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ATS and what members are never told (The calling out)

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posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 09:58 PM
The difference between many posters here is time. Time they have available to post and read through the forums. Some have been members for years, and over time built up the stars and flags. Others? Quite a few posters here don't apparently have a job, or a life outside of ATS.

There are posters who spend hours every day responding to posts, and trying to get entire threads to believe whatever it is they're selling, day after day. Who the hell has the time to spend hours per day responding to posts on a forum?
Just the other day there was this arrogant/joke of a poster replying to one post after another, in incredible depth. I find it funny he/she is so concerned about what people on here think, they spent half a freaking day arguing on a forum. Maybe they feel vindicated if 10 people agree instead of 5. I don't know. It's fun to have other interests and not be incredibly emotionaly attached to whether or not a few ATS posters agree or disagree.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by nakiannunaki

Ive actually wanted to make a thread like this. I have a very open mind, and it would be great to hear other established ATSers view on conpiracies and things they have found out. If I walked up to one of the sheeple and said: "Hey our government is controled by an elite group of people that want to turn our world into a neo-fuedalistic kingdom" they would either run or call the psyc ward right?

We'll a wise man once said "the sign of an educated mind is to entertain a thought without excepting it" and that is what I can do.

So hit me with your best shot, and share some of the denying ignorance you have been doing!

Here is what I believe:
I believe God and Lucifer exist and have since the start of time
UFO's are not alien spacecraft, I believe they are luciferian entities designed to make humans want to seek them. (works well here on ATS)
The only "aliens" that exist are angels and demons, which are inter-dimensional beings.
I believe that we are living in what some call "the endtimes" which is really the transfer to a new peaceful state of humanity (after much bloodshed)
I believe a fake alien invasion will be launched to unite the world into a one world government, after WWIII takes place.
I believe in doing everything possible to frustrate and slow down the NWO, and truly believe that with a big enough effort, we can change our current course in history, or at least delay it until some of the globalists die of old age.
I believe in optimism, and will always be content, no matter if the world is falling apart around my, because I know that our physical world is meaningless, and what we have in our heads and hearts are vastly more important.

Just my 10 cents (adjusted for inflation)

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by nakiannunaki

My aim is to have at least one high member of ATS just come out and just tell it the way it is.

Higher members eh.

OK, sure why not I could do and be that. I'll tell you the super duper secrets of which you are not privy to know, because it would flay your mind and soul. For a price that is, tit for tat and an answer for a question.

If there is a conspiracy what is the conspiracy exactly? To what degree do religion, Lucifer and aliens have to do with the conspiracy?

Ok the conspiracy is that the world is slowly being taken over by inter dimensional space cats. I know you don't believe me, but its true. Also these space cats can be anything they want to be, even something other then a cat, because....get this...there shapeshifter's.

And I am not sure about Lucifer, since the last time I asked her anything she tried to make me do stuff. So I was like! " I am so out of here" no way am I cleaning up your #. peace. But no-doubt Lucifer is up to some sort of evil plot and stuff, and probably having to do with souls and such.

What are the stages of the plans?

Stage 1: Make cool awesome plans.
Stage 2: Take a break.
Stage 3: Remember were we put the plans, so we can implement them.
Stage 4: Take a nap.
Stage 5: Take another nap.
Stage 6: Implement Plans.
Stage 7: Make a sandwich:
Stage 8: Eat the sandwich:
Stage 9: Plans didn't work out as planed, so make some new plans.
Stage 10: Repeat stages 1 through 9, only add more naps in there.

What knowledge is there that you know that is being held from us?

All kinds of knowledge that is knowledgeable to those in the know.
You know! all that cool jive stuff.

Stuff like..."you can't handle the truth"
Or... "Yours is not to wonder why, yours is but to do and die"

Stuff that even if told you would not even begin to understand. Way, way, way, way, way above top secret, and into the higher reaches of super duper awesomeness secret.

We shall make a path and traverse it, and over it shall be written... Impossibility.

If anyone else agrees please make your point heard. What is it that you would like to know?

You first.
Answer me these. And maybe I will answer your questions, "I'f I fell like it".

Oh! And no using the internet's. That's cheating.

Question 1: How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck can chuck wood?
Question 2: Were is the fish?
Question 3: Were do my socks go when they go missing from the washing machine?
Question 4: What is the secret of ninjas?
Question 5: What is the riddle of separate sensations?

Oh I just know your going to use the internet.
I guess I must be psychic to know that.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 12:18 AM
OP, ATS isn't working along side the government, actually the government could care less about information discuss on this forum, because well you know we'll Conspiracy theorists and the normal "sheep" would just deem us crazy

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 01:09 AM
I am a long time member.
I am a FORMER Moderator and an FSME
I've discussed behind the scenes stuff BEHIND THE SCENES.
I have NO problem answering your questions with 100% honesty.

Originally posted by nakiannunaki
How about the conspiracy that ATS is a psy ops programme to condition it's members?

No conspiracy. We condition ourselves just fine on our own. Paranoia IS a condition after all.

How about the conspiracy that ATS members hold satanic rituals?

While there may be members who do this type of stuff, there's nothing behind the scenes regarding it. NOTHING. No conspiracy.

How about the conspiracy that ATS is a Luceferic organisation?

Nothing I witnessed or took part in behind the scenes even approached "Luciferian" Nothing. No conspiracy.

How about the conspiracy that ATS members have realtions to Alien beings from other worlds?

Have you READ the Skunk Works forum or Grey Matters? ANY memeber can say they are in league with Aliens and many certainly have. However I've never been convinced it was realistic enough to believe. As far as behind the scenes? No. Nothing. No conspiracy.

How about the conspiracy that ATS members work alongside the Illuminati?

By "Illuminati" you mean...what? Masons? Get ready already covered his involvement in the Masons. My Dad was a Knight of Columbus. I am not. Am I enrolled in the annals of some secret society? Yes, but, totally unrelated to ATS.

This is a discussion forum. We discuss. Behind the scenes of ATS' navigatable-by-member pages are as few hidden forums. There's the complaint forum, where Mods discuss actions regarding member Alert!s. There's the Cosmic forum where Mods can discuss how to handle T&C situations that arise and upcoming features. I'm sure there is an Administration Forum and I KNOW there is a Staff Pub forum where staff can post funny crap or maybe rant about problem members.

Now. What else could you possibly need, answer-wise, that wasn't just covered by my 100% honest answers?

(Here goes)

Read more, post less.


edit on 7/22/2011 by Cuhail because: code crappulence

edit on 7/22/2011 by Cuhail because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 02:14 AM
OP,all of those theories you posted about ATS are responses from various posters who found out that *gasp*
other people have different opinions!!! so,not knowing how to handle this we get "theories." about how ATS is apart of the NWO-Illuminati-Vatican-Reptilian plot to enslave the planet.

+8 more 
posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 03:17 AM
It was a dark and stormy night.

How they found me, I will never know. A daisy-chain of a dozen proxies and a comfortable yet survivalist-oriented home tucked away in one of the most remote corners of Eurasia…and yet there was no hiding from truth. I guess ATS is good like that.

I heard a loud knock at the door and looked outside to see Benjamin Button standing at my door. No, waitaminute…it was the ShamWow guy. Or was it some gangster in a 1930s getup? Every time I looked at my unexpected guest, he had a different face. Fortunately, after several years of ATSs, a shape-shifter was nothing new, or even all that interesting. Yawn. I was about to turn away from my unexpected guest, eager to return to my interrupted 4-hour session of compulsively refreshing the last page of the “post a funny pic, I’m bored” thread.

“Silent Thunder! Do not turn your back on your Overlord! Would you reject this high honor I have traveled so far to bestow?” I peered curiously at my unexpected guest. He was holding out something vaguely shiny and glowing, shaped like a little square outline of a golden box with “Way Above Top Secret” written at the top.

“C0o-ool! But what am I supposed to do with that? Wear it around my neck?”

My guest shook his head sorrowfully. Clearly it was not the response he had hoped for, and I suddenly felt bad for my rudeness. “OK, OK, you have my attention. We don’t get many visitors out here, you know. Its part of the reason I’m online 18 hours a day. Would you like some Cognac? Waffles? Perhaps an old-school Burmese cheroot? Not too many of those make it out of Rangoon these days, let me tell you.” But my guest was on a mission, and mere creature comforts (no matter how delightful) could not deter him.

“Silent Thunder, you have been selected to be a High Poster.
I blinked. “Come again? I didn’t know you could be selected for that. I thought it was kind of a personal lifestyle choice that every poster makes for himself.”

“THERE WILL BE NO INSINUATIONS SKIRTING THE LINES OF THE T&C!” he suddenly roared. I flinched back, startled. The awesome wrath was a thing to behold, and humbled and chastened, I dropped my insouciant tone. “OK, OK,” I mumbled. “’I’m sorry.” And I felt it, too. Surely my Overlord deserved better. I composed myself in my best talking-to-bankers-and-Junta-members fashion: Legs crossed above the knee, hands lightly steepled, eyes wide. I was ready to listen.

“Silent, to be a High Poster is an honor, but it is also a responsibility. And right now there is no time to lose! You have been chosen as one of fifty High Posters who will be tasked with preserving all life and existence as we know it. And the stakes are high, Silent! Wars, famines, floods, nuclear meltdowns! Financial collapses! Script kiddies and budget deadlocks! Brown dwarves, solar flares, and little gray men! HAARP and FEMA boxcars! Religious fanaticism, social decay, the numbing of society…we must solve it all, Silent. And there is no time. Are you ready for the awesome task that lies ahead?”

I was. The man was a good speaker. And the shape-shifting thing was kinda cool, I never realized that was real. Always thought that was one of the dumber conspiracies. Just goes to show you.

Pleased by my acceptance, my Overlord began to outline the plan, and my place in it. In great detail. Supply lines and logistics were discussed, hidden bases and offshore accounts, strange new technologies and marvelous weapons. It was going to be – if you will pardon the crude neologism – truly epic.

Yet after 20 minutes, I started to fidget a little. Something was wrong, I couldn’t put my finger on it. I felt weird. Then I began to shake a little. Twitching. At first this did not interrupt the visionary orator, but soon even he could no longer ignore. My eyes started to roll in their sockets a little, and a greasy sheen of thick sweat broke out on my forehead.

My guest broke off in concern and stared at me. By now I must have looked quite bad…itching, twitching, shirt plastered to my skin with damp sweat, face flushed...and the shaking. I couldn’t stop the shaking. What on earth was happening to me? “Are you OK?” my guest asked, now slightly alarmed. I was getting alarmed too. My heartbeat was starting to resemble the rhythm line of La Cucaracha.. And a terrible need, like an awful, unslakable thirst. I needed something, and I needed it badly. But what?

Even though my mind didn’t realize what I needed, my body knew well enough. It was a physical, visceral, cellular-level craving, and my body would act while my mind stood there stupidly. I felt myself get up, still shaking, and cross the room…towards my den. Where my computer was still humming.

With a roar, I lunged across the room and flopped, shaking, into my computer chair. It had been 20 minutes. 20 minutes away from ATS. The longest time since ’08! How could I have held out? But already the pain and withdrawal were fading. The familiar dark screen floated mellowly before my eyes: A T S. Ah, home sweet home. Source of all that was good and right! How could I have let myself stay away so long?

After almost an hour plugged back in, I looked up, startled. My pain and discomfort were by now distant memories, but I dimly remembered that I had a…guest. A real guest, no less! In the flesh! Cursing, I jumped up and ran back into the other room.

My guest was gone, of course. I had missed by chance. Later I learned he’d been spotted walking down the long dirt road that was the closest reminder of wider civilization to Chez Thunder. He’d been shaking his head, muttering. I had let my leader down.

The deep shame would haunt me…for anther five minutes. Then I forgot all about it. Finally a new cat image in the funny pic thread! Maybe I am no world-saver, I thought to myself…but at least I never miss a single image from the funny pic thread. The logic was questionable, but sitting in front of my comfy, familiar computer screen, it made perfect sense.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 08:42 AM
I've said it before and I'll say it again. When you, as a conspiracy theorist, become so wrapped up in the "belief" (see conspiracy sheeple) that you begin to think that the forum designed for you as a conspiracy theorist is, in reality, a conspiracy against you...maybe it's time to take a break and let some reality back into your life.

Look, I'm all for everyone having whatever beliefs or theories they want into any subject they want, but you do have to recognize when you've let it take over your life to the degree that you lose your ability for rational thought. All of these posts about what the ATS overlords really know, and what they are hiding from you...that's your indication that you've lost that ability.

The next step in the whole theory that the conspiracy website is actually conspiring against you, is to then assume that all the other members of said website are there as plants only to conspire against you. When does it end?

And, yes, I do work for one of those "alphabet agencies" and if you were to spend a day with me at work, you would quickly see that we are not spending our time being all nefarious. We just do our job (much like those in the private sector, but at a bit lower pay scale).

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by nakiannunaki

hmmmmm, sounds to me like a dystopian parental know, that mindset some people have where they always assume somebody else, more powerful than themselves, always has control of their life, so they don't have to be as responsible for their actions.

of course there are conspiracies, both big and small. however, these conspiracies, being run by human beings, are just as susceptible to failure as any human venture. people have been talking about the masons taking control and implementing a one world government for literally hundreds of years, and it still hasn't happened. (and yes, i know, many key points of the conspiracy are happening right now, but America is still a sovereign nation and we, its citizens, are still protected by the Constitution).

the flaw i see is in assuming that these forces have some kind of supernatural power, they are insurmountable, and already controlling our lives. i have seen too many people (including several family members) get so lost in their conspiracy theories that they ended up "checking out" of life, like moving to Montana and cutting off contact from the rest of the world. if people go to that extreme, well, the conspiracy has won!

imagine all you could do with the time spent thinking, reading, surfing, and talking about conspiracies! maybe you could help make the world a better place. maybe i could have made breakfast in the time it took to type this!!! maybe....

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 11:12 AM
I'm a high member of ATS, ask me anything

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by Ladysophiaofsandoz




knowledge is great but to compare it with porn... is a little beyond me.

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