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stop hoaxing..we will why do u do it?

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posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 05:38 AM
why do they put so much energy in hoaxes...many people believe its real...but it feels staged as hell ...and i dont support that..and i think they need to stop thinking that they can fool us..but of course they can fool i saw that video on many sites today .praising ET if u see that it s hoax...comment on youtube...

it sucks

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 06:13 AM
reply to post by kauskau

sadly - there is still a core of intentionally gullible who " want to believe " - hoaxing will go on

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 06:15 AM
To be honest, there are so many gullible ufo believers out there
Hence the problem with the ufo subject. Many different people hoax ufo's. Some de-bunkers do, just to prove that we can be fooled by hoaxes. People do it for attention. People do it for money. People do it because they want to believe so much, that they fake stuff, but end up believing themselves that they are telling the truth. These are just a few reason why people do it.

Yes, its annoying, but it will never go away. Esp these days where its so easy to fake stuff using computer software.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 06:18 AM
That depends on many things . The motivations that drive the actions of any person on this planet , outside of our basic hunter gatherer instincts , are hard to discern, and impossible to generalise about without being shown to be an ignorant oaf.

However, some of the motivations which drive the hoaxer could be said to fall under the following categories:

Computer animation students/nuts, for instance, are always trying to improve thier skills with the image manipulation tools they have available, with the intent of gaining the interest of special effects companies and so on. Although there are easier ways into that industry than annoying half the planet with fake UFO footage, it cannot be said that all the hoaxers working today are talentless morons. Some of the fakes I have seen have been awesomely detailed and lovingly crafted, and are in themselves works of art, albeit a potentialy annoying kind of art.

There are also those out there who simply like the feeling of being able to say to someone "made ya look!". They are bloody twits, and usualy thier output is less detailed , and lacks subtlety or indeed any evidence of skill, but can fool the eye in some cirumstances (the three in the morning, nine shots of vodka and a belly full of ale circumstance , for instance , can cause even seasoned imaging specialists to fail to spot a hoax of this nature). Though not technicaly brilliant, one has to admire the ability of the best of this poor bunch , to catch people out, even as we curse them for being the sort of annoying bugger that would make a movie just to fool people.

I believe that amongst other motivations that may exist, like attention seeking for instance, there are those making hoax videos and photos out there, whose sole aim is to discredit the idea of entertaining the thought of extra terrestrial life, by turning the whole subject into a long line of april fools jokes. Wether state sponsored, or motivated by a deep seated sense of other peoples stupidity (a sure sign that the hoaxer is in fact an idiot), there are those out there looking to destroy every argument for extra terrestrial visitation by providing ream after ream of bad data, to add to the pile, presumably to prevent anything that could be considered good evidence from being taken seriously, when wieghed against the enormous size of the hoax pile.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 06:22 AM
why are you posting this video again... when the thread is still alive in the topics section.. you could have added your comment to that thread..

and also you have added no evidence this is a hoax.. just your opinion on hoaxes.. to be honest your thread is a complete waste of time and space...

utterly pointless..

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 06:24 AM
The spectators were entirely unnatural, and the person who "filmed" this, was totally ridiculous. Anyone who actually saw this would have been like HOLY #! Also, if you saw a bunch of people looking up and pointing and taping the sky. Why would you wait and run to where they are before looking up. Why was he even recording while he was walking anyways

Sorry, just can't stand bad fakes.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 06:29 AM

Originally posted by Tephra
The spectators were entirely unnatural, and the person who "filmed" this, was totally ridiculous. Anyone who actually saw this would have been like HOLY S

to be honest i saw a ufo and it was a mass sighting and everyone was just stopped and looking at the sky, like in that video.. noone was like how you put it.. HOLY blah...

you cant really use that point to debunk this video as you cannot predict how people will react in certain situations, maybe if your reaction is HOLY... doesnt mean it will be the same for everyone else..

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 06:30 AM

Originally posted by Misterlondon
why are you posting this video again... when the thread is still alive in the topics section.. you could have added your comment to that thread..

i did not see that there is a thread about this video..just saw it on another page.

Hm jeah u are right. I could have gone more into detail but speking english after having a hard night full of alcohol , sex and to much for me
but i guess u´ll know anyway why i think its fake.

its too obvious .
anyway i just want the people to spam hoaxes so that people stop doing it..

edit on 25-6-2011 by kauskau because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 06:51 AM
All it is, is just people tryna f*** with you. They EL Oh EL when people think their fake videos are real when really their just really good CGI and probably an expert at touching up fine spots in the video to make it look SOO real, ya know what I mean?


posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 07:13 AM
Well, I believe it's "Them" putting it out there to muddy the waters.
"They" succeeded too, No one knows what's real and what's fake anymore.

That's why I read old UFO cases, my favorite is Battle of L.A.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 07:33 AM
Well this video most probably is a fake. However my believe in ufo still lives.

I have actually seen things flying that I dont understand still today.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 07:52 AM
Long time reader of ATS on daily basis.

I think this guy is just trying to cause a little stir with his CGI post production skills, most likely seeking a position in the entertainment industry, using the advantages of youtube for promotion.

I agree this is a very sensible issue for ufologists but guys, come on, no one is trying to make a fool out of anyone, and this most likely goes in line with what is the normal attitude in a competitive entertainment market: fresh out of college students/amateur artists trying to make things go viral for promotion purposes.
Nowadays it is easier to make things believable with effort/craftsmanship and I think ufologists must move with the times and use newer tools as well for a better, more informed analysis.

I leave this question: what's the difference between a cgi artist working for the film industry and an illusionist?

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by kauskau

As long as there are gullible people, their will be hoaxes.
edit on 25-6-2011 by TheLogicalist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by dadgad
Well this video most probably is a fake. However my believe in ufo still lives.

I have actually seen things flying that I dont understand still today.

Same. It's pretty clear that there are alot of people willing to go to great lengths to hoax material. Why? Attention, usually. Could some part of the hoaxing be due to government dis-info? Could be. Our government is historically pretty damn shady. Look at some of the tragic things they've done to ordinary people, for what? Who knows. Why? Because they believe they can, and do, get away with it.

Is nothing held sacred to our government? Apparently not.

I'm still highly skeptical about UFO's, to be honest. All of the hoaxing, documents and interviews full of holes, such as the recent UFO Highway e-book, and crazies out there who really do allocate so much time and effort into a hoax. It really does feel that they want it to be true so badly that they're willing to do almost anything.

Myself, I've seen unexplainable things. But, like others, I also want to believe. That doesn't mean I'm willing to sacrifice my dignity to persuade others that I'm being honest. There's no point. Firsthand experience is necessary for a lot of things in life. Nothing less will do.

I just want to point out that being a "skeptic" doesn't mean you go out of your way to try and debunk everything within earshot. It just means you require convincing "proof" before you make a conclusion. I see a lot of people on this forum who clearly do not understand what a skeptic is. Quite a few posters are serious trolls, just looking for someone to insult. To aggressively hound a person with cynicism and slander does not make you a skeptic. It just makes you an asshole. Many people here would do well to distinguish the difference.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 08:27 AM
I must admit I love a decent hoax.

The thrill of the chase. The cat and mouse game. The little bits of mistakes fitting together like a jigsaw. Wonderful stuff.

Once the decent hoax has been fully proven to be a hoax I'd wish the maker of the vid to own up. Share their techniques for future reference. Plus all those that slate/hate debunkers in threads to actually appologise once a hoax is proven. Eat humble pie so to speak.
edit on 25/6/11 by EnigmaAgent because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 09:17 AM
The truth is, we wouldn't know a legitimate video or picture if we saw one. It's easy to spot a hoax, if you start off by calling it a hoax, and nitpicking every little flaw to prove yourself right. It also helps to have a cheering section to spur you on.

Then there's the opposite extreme. If you begin with the assumption it's real. And try to prove yourself right, you'll have the same problem the obsessive debunker has from the opposite end of the spectrum. And you won't be any closer to the truth.

We do have folks on here that fall in the median. But they are either ignored or attacked, because they won't join the cheering section of either side. And hence, they stop posting in these threads. I don't blame them.

So I have to disagree with you OP. The truth is, we're so good at spotting hoaxes, we wouldn't know the real thing if it bit us on the derriere.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by kauskau

Congratulations on your bump up to moderator. Of course I will try my best to comply with your request. Any other rules or regulations I should know about?

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by kauskau
why do they put so much energy in hoaxes...many people believe its real...but it feels staged as hell ...

My guess would be they are nerds who have no social life and are like 'hihihih let's use my nerdy skillz to make a UFO', also attention who**s.

I also dislike them, they are so messing up with real investigation and footage. Indeed they must so not have a life to be wasting their time on hoaxing.. This is so obvious and the white disk looks like LENS flare later modified with software to move and look like alive object. FAIL.

Unfortunately some hoaxes are more elaborate and sometimes are considered real

UFO Hunters' conclusion was however: Hoax

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