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Hearing breathing~ Ghost?

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posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by CherryV

I wasn't going to reply because I didn't think I would be able to help much, but then you got to the part about being 15 and that sounded really familiar, so I'll tell you what happened to me.

I have posted my entire story somewhere around these parts, but I'll post the short and sweet version.

When I was 15, I woke up in the middle of the night and heard loud breathing. I also noticed that there was a girl in my bedroom. It was my first experience with the paranormal and I was petrified. I'm not sure exactly how long I stared at the girl before she disappeared but the whole time she was there, I heard that breathing. As soon as she was gone, the breathing was too. To say I was terrified is an understatement. I wouldn't sleep in that room for months after.

I have heard of breathing accompanying hauntings before but I really don't understand the connection. In my case, I can't say it was really a haunting because I only saw her that one time and never again. I think that the next time you hear the breathing, you should tell it leave you alone.

I haven't read through the thread yet so I hope that someone has been able to give you better advice. I know how scary it is and I feel for you! I hope you get answers because I remember how scared I was when that happened to me.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 02:44 AM
reply to post by LadyS

I will read it in a while, shame he disappeared as I plan to stick around, I really would like to know what this is. I really hope the Mods will let this thread stay open, I have sent a message explaining that I did a search and there is a similar type of thread in which the OP never came back.

Just a quick note, the Mods kindly let me keep this thread as it is my own experience, and moved it to The Gray Area :

edit on 16-8-2011 by CherryV because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 02:52 AM
reply to post by gemineye

Thank you so much for sharing this, I'll see if I can find tonight where it was you posted it as I may find out more. The first time it happened to me, I slept in my brothers room for 6 weeks or so, but as you saw a girl too, I dont think I would have been able to go back to sleep in that room again
I couldnt sleep last night for thinking about it, and when i did, I had dreams of myself and a little girl having to hide under floorboards from someone (a man).

I will admit, that when it happens, I am too scared to look around. I'll look immediately in front of me, but I close my eyes, cover my ears and hope it stops. I used to open all the windows, as I thought it wouldnt happen then...I think maybe the sounds outside stopped it bothering me so much.

Since I am unlikely to find out after all this time what it is, I am going to ask it to go away. I have also been tempted to ask who or what it is, I would appreciate advice on that. I'll update as/when I hear it again and what I do about it. I'll stick around and not vanish though

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by MrOysterhead
reply to post by CherryV

That certainly would scare the crap out of me.

Hopefully someone will come along and give you an explanation that will make you feel more comfortable.

I'm not saying you don't hear anything, but seriously... ghosts do not have lungs, therefore they can not breathe at or near you. They can't even breathe at all. What would be the point in ghosts if they had to breathe? If they can breathe, than #ing choke them out and go on with your day.

Figure out what it is, then post back. Stop being scared of things that do not exist. Not trying to make you look stupid just saying what I think.

EDIT: Reading your last post, you seem to really think there is something there. It must just be negative energy manifesting certain events that might seem spooky. Just to reassure you, there is no real consciousness behind what is happening. You literally bring this ghost to life, by thinking it's a ghost. Just chill out. Emit positive vibes, and maybe do a cleansing to your house to get rid of any lingering negative energy. What I am talking about isn't supernatural at all, it's a part of daily life, and our culture is just to small minded to think outside the box. -- There's nothing to fear but fear itself.

When you get scared, you only make it worse, by adding your own bad vibes to the bad vibes that have probably been in your house for a while. For real, just chill, and I guess if you didn't want to do a "cleansing" ritual, than just ask and visualize the negative energy leaving. Don't ask it like it's alive though, it isn't. -- Again, this isn't religious garbage or supernatural, it's just apart of our life that some people just don't understand. Good luck.
edit on 16-8-2011 by Motumz because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 09:47 PM
Do you live with anyone else? I've heard breathing before, I was wondering where it was coming from until I realized that I could actually hear the very loud breathing from someone sleeping in the other room haha.

Do you have any pets? Because another time I realized it was my cat breathing quite loud while sleeping.

I'm not saying this is what happened, just trying to get the logical possibilities out of the way before moving on.

p.s I love Final Fantasy VIII

edit on 16-8-2011 by _Phoenix_ because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by Motumz

Hi thanks for replying...I did write why do Ghosts needs to breathe if they are dead in an earlier post, but I see you added to this, thank you.

You are right, I have spent so many years being scared of this, one reason I have written about it on here is to try and deal with it. Obviously, I dont go round telling many people in RL about it as I feel uncomfortable with the whole situation.

I am going to ask them to leave me alone if/when it happens again, I don't want them to do this and scare me for the rest of my life! I have also taken on board what you have said about negative energy and will try and be more positive about this. If you are right and it is all in my imagination (which is what I think you are saying?) then by being positive it should just go away forever...right?

I'll try both, I just want it to stop & to stop being scared.
edit on 17-8-2011 by CherryV because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 02:46 AM
feltreply to post by _Phoenix_

Well I did consider this, but when it used to happen when I was younger, we had no pets at all at that time, we had a big house with thick walls, and you have to remember, that twice, I actually felt it on my neck and ear. And no, it wasnt warm, just could feel cool air...not freezing, just cool.

Sometimes it has happened when i have been alone, and sometimes someone else has heard it. I have also heard it as well as other people 2 lots of breathing at the same time! I even held my breath to double check.

ETA...I took out some text about an experience when I was 12. I'll see if anyone else thinks its not just my imagination before I decide to post it.
edit on 17-8-2011 by CherryV because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by CherryV
reply to post by Motumz

Hi thanks for replying...I did write why do Ghosts needs to breathe if they are dead in an earlier post, but I see you added to this, thank you.

You are right, I have spent so many years being scared of this, one reason I have written about it on here is to try and deal with it. Obviously, I dont go round telling many people in RL about it as I feel uncomfortable with the whole situation.

I am going to ask them to leave me alone if/when it happens again, I don't want them to do this and scare me for the rest of my life! I have also taken on board what you have said about negative energy and will try and be more positive about this. If you are right and it is all in my imagination (which is what I think you are saying?) then by being positive it should just go away forever...right?

I'll try both, I just want it to stop & to stop being scared.
edit on 17-8-2011 by CherryV because: (no reason given)

No no no, it isn't in your imagination. Negative and positive energy surrounds us all. What I am saying is, the more you get scared, the more the negative energy builds up, and thus you will only hear/see even more manifestations of the negative energy.

Just relax and think positively. And yes, next time you hear it, just ask THE ENERGY to leave, in a positive manner. Remember, it is NOT a living entity, it just sounds and feels like it. The entity IS in your imagination, the negative energy is not.

Not sure if you will believe me or not, but there is also a simple way to get rid of this and to keep it away. Just buy a negative-repelling energy stone. -- I know this sounds crazy, I used to think so to, as I was apart of the modern society ignorance. But you gotta trust me, certain stones resonate and emit high frequencies, and literally shoot out positive vibes. It will repel that kind of stuff, and even keep bad karma from you (people thinking negatively about you, essentially sending bad vibes to you - that is karma, not some mystical force).

Not too sure what the stone(s) is called but you can get one on Ebay for like.. 20$, at the most.

Here's another link that might help you. Didn't look through them all but maybe you'll find it useful.
good luck!

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 04:12 PM
Thanks SO much for all that info! I have a Cinnamon Yankee candle that's following me around now! (Not of its own accord tho

I'm looking into some of this, reading up, deciding what is best to purchase, and then I will certainly try this, i think it will help with all sorts of stuff at the moment as I need to focus on other stuff and chill out. So these sound like they work for a lot of people.

Much appreciated
I'll let you know what I buy!

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 07:09 PM
Well...I talked about this in another thread already, but I'll paste the same post here, hope you don't mind.

This sounds like something I used to experience, as a kid. When I was 7 or 8 years old, I spent a lot of time listening to some great LPs (damn I'm getting old...) my dad had back then, like Beatles, Skynyrd, Elvis, Johnny Cash, great stuff, you know...then, one day, out of nowhere, it started. During that brief silence in between tracks, I heard someone breathing right behind me. It was a heavy sound, sounded like someone who just stopped running and is badly trying to catch his breath again. That sound didn't come out of the ceiling, the floor or the walls, it was in the middle of the room, like if there was a huge invisible rottweiler just sitting there staring at me. I freaked out, jumped away from the sound and left the room running like a bat out of hell. It happened dozens of times, only in that room and I never told anyone about this. One day we moved out of that apartment and I never heard the "breather" again.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by Raven_Heart

Woah...that first time I heard it I had just finished playing a song called Amigo by Black Slate, and was taking my make up off in the mirror. I was into a lot of music at that time too. I didn't think it would happen again, but it did, even though it was 15 odd years later. The other type of breathing I hear more regularly, is the same heavy breathing, but further away from me. (btw I used to love Lynyrd Skynyrd).

I'll tell you why I thought it was a ghost. That time in the mirror, was 6 days off to the year that someone close to me had died, very suddenly and very unexpectedly. I am loathe to write that tbh. But for years I hoped it was that person. Now I dont think it was, I havent for a very long time, because when they were alive, they always said leave the dead be. Because of the many strange experiences I have had, including seeing spirits (one sitting on my bed in the early 1990s) I just assumed this was one too.

There was another strange occurance, about the same time (as the above one happened), and I was playing the song Daydream Believer (The Monkees). My parents would knock on the wall if I played it too loud! and this time there were 3 loud knocks on my bedroom wall. I turned it right down, and went downstairs, my mum was right up the end of the garden hanging out the washing! No one else was in the house. That happened absolutely 100% and I always wondered if it was 'this person'....because it was one of their fave songs and I was playing it for them.

When I got seriously ill, everything I am better, it seems like it is all coming back!

I have purchased a Nazar stone, I plan on purchasing some crystals too.

edit on 19-8-2011 by CherryV because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 10:24 AM
Try running a fan for white noise.

I hear all kinds of sounds created by my body when there is nothing to hear.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by Cyprex

Do you think that will also stop other people hearing it the same time? Maybe it's all of our bodily noises....
Thanks anyway

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 03:52 AM
Just a quick update....I have purchased some positive energy items, a Nazar, some crystals, certain candles, some Pennyroyal dried herbs, an Ankh and some other little bits and pieces. All of which are known to repel negative energy.

Thanks for all the advice/suggestions and opinions. I don't really have anything to add to this from now on, unless it happens again and if so I will update this. But I'll be around on here somewhere....

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 04:32 AM
watch for shadows that have form and don't have a counterpart to cast them. It sounds like an experience I had with a shadow being.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 04:49 AM
reply to post by nh_ee

Lol that made me laugh! Most people would be scared [SNIP] but you went chasing a hooded 'ghost' trying to kick it.

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.
edit on 22-8-2011 by Gemwolf because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 11:35 PM
the breather is not a demon or evil spirit. it is a caller, calling you o breath the unknown. to fear the breather is to fear the unknown.

posted on Sep, 27 2017 @ 12:29 AM
that happened to me today i was getting ready to close my eyes and i heard someone exhaling

Edit: the part that made it seem more validating was the fact that my a.c was on and it would'nt be an excuse of my brain filling in for silence
edit on 27-9-2017 by DTwow because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2018 @ 10:43 AM
Hello! This is a very similar experience to mine. I remember that I was standing with my sister, and my mother, waiting for our car to come, and to take us to school. This happened when I was 12 years old. Suddenly, when I was standing waiting for the car, I heard someone breathing in my ear.
I am assured that it was NOT my sister, trying to prank me. I know some people might believe that, but my sister was only 11 years old and I don't think she could pull off such a prank. I also felt like the breathing was... hushed? I don't know. It was just if someone was breathing into my ear, provocatively. I know that I quite weird, but now that I think about it, it really felt provocative.
I don't have any hearing issues, and I have only experience it once, but... I know that I am not going crazy. I also do believe in spirituality... so... can someone please explain to me, and this other person what is happening?

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