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Racism, Hatred and the William Commanda Life Story

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posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 06:34 AM
Last Wednesday, a man I loved died. He was 97 years old and his life story is one of transformation.

As a youth, he hated. Hated a lot.

In his mid life, he was laid low by cancer, coming close to death, but early one morning, hearing a bird sing, a moment of truth came to him which changed not only his life, but eventually the lives of hundreds of thousands... including mine.

Whenever you read racist or bigoted threads online, or hear of such cruel happenings out in the world, I hope you will remember William Commanda's story and know that there are those who fought against it and that there are those who will carry on his message now that he's gone from among us.

William Commanda's Story

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by masqua

What a wonderful thread here. It is so refreshing to see a positive message from a real hero for a change. This is the type of change America desperately needs. This man was a blessing and his life, a lesson for us all. Thank you so much for posting this today.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by newcovenant

And thank you for watching the short film clip.

The positive testaments given to William Commanda by the hardened criminals doing time in the penitentiary are proof that his message was getting through to everyone in society.

But when he talks about the critical moment in which he had that change of heart, that spoke the loudest to me. We should all learn from it. Forgiveness is a hard thing whether it is of yourself or others. I know that fact personally.

edit on 7/8/11 by masqua because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 08:32 PM
Thanks so much for posting this

I stumbled upon it and I have to say that it is time for folks to spend a few minutes on the video, it is a perspective that unfortunately is lost here in the US by our leaders who would rather continue divisive politics to gain votes..

Absorb the words of William Commanda and tell me who has a better message....

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by JacKatMtn

reply to post by masqua

Thanks for posting this, masqua.
I watched it when you posted it last year, William was quite a inspiration.
Definitely worth watching again...and as newcovenant said, something positive in the midst of the insanity of current events.

Thanks for posting and bumping this Jack

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by JacKatMtn

I'd lived a fairly long life already when I first met William Commanda and been guilty of a great deal of stupidity before that initial meeting with him in Kanata almost seven years ago.

Did I change after talking with him for an hour? I'd say that my life changed from that moment on. It was a long drive home from his place, about 8 hours, and my wife and I talked about his message the entire way. From that day on, I put an effort into getting to know him better and that never stopped until his passing.

Now, it's all reflection and trying to compare what I see in the world and how he would want to see things changed for the better. What is better and how can we even begin to see a way? How would he have reacted to the Trayvon/Zimmemann incident itself and what would he have thought of the public reaction through the distorted lens of the media (ATS included)?

I think I know...

The man I knew would have felt sad for both and blamed neither of these young men for their anger and fear. Then he would likely have pointed out how so many people had taken sides after the fact, instead of understanding that both had real reasons for acting the way they did in that moment of violence.

Those reasons need examining, I'm sure he'd point out.

He would have forgiven both of them in his heart and been disappointed at the circus which has embroiled a nation as a result. He would have seen it as an illness within society that can be cured without therapy nor psychotropic drugs... just good common sense and simple kindness. No-one needs to hate, we are driven to it by the inhumanity that we see everywhere every day and that is the real problem. Until we can change that constant hatred and fearmongering, some will only continue to react as they did.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by masqua

He would have forgiven both of them in his heart and been disappointed at the circus which has embroiled a nation as a result. He would have seen it as an illness within society that can be cured without therapy nor psychotropic drugs... just good common sense and simple kindness. No-one needs to hate, we are driven to it by the inhumanity that we see everywhere every day and that is the real problem. Until we can change that constant hatred and fearmongering, some will only continue to react as they did.

Totally agree..

Tune out the noise, and tune into seeing everyone as you see yourself in a mirror..

How you, would like to be treated... treat others...

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