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Caught in the act - Why citizens MUST retain the right to film police & government officials (Stosse

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posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 02:12 AM
It is a fine line between accepting protection and giving up rights. I think cops are just normal people, some good some bad, but a lot have more of a power trip mentality.

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

The argument here should be about private citizens vs public servants, but the fact that while in public you do not have an "expectation of privacy." Anything that one would do in public, is in the open. It is illegal,, and should be illegal to pass laws prohibiting the usage recording devices to record police, or anyone on the street. (constitutionally speaking that is). The government has the right to film us in public, we should have the same right.

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 02:56 PM
That's funny you say that. I've made that argument myself...not only about this but about other things.

Interesting though the same people who will make that statement will say its a friggin travesty to have police or government film "them"....even if they aren't doing anything wrong.

It should go both ways.
reply to post by nyk537

Yeah "Those People" aren't doing a Job. It's not like we're trying to film the cops when they're Off duty,or going to the store, or takeing a dump. I and others accept the fact everyday that we may be filmed at work to make sure we are not stealing or doing things we aren't supposed to and our job outline doesn't include "arresting people", "Use of force", and carring a gun with the right to Shoot and Kill people if the officer "judges" he needs to do so!! If you go on Youtube the videos of police burtality are Outrageous, and the fact that these guys get off with it and usually keep their job just amazes me. I don't care if a big nasty bastard that killed 3 people in cold blood gets fukd up a little to much, but these crazy cops are punching out Women and Kids, it's shamful and sickening. If anything we need more full time, unbiased, survelince of the Police that are dealing with day to day offenders.
When the police are getting scared of being filmed, it is a good day in my books. It shows that it is actually having an affect in how they conduct themselves and how they do their job. That will lower the number of citizens and officers injured/killed. It also means we're also begining to do away with the so called cops that take advantage of their position and bully people by intimidating, beating, pepper spraying, tasering poeple. These are usually people that haven't done anything either. Look up how often the police are sued and lose those lawsuits. We as the Tax Payer pay for these lawsuits as well, there brutality costs us money!!
We have to start Fighting for our Rights, We have to come together, and We Must take back our Freedom!! If you think your a Slave to Big Buisiness and Government now our future is gonna be much worse if we don't work together for Change. Don't let them scare you into giving up your rights!! Together We Are Strong!!
edit on 10-7-2011 by rEVLOVEr because: to fill in the quote I was replying to. I don't think I did it correctly. I f I didn't please inform me how to do it correctly. I see when other reply it quote the msg in a blue border. Thank you.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 01:01 PM
While I do agree with the average citizens right to be able to record interactions with police, I think everyone should also agree that people should make sure they do it without obstructing the police officers job. You also have to look at the people who the police are interacting with, who might not appreciate being recorded. How do you appease those people, and protect their privacy when just anyone can pick up a camera and start recording. AHow many people on this board would appreciate someone recording you while you were giving your story to a cop of a car accident, the way a disgusting amount of people who think a cop would intentionally cause an accident for whatever reason and making sure the cop was being truthful, and your caught in the middle, how would you feel about that?

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by nyk537

As soon as there's an altercation then all should lose their right to privacy. I believe through privacy, secrecy & power our public officials have the ability to become corrupt. Without any record there can be no accountability, Without truth there can be no reform of these officials. I have no problem being filmed while i'm at work, behind the wheel of a vehicle or at any time where responsibility becomes an issue and anyone that feels different is allready planning injustice!

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 10:17 PM
I am really tempted to ask a local police officer in my city why they are wasting tax payers money and time looking for a cardboard cutout of Justin Bieber that was stolen from a store, my co-worker said if I ask a police officer that he thinks they will arrest me or something but I wouldn't rule it out. I am going to Toroonto ; I'm from Guelph and ask a cop there what they think. I am sure they will say its a waste of time and money.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 11:29 PM
As a former LEO I personally do not understand the reactions of the police when it comes to them being videotaped. I did not care who was watching me when I was a police officer because I was following the law when I made a "lawful" arrest. Maybe the reason these so called officers do not like it is because they no longer care about your rights nor mine, but are more concerned with the power they have been bestowed with, and when and where they decide to use it, regardless of the lawfulness of it. This type of LEO would be against any type of videotaping or audio recording of any kind.
I am sad to say that there are more bad police officers out there today than good ones. This is the reason I am no longer in that line of work. Also it doesn't pay much either but that's another story altogether.

posted on Jul, 17 2011 @ 07:08 AM
I hate all forms of oppresion and I have a large and special place in my heart for cops and the people that make them do their so called job. I have no other comment other than that cops should be video taped they should be held to the highest levels of scrutiny and they should be elected and not hired. Police are the instruments of an out of control american system, police in my experiance have even as went as far to say that they are in fact at war and they should dress the part. I say tape them and hold them accountable law enforcement and prisons in the US are a large problem in my eyes but when cops do not accept that they are just like you and me what do they do when they are videotaped off duty drinking and driving for example or do they pull the protected status BS? Just a question, Tape them!!!

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 08:08 AM
Well, at least SOMEONE is fighting back against the whole damn thing...and not only are they fighting back, but they are fighting back in an extremely amusing way...

edit on 20-7-2011 by ErasmusSB654 because: (no reason given)

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