quarter dingo). Hell of a cattle dog it was.

By no means am I saying it's the way it actually is, just that like so many things we take for granted, we might be on the wrong track. Take care.

Strange we know a great deal about the genome of Homo neanderthalus, so we know about appearance
The appearance in that video would not be close (based on the skulls). As for "supposed hunting" how the hells would we know? You can't infer behavior from genetics or bones, QED, the premise is a load of cow pasture.

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by Noinden

Strange we know a great deal about the genome of Homo neanderthalus, so we know about appearance The appearance in that video would not be close (based on the skulls). As for "supposed hunting" how the hells would we know? You can't infer behavior from genetics or bones, QED, the premise is a load of cow pasture.

Fair enough, friend, as I'm be no means near an expert on this, or studied on it at all (just intrigued by the concept and what was presented on the site/video).

As I'm always in for learning, can you direct me to some good information on this? Not asking these questions by way of argument or offense, just to learn, FYI - how does our familiarity with the genome help us know about the musculature and fleshiness? According to the NPT & video, the skull structure more-closely resembles other primates (like chimps, as mentioned), and the theory supposes that they were a good deal stronger than us, suggesting a heavier set.

As to the hunting, I was supposing that was based on the presented diet as suggested by teeth composition as presented in the video, in addition to the artifacts and other archeology we have from neanderthalus itself.

Apologies for any unintended offense and my apparent ignorance here as I'm just a fan of opposing views in general and this view was brought to my attention (as well as the opposition to it *grin*) by the Mysterious Universe podcast...which I would recommend for the entertainment value if nothing else, if you aren't already familiar with it. They're based out of Sydney Australia and their site is

Be well, and I appreciate your continued input on this.

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by Noinden

As for "supposed hunting" how the hells would we know?

It has been forty years since I took anthro and I have only been reading in the field intermittently...

However a great deal is known by sifting "Middens" aka garbage dumps. By looking at bones they can sometimes tell how the animal was killed. There was also flint napping sites, kill sites and other evidence.

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by Praetorius

I'd start here but do a search on Genome and Neanderthal on line (google scholar is your friend).

The Skull is not that different from ours to be "ape like". Most who make claims like this are either (a) grinding an axe or (b) missinformed. The video you posted is utter rubbish with no basis in genetics, physiology, or archaeology. Homo neanderthalus is our closest hominid relative (genetically, not living that would be Chimps). They can't be THAT much different than us.

Here are some clues.

Homo neanderthalus and the Homo denisova both inhabited Europe (and in the case of the neanderthal Asia and the upper middle east) before Homo Sapiens wandered out of Africa (this has been shown to be the case through studies of SNP difference in mitochondrial DNA (only passed from mother) and the Y-chromosome (only passed from father). We breed with both of them, and well they are not around now, thus ... they are probably not more visious than us (we either killed them to extinction, or breed them to extinction), Africans don't have DNA from either species (and these were the Homo sapiens who did not wander north). Similarly Melanesian have a percentage of Denisova genome (how they got here must be a tale to tell!!). We an extract DNA from fairly old bones (and both Neanderthals and Denisovians are in the range we can) and sequence it using next generation gene sequencing tech (454, illumina and sOLID technology, though mostly Rohe 454) fairly fast now. We know enough about OUR genome thanks to the Human genome project (now over 1200 genomes sequenced) to see what we have similar, and what we have different, we just need to sequence MORE of our ancestors now

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by crimvelvet

There is a difference between WHAT THEY ATE and how they got it (even if we know the tools, we do the tactics etc).

Thus we don't know that Homo neanderthalus were "dangerous preditors" compared to Homo sapiens (indeed we are more dangerous by inference of WE survived), and the Neanderthal most certainly did not have cats eyes, and look like apes

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by Noinden
Thanks kindly for the info, I'll start looking into this along these lines.

And I guess that explains why NPT hasn't gone more mainstream - although it might make for a great film at some point.

Take care and be well...lovely country you've got there, BTW.

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by Praetorius

I do believe that was the idea of the video in the first place, and this is just some viral marketing, just like the Blair witch project
you'd have to ask ren1999

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by Praetorius

As far as us raping them, allegedly their supposed strength and hunting habits, not to mention diets, calls that into question, based on bone structure, musculature, and tooth composition. I'm not seeking to argue with you as this isn't anything I've looked into in-depth, but references provided by yourself would help to challenge NPT...although given mainstream acceptance, it doesn't seem like challenge will be a difficult thing to present.

yeah, i can imagine some idiot trying to rape some nean-female without getting his head torn off among other things.

or being hunted down after, by the rest of her group. people that hunt can make war.

i have a problem with the rape plunder scenario of cross breeding.

it had to be mutual or there would not be so many n-genes around.

which means cooperation and communication.

there were just more homo sap sap at that time is why hss survived.

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 11:06 PM
I don't get it ,supposedly we bred with Neanderthals making us stronger, and them nonexistent?
if we are stronger now what the hell were we then? pipsqueak midgets?

they were said to be seven times stronger than us and we know they had at least equivalent intelligence.

so what we are left with is that Neanderthals interbred with something?someone who like them is no longer in existence and WE are the product

unless we come from Africa ?

I'm not buying it I still have questions i just saw a video in another thread were some guy has come up with Neanderthal as the ultimate killer ape. he says he came up with an accurate representation of them (which is no more than a product of his bias as the recent ones are of the current bias to over humanize them)

here's it is in my opinion utterly prosterous for one thing he seems to have forgotten that they are known to be fair skinned and oh yeah the had fire and made tools

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 11:12 PM
its a fun way to build muscle.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 03:51 AM
I tend not to speak unless the moment calls for. I have a real, raw weight bench press of 445 pounds. Something that would seem ridiculous to a lot of people. I'm a 6'0, 260 pound, scholarship football player and a National Champion. Although my strength was earned through countless hour of exercise, I was also predisposed to be stronger than other guys my age. I came to light of my natural strength during a gym class in the 8th grade. Because I was physically stronger than other kids in my school, it inclined me to continue weightlifting, which in turn lead to athletic success. I'm a good looking guy in today's standards, however I think it's rather plausible to assume that I could have neaderthal DNA. And to be frank, I think I am incredibly well-spoken in relation to the majority of individuals I come across in my day to day, and considering there are countless tales of pre-historical floods, I believe the population of neanderthals died out, and the remnants were then bred out. My family comes from Germany, and the tale of the neanderthal is rather interesting if you focus on Nazi ideaology. Hitler believed there was an Aryan race who were physically stronger than our own, and he believed within Germany there were remnants of this race. I am no superman, but I'm fortunate enough to have good genes, wherever they come from. Being physically stronger doesn't make you athletically better, it just makes you strong. Hitler saw this first hand in the Olympics, example, Jesse Owens.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 10:30 AM
i have a problem with the rape plunder scenario of cross breeding.

it had to be mutual or there would not be so many n-genes around.

which means cooperation and communication.

there were just more homo sap sap at that time is why hss survived.

not really rape and plunder have been tools of spreading genes since time began
an example of this is that one in 200 humans on this earth are decedents of Genghis Khan!
he is the most prolific sire on the planet! because he killed everyone taller than a wagon wheel and impregnated all the virgins
but I don't know about Rapist Neanderthals I do however know about Rapist Homo sapiens

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by MrsBlonde

edit on 26-8-2011 by kimish because: (no reason given)

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