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U.S. stocks tank in worst streak since credit crisis, good job debt-deal!

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posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 09:23 PM
I kept the Yahoo streaming market page going today and saw that the Global markets tanked. Germany, China, Japan, France, US, et al. I kinda figured the US credit rating would drop regardless, since the only 2 scenarios both indicate that we are having trouble paying our bills. I mentioned in another thread about Bernanke loaning out $16T dollars during the big bailout controversy. Perhaps Uncle Sam tried to collect its' markers, but nobody is in a position to pay it back, hence the devaluation of the dollar, which in turn perpetuated the drop we just saw in the markets.
I did notice that gold was up about $30/oz at market close, but it has settled back to +$17 now. The Hang Seng markets are down about 490 points so it tells me the markets are gonna tank again tomorrow. We'll see

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 09:33 PM
You know whenever i read how bad the Stock Market is, i remeber too stay away from the Casino, somebody called your bet,, you lost, now pay up, thats what the European are saying too Goldman/ three bears, duetchbank, icg, etc,,,
But then i ask myself , the United States Goverment sold the Oil Contracts for Iraq to China worth?,,,and dont forget the biggest deposit of rare earth metals in Afganistan,,,thats just two,,were is the money??? where's the beef?,, didnt gm just pay back ,, x amount?,,, wait a minute (loan shark from the Fed?)
,those are the rates you agreed too,,,
,, its all gone you say?,,ohhhh hmmmm want more Credit?
,, ohhh its gonna cost ya more this time by the way ,, cause your what we call in the finacial business,,, a high risk,, ,, so what ya got?

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by liejunkie01

At least the government is still spending.

At least I still got a job........As well as thousands of other hard working individuals.......

It will pass.(debt paranoia/fear mongering)

Next week we will all be talking about Iran again

I just know that this will be such a popular post.....such a negative bunch on ATS these days

Clarification: I still have a job because of the tax payer funded construction projects. New highschools and such........
edit on 2-8-2011 by liejunkie01 because: Clarification

Good to know you doing well despite the current situation...

Let's hope the thousand others out of jobs find a job, so we can all be happy...

But the current system is corrupt, as long as the system is corrupt, there still remains an imminent economy

This is the reality, whether you like or not, call it fear-mongering, I call it an honest opinion.

I for one don't like to pretend that everything seems okay when it isn't.

Let the truth be known. I wish I could add some icing on top of that.


posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by davidgrouchy
What if it has leaked that the Super Congress is planing to do the right thing
and Wall Street is scared chitless.


David Grouchy

This would be my dream. I think that if a corporate coup had occurred and people in power knew this they couldn't just tell the people. They would have to work behind the scenes for apparently evil purposes for awhile. Then in the right moment all do the right thing and cut off the head of the snake.

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by buni11687

I checked around the threads and didn't find anything about this:

In the U.S., the planned takeover of NYSE Euronext by Germany's Deutsche Boerse made waves because it means ceding the storied trading floor on 11 Wall Street to foreign control.

But in Europe, tradition has almost no role to play in reviews of the deal. Regulators are focused instead on how to handle a new company that would be the world's largest exchange and control vast but rather obscure parts of the financial system.


I'm not sure but it seems they have created a new financial void to continue their obscurity. A larger 'Mega Exchange' will be a haven for the globalist financial agendas, in the fact that they can play the market 24/7 and use larger pools of 'dark liquidity'. This could be the next big financial time-bomb for central banks, and it can't be good for the rest of us.

Continental European countries will be eager to use the deal to boost Frankfurt's status as a financial center and compete with New York, Hong Kong and London. But regulators are also worried that they'll create a financial behemoth just as they're trying to increase oversight of the sector in the wake of the 2008 global crisis.

The $10 billion takeover is set to affect big banks, investment funds and rival exchanges around the world, making it one of the biggest regulatory cases of 2011 for the EU's competition watchdog. The first deadline for the European Commission's review is Thursday, but the regulator is widely expected to launch a deeper examination of potential competition threats that could drag on until the end of the year.

And it would appear that the momentum of this monster is the exploitation of the global derivatives ghost.

First, the creation of a potentially dominant venue for derivatives trading — by combining Deutsche Boerse AG's Eurex and NYSE Euronext's Liffe. Second, the consequences of linking this huge derivatives exchange to Deutsche Boerse's integrated business model, in which trades are channeled to its own clearing house.

A clearing house acts as an intermediary between buyers and sellers, collecting fees and collateral to absorb losses in case one party defaults, and has traditionally been independent of the exchange.

Here's one perspective from 1 analyst:

"Are there a lot of monopolistic elements in this formation? Yes there are," said Diego Perfumo, an exchange analyst at Equity Research Desk in Connecticut.

Not looking so promising now. I think we can expect primative markets to tank while the new giants suck the life out of them. I think the markets will tank for a while and then magically rally before the holidays.

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by w3nd1g0

Originally posted by galactictuan
reply to post by buni11687

Did I mention ET Disclosure is deeply connected with the financial crash?

Do you have any further info on this apparent "deep connection" between the two mate?

Very curious as i have heard this mentioned from various source in the past 2 years.


It's a long story... let's just say the Satanic pedo banksters will go down, sooner or later, and when that time arrives, and this is not even conspiracy no more.

Even mainstream economic experts have called for it: GLOBAL DEBT FORGIVENESS and the new system.

That's what they are working out behind the scenes as this financial crisis gets worse and worse.

Oh yeah, I forgot the alien part, they'll come in later...

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by liejunkie01

At least the government is still spending.

At least I still got a job........As well as thousands of other hard working individuals.......

It will pass.(debt paranoia/fear mongering)

Next week we will all be talking about Iran again

I just know that this will be such a popular post.....such a negative bunch on ATS these days

Clarification: I still have a job because of the tax payer funded construction projects. New highschools and such........
edit on 2-8-2011 by liejunkie01 because: Clarification

More debt = lower $ = higher prices of commodities.

Enjoy your job.

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