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New video of JFK's shooter? (Grassy Knoll footage)

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+7 more 
posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 04:08 AM
So I found this a while ago, and if it is in fact legit, then it is earth shattering.

Not to sound all conspiracy minded, but it wouldn't take a big stretch of the imagination to see that as George H.W. Bush there and not who they claim it is.

I had not seen this video before, I would be surprised if many of you have.

YouTube: JFK Assassin Caught on Camera

P.S. It's short, less than 3 1/2 minutes
edit on 7/13/11 by MentalPriapism because: (no reason given)

edit on 7/13/11 by MentalPriapism because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 04:58 AM
Here you go:

+15 more 
posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 04:59 AM
reply to post by MentalPriapism

First off, this isn't a "new" film. The Orville Nix film, the film showing the complete opposite angle of Abraham Zapruder - who we can actually see filming in the Nix film, has been around for a while now and in my own personal opinion It doesn't show us a shooter at all. Sure it gives us a rare glimpse at the grassy knoll as the assassination was taking place which is incredibly important, and sure we can see what appears to be a figure taking aim, and sure I actually 100% believe a shooter came from around this location... but I don't for a second believe this is it:


Screen shot from the Nix film

There's a couple of reasons why I don't believe this to be a shooter, instead, nothing but pareidolia at work. One of those reasons is this "shooter" is in plain view here. Even in plain view to the entire motorcade. Yet not a single person, at the time of the assassination might I add, came forward and described something exactly like this in this exact same spot. People suspected the knoll as they had either seen a flash of light or smoke (I cite Witness Lee Bowers as one of the witnesses to that), or because they heard a shot coming from here (I cite around 59 different witnesses for that.

So, not particularly because they actually saw someone taking aim and firing at Kennedy.

Also try watching the Nix film a little bit closer once again, try looking to the very far right hand side of where this "shooter" supposedly is situated. You may notice a man standing on the wall just to the right of him.. that's Abraham Zapruder - the man famous for the Zapruder film. He's stood there with a colleague of his. Now, if someone really was in clear view as this "shooter seems to be, there's simply no way Adrian would not have seen him. Same with his colleague and the same once again applies to those witnesses around the Knoll also. Even those around Nix in fact.

We also have to ask 1 very important question... And that's why doesn't this figure move? We can see him before the assassination, we can see him during it and finally we can see him after it and yet there is no movement at all. Surely, if someone had just shot the president, in clear view such as this, someone would've noticed him moving assuming he did so. Also the presidential limousine is moving at all times, why doesn't he adjust himself to get the best shot? Is he really just picking one spot and waiting for the president to come into it before he fires? It's seemingly the only conclusion and It's not a plausible one at all.

These few reasons are hy I don't believe a shooter is here. Don't get me wrong, I'm a firm believer that a shooter did come from this location (The grassy knoll). But one that's seen in the Nix film? No way. It's practically an impossibility especially since he's by far too "in view" like that. Instead, I feel like a shooter came from this location, and they're incredibly tough to make out as as we're looking right at it:


Image taken by Mary Moorman - not the Nix film

Also notice how we can't see any shooter from the Nix film location in this image? It's because, IMO, he's not there. As I said before, I feel the only reason we can see him is due to Pareidolia (see above link) and nothing more. It's also worth pointing out that this image has been hailed with being closer to the assassination than any pic before or after it. It's said It was taken at almost the exact same time thus giving us the best possible image when we search for a shooter from the Knoll.

Anyway, for anyone interested here's a little bit of information about Orville Nix and his film: Wikipedia: Orville Nix

I really think you should look up witness Gordon Arnold also. He tell's of a Grassy knoll shooter from the exact positioned I highlighted in the above image of the Moorman photo and he's got a very fascinating over all story to tell, one which I personally believe.

Gordon Arnold - Full Inter with "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" Documentary

edit on 13-7-2011 by Rising Against because: Fixed link.

edit on 4/10/11 by masqua because: edit by author request

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 05:05 AM
reply to post by MentalPriapism

Wow, well that is some interesting footage. The image enhancement seems to good to be true, this is some serious piece of evidence if all turns out to be legit.

+3 more 
posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 05:08 AM
Here's a screen capture from the video provided by the Op. It was enhanced and clearly shows this:


The JFK assaination is what initially sent me down this long and unending conspiracy theory rabbit hole. I lost interest in it a while back and never dug deep enough to have seen or heard of this footage. Outstanding!

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 09:48 AM
Why would he still be pointing a rifle up the street towards where the limousine came from when it's down the hill just below him at this point?

If he were the shooter he would aiming towards the car or trying to get the heck out of there instead of standing there like a statue.

Also the location is too easy easily seen by everyone. A professional shooter would have been hidden inside some shrubbery or behind it - not way out in the open as this supposed figure is.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 01:26 PM
What a camper! If this was Call of Duty: Black Ops, that would have been a great camping spot in the map!

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by Asktheanimals
A professional shooter would have been hidden inside some shrubbery or behind it - not way out in the open as this supposed figure is.

He probably was hiding there the whole time, but to get a clear shot with a rifle...which he didn't have a sniper rifle...he had to be clear of the shrubbery. So he popped out from it like a gopher and took out JFK. Notice how his right arm how it is sticking out.
edit on 13-7-2011 by Skywatcher2011 because: added note

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 01:29 PM

edit on 13-7-2011 by Skywatcher2011 because: double post

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 01:36 PM
You're trying to disassemble decades of brainwashing with a single picture?
Good luck.
Sure there is a picture clearly showing a man pointing a rifle but you are up against
some deeply held firmly rooted beliefs which you are threatening to crush.
I hope you brought a bigger hammer.

I, myself enjoyed the vid.
Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by Rising Against

Rising I was of the same mind as you on this one. Same as the limo driver shot JFK. I'm a bit taken back by the still frame above tho . I mean my God, have you ever seen that before ? WTF?
edit on 13-7-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

This is who we are
Nice post.

edit on 13-7-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by Rising Against

Rising I was of the same mind as you on this one. Same as the limo driver shot JFK. I'm a bit taken back by the still frame above tho . I mean my God, have you ever seen that before ? WTF?
edit on 13-7-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

What? The limo driver shot JFK???

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by Skywatcher2011

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by Rising Against

Rising I was of the same mind as you on this one. Same as the limo driver shot JFK. I'm a bit taken back by the still frame above tho . I mean my God, have you ever seen that before ? WTF?
edit on 13-7-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

What? The limo driver shot JFK???

That's a Negative.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by Skywatcher2011

What? The limo driver shot JFK???

Well, according to this high quality, and extremely zoomed in, image of William Greer, the Limo Driver, at exactly Frame 312 of the famous Zapruder film - this being a single frame, and I believe less than 0.4 seconds, before the shot struck Kennedy in the head....


No. No, he did not shoot him.

Have you ever wondered why all those videos showing the driver allegedly shooting him are of extremely low quality? Yeah, there's a reason for it - it's much easier to convince people he did it when you use low quality as opposed to modern day enhanced images - Modern day enhanced images that prove once and for all he was not holding a pistol in his left hand and the glare from his forehead, which many believe was a gun, was no such thing.

This ridiculous theory, as far as I'm concerned, has been firmly debunked and should no longer be considered a possibility for the researchers of today..

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by Rising Against

Damn rumors.

Thanks for helping me out with that Rising.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 03:29 PM
The digitally enhanced image of the shooter is of, as someone has pointed out already, a suspiciously fine quality. I find it hard to accept that such fuzzy, grainy original footage could be refined into such a clear picture. I don't buy this.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by Maskirovka

So you refuse to accept something because it's too high a quality?



Edit to add: I was assuming you was talking about my pic of William Greer I added in my last post when I made this post. If you're not, then my apologies.

Anyway, if you was talking about the photo of the Nix film.. well, my reply would be simple: It's actually not that high a quality at all. It's quite low if anything.
edit on 13-7-2011 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 03:57 PM
I'm talking about the 'optically enhanced' image (I think they were the narrator's words) in the video posted by the thread creator. It shows one very blurry image and then, hey presto!, thanks to some 'optical enhancement' we now have a perfect image of a rifleman. I am unaware of any technology in the present day that can render an image in that way.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by Maskirovka

Oh, well I completely misunderstood then. I assumed you were talking about either this image, or this one here. I know which one you mean now and well, I have to agree with you if I was to be completely honest. And that's mainly because he's pointing the wrong way and it looks more like a picture taken from one of the investigations as opposed to Dealey Plaza in 1963 during the assassination.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by Rising Against

On the picture with the title below; Image taken by Mary Moorman - not the Nix film, It appears that the Officer on the Motorcycle is looking directly at the red circle.
If I mentally go back by 3 seconds on that picture, I can mentally see that the gun shot startled the officer which caused him to take his eyes off the road and look at where the sound of the shot came from.
From that still picture, you can clearly see he is looking directly towards the red circle.

edit on 13/7/11 by 140BPM because: (no reason given)

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