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Deputy Charged In Breaking Of Teen's Jaw while he was strapped to a guerney

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posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 08:04 PM
i will admit, i missed the part of the link about the kid being belligerent etc and it being posted,BUT i was right for my thoughts as to what had happened..., due to the stupid advertisments that were on that web page, i still managed to know what happened..
I am not defending that officers actions at all- NOT IN THE SLIGHTEST, but i do believe in a reaction for an action.-there is no way at all that little 'youth' did not bring about this action on himself. I was brought up to respect my elders, to open a door for a lady, to give your seat for an elderly person and also to RESPECT MY ELDERS AND BETTERS. Not to mouth off and pretend to be a big 'I AM'. This little scrote got what he was looking for- a bit of discipline.If his mother and father haven't got the ability to teach him the difference between right and wrong, then he deserved to be taught.Unfortunately he was taught a lesson whilst he was tied down.
There is nowadays . no 'youth respect for the older generation. ' Are we supposed to take the abuse that these little corner rats dish out? When was the last time any of you went out and thought 'little buggers, go and do something producive? How many of you have - as we have in England- CHAVS hanging round street corners, abusing people, kicking the f@ck out of grandparents that are barely able to walk who are only trying to get a paper and provisions?
These little scrotes deserve the kicking, and i know that copper was wrong but at least thats one less prick that is going to chops off an officer who is there to protect and serve.
Unless you would all rather 'protect and serve ' your own communities, and then .....
edit on 14-7-2011 by crimsonred because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by crimsonred

im not here to support this deputy, what he did was obviously wrong, however this is one of very few bad cops incidents where I didnt agree with police. Lets remember there are around 700,000 active police officers in this country, not including federal officers. So lets say in a given year there is an incident a day, a different officer each time your still only talking about 5% DO NOT JUDGE ALL POLICE FOR WHAT A TINY FRACTION ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR. ever had a job? would you say that 5% if not more of any coworker youd ever had was a peice of trash? well there ya go

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by ABWarrior58

well, if you'd actually read my posts, you'd realize i'm on your wavelength.
Please read my post properly and then reply.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 08:44 PM
Kudos to the ambulance personnel and Adams County for doing the right thing. There are too many policemen (men mostly and I wont call them "officers" as they would likely not be officer material in the armed forces) who feel that any sign of disrespect (including perceived belligerence) is a license to inflict bodily harm. This is especially offensive to the public at large when it is done to an individual who cannot defend himself....and, ironically, if he could defend himself, he would have been charged with assault on a police officer. One of these days an armed civilian is going to make a "citizen's arrest" and the officer will draw his sidearm and be shot dead (which would be justifiable if it was the other way around,,,,,I wonder, however, being a "citizen's arrest" how that one would play out?).
edit on 14-7-2011 by CosmicCitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 08:49 PM
The kid was bad and probably deserved some punishment for being drunk and disorderly but the cop was neither judge nor jury and the kid was restrained so not a threat to him. Bottom line: the policeman's query "no one say anything, right?" (or words to that effect) is a de facto admission of guilt. Book him Dano.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by CosmicCitizen

i still think there was a bit more to this, but i do agree that a copper shouldn't do those actions, BUT are we all saying the kid didn't deserve to be taught some manners? Maybe the officer WAS heavy handed, but seriously, how many of us, as normal law abiding citizens have had enough?
How many of you people out there have wanted to mete out your own justice to these little troublemakers and not had the ability to do it? IBET ITS A LOT OF YOU.
Our communities are now being ruined by bad parented 'kids' (in my town, these ''kids'' are carrying knives and guns.'' these 'teens '' are ruining our way of life- ie, a NORMAL way of life.
Teach them a lesson, they won't do it again.
And what will you liberals say , when a couple of years down the line, this 'chap ' rapes and murders someone? Will you still say, 'it was the coppers fault for beating him, it made him do what he did'? Grow up.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by CosmicCitizen

Unfortunately you live in a land that is based around Guns. I see and hear too many stories of your countrymen that believe that the 5th amendment (i think its it that one) so you all arm up, . Honestly, what country, in its right mind, allows a landowner to shoot and kill a trespasser? What civilised country allows its 18/19 year old (dependant on state) to be able to buy a fire arm, a semi automatic? an AK47 for gods sake at that age?There is a thread on here somewhere about a chap trying to find a semi for his brother, one of the stipulations was' it had to look ''''badass''' And you honestly look around and wonder why bad things happen in your country?
A lot of you (and i don't mean ATS members-but i do mean Americans)are there scratching your heads and wondering why the police are as hardcore bad motherf@ckers as they are!!!!! How would you like to have an AK47 pointed at you? how would you react? your country reaps what it sows. Its a shame, but at the same time .....

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