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The Tea Party's Joe Walsh...A Perfect Example Of Pure Hypocrisy...What Could Be More Tea Partyish?

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posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
reply to post by Flatfish

Uh I think she lost all rights to his money when the divorce was final.

Is that when she stopped raising his kid?

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by Flatfish

read the thread man and thats like the pot calling the kettle
edit on 31-7-2011 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

I authored the thread and I've read every response posted within it. Just exactly what am I supposed to be looking for?

There are times when someone's actions supersede their friendship and attempting to defend their actions is just plain ludicrous. Two good examples would be; Anthony Weiner who was immediately asked to resign after his sexting disclosure and then there would be Joe Walsh who continues to enjoy overwhelming party support even in light of his newfound deadbeat dad status. And to think that the mainstay of your party's platform is "family values," what a joke!

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by Flatfish

did i defend the guy?

please quote it

also i just wonder how many democratic deadbeat dads are running around oh of course that is if their gfs and wives dont go off an kill it ?

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by neo96

Perhaps when a man divorces his wife, and wants nothing to do with the kids we should give him the option at that time for a late term abortion? Hey, that'd solve all kinds of issues!! If a woman can escape the financial burdens of a child through murder, why not a man? I thought Democrats were for "equality". Or .. was that "equality" for one side only?

Anyways .. before I leave this thread.. my thoughts:

Tea Party legislature sucks. He sounds like a tool, beyond just his child support issues he has tax and bankruptcy issues at that. Essentially he can't control his own life and shouldn't be entrusted to manage the country.

Child support is wrong .. it's nothing more than women taking advantage of men through a set of antique ideologies that says men are "providers" for households even though there are now more women employed in the country than men.

Men have no rights to a family, the courts will always side with the women, steal the mens money and livelyhood so women can squander the funds in an unrestricted fashion "for the children."

Children are the victims of divorce and often never see any benefit from the child support .. if a woman can't financially support the kids on her own, but a man is expected to support the kids, the wife and himself then the kids should live with the father.

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by Flatfish

did i defend the guy?

please quote it

also i just wonder how many democratic deadbeat dads are running around oh of course that is if their gfs and wives dont go off an kill it ?

Maybe it was just an assumption on my part but when you said;

what a thread
objective: paint the husband as a worthless piece of trash who needs to help the poor little old mother out who cant fend for herself or take care of her child.
thought women didnt need men oh just their cash.

it seemed that since you were accusing me of painting "the husband as a worthless piece of trash," and then you go on to trash the X wife for needing anything from a man, that you were attacking the thread and the wife in defense of the deadbeat dad. If that's not what you were doing, then it was my mistake.

Furthermore, it's not about how many deadbeat dads are running around out there be they democratic or republican. It's about a politician who uses the future debt burden of his children, (which he currently owes $117,000 in unpaid debt to) as a crutch to emphasize how important it is that we look out for our children's future. If you can't see the difference, then I can't help you.

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 08:25 PM
It seem pretty convenient the timing of this 8 month old 'news'.

WASHINGTON –It is not lost on me that a court case filed almost 8 months ago regarding a marriage that ended more than 8 years ago would be brought up today. We are 72 hours away from one of the biggest decisions our country has to make about its financial future. I understand why this is a story and why the media has to ask me about it. I understood as a candidate, and I understand as a sitting member of Congress that the scrutiny of my personal life will be intense. This is a tough business. It’s also not lost on me that not everyone agrees with me politically, I am the tip of the spear in this current debate, and I will be attacked.


The Democratic operatives trying to attack the message Joe upholds by attacking his personal life is exactly what I've come to expect from those slime buckets.

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by Flatfish

did i defend the guy?

please quote it

also i just wonder how many democratic deadbeat dads are running around oh of course that is if their gfs and wives dont go off an kill it ?

What the hell are you babbling about? Democratic voting women kill their children if the child's father is deadbeat? Are you seriously saying that?

I heard Casey Anthony voted for Allen West ........completely ruling out your ludicrous theory

posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 09:50 AM
Update; Joe Walsh, A "No Show" In Court.

Look people, this guy's behavior is indefensible! There is no acceptable excuse for putting politics ahead of your children and the level of hypocrisy being demonstrated by anyone who would support this guy, (namely, the GOP/Tea Party) is just as indefensible.

Apparently, even Joe Walsh himself thinks so, seeing how he didn't even bother to show up in court to defend his actions. -else/

I think his excuse was, that he needed to be in Washington in order to vote on an upcoming bill. As it turns out, he voted "Present" on the bill in question which passed with a vote of 232 to 186.

Lawrence O'Donnell got it right, again!

“Joe Walsh is a disgrace to the United States House of Representatives, he is a disgrace to the Republican Party that claims pride in its shared family values. No news network, no television network should enable his lie that his fulminating in Congress or on TV is more important than paying his child support. Oh, and you know that vote that he cast yesterday? The one where his vote didn’t matter because the winning margin was so big, the vote that he pretended was so important that he couldn’t be at his child support hearing? Joe Walsh made sure his vote didn’t matter because he didn’t even vote yes or no. Joe Walsh voted present.”

The other day in another thread, I made the statement that I believed that the GOP/Tea Party would sacrifice their first born child just to see Obama defeated. I think this guy, Joe Walsh, is displaying a perfect example of just how high on their list of priorities they place their own children, much less ours.

posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 10:48 AM
edit on 16-9-2011 by fooks because: (no reason given)

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