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The Veteran 2011: The organizing principle of any society is for war

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posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 01:37 PM
In the movie, “The Veteran” (2011) Hollywood reveals the terrible truth of our time. Starting at time code 1:20:16. The meat of which ends at 1:21:21. In just over one minute of this movie the terrible truth of our time is revealed in the words of actor Brian Cox in the parking garage scene near the end of the movie. Here is a transcript.

BRIAN COX: “The organizing principle of any society is for war. The basic authority of the modern state over its people resides in its war powers. Today its oil, tomorrow water. Its what we like to call the God business; Guns, Oil, and Drugs. But there is a problem, our way of life, its over. Its unsustainable and in rapid decline, that’s why we implement demand destruction. We continue to make money as the world burns. But for this to work the people have to remain ignorant of the problem until its too late. That is why we have triggers in place, 9-11, 7-7 , WMDs. A population in a permanent state of fear does not ask questions. Our desire for war becomes its desire for war. A willing sacrifice. You see fear is justification, fear is control, fear is money.”

I think this says a lot in a short few sentences.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 01:54 PM
good view on things, there should be a pacifistic country in the future as a role model.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 02:08 PM
The constitution gives two main types of powers to congress, control over war, and control over the economy. That's it. Hopefully, we as a human species can learn to stop waging wars and start waging peace. If history is any indicator, we won't ever learn until we blow off our head, figuratively.
The problem with our country is it has always been a country based on the principle of war. That's a truth they don't like to say directly, but it is true, just look at the constitution.
So while I think it is terrible we are currently destroying countries left and right(hyperbole), you need to understand that it is nothing new, not new at all.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by icepack

I hate to point this out, but there is a reason there are no true pacifist nations on Earth. It's really as simple as it is profound to consider. The reason why there are NO pacifist nations currently in existence is that if one were to form, a neighbor who IS NOT quite as peace loving would invade the new nation and take everything they have by force.
War is something we need to be prepared for and ready to long as others in the world are equally ready to take what we have. We just don't need to continue to base our whole national system on war and a dependence that it continue or we collapse.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by Ghost375

As a species, homosapians are relative newcomers and civilization is but a very thin veneer over a Still tribal, violent, primitive ape like being; afraid of losing the things it doesn't even have. Technology just allows us to throw bigger rocks in the quest for identity, resources etc.

Even today, Under the right circumstances men would band together to eat other men.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by icepack

A nation does not need to be passive to not be interventionist war mongers seeking global empire. They only need to seek to do no harm to others unless placed in jeopardy of life, liberty, or property by another person or group of persons.

A person or a nation is not being passive when they are seeking peace. Some of us have just evolved enough to see that every other human is another creative being.

Consciousness does not allow us to seek to harm others because we see others as much like ourselves as a part of a greater being. We are the universe exploring itself. We want to cooperate with one another to reach the stars and travel the universe exploring and loving for as long as this universe exists.

We need all of the good creative ideas, and inspiration from every loving, creating, conscious being we can come in contact with. We do not need war to organize so we reject it as an organizing principle. We organize in the patterns of the universal order of nature and the living conscious universe of which we are an active participant.

We will do war if need be but as a last resort and mainly just to bring others into the line of creative instead of destructive reasoning.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by Ghost375

The constitution does grant the war powers to the congress but of late in our history the executive has usurped this power and given the corporations and the government very greatly extended war powers and associated profits that have of course been abused.

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