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Restoring the American Dream: How to Innovate

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posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 06:07 AM
I had come home early from work yesterday and turned on the TV to find myself watching CNN and Fareed Zakaria was on with this show of a 700 year research of innovation and the decline of the United States status of Governmental involvement/investment of such ventures of our intellectual ability.
As I usually am up around 2AM-3AM every morning, I couldn't get this episode out of my mind for the implications it assimilates as we, the USA, are currently allowing and letting ourselves go to the financial crapper with all the evidence's why right in front of the eye's of the powers that be. There is something definitely wrong with our current state of affairs, and the blame should be appropriated to the proper inability of our current governmental standards of these folks that think they can actually run our country, especially after they were voted into their respective offices by "We the people".
Tragic as it may be when viewing all the misappropriated funds and lack of interest in our own potentials, we have somehow managed to let good ole United States of America become a martyr for the masses as a failed Republic and a miss managed governmental institution as it may be. There should be no excuses for such an act of irresponsibility and not too mention disrespectful actions towards the people of the US as to bare the weight of the burdens of mismanaged and inappropriate financial and rather war mongering expenditures, which thus far does point to fossil fuel control, even though the powers that be would like to have you think it is for the common good of humanitarian efforts. "WE" have to do something about these issues as of right now. There is a very easy and rather conclusive answer to these financial woes by way of investing properly in the people of the USA and not in the facades that the UN and other facilitated groups have instituted as "Elevated" required interests.
There have been some very terrible ruler's and dictator's in our midst since the beginning of time. We as a society have experienced such tyranny as we became independent of such thing's, now it seems we have gone a bit too far with the ideology that we can change the world in our presumptuous current state of affairs as to let ourselves to go to the way side as a "Country in Distress" trying to spread our independent ideologies. The continuous and rather disturbing acts of the bailout's, cash for clunker's,Mortgage short falls with Freddy and Fanny, Medicaid and Medicare/Obama care expenditure's, deliberation and time costs of continual arguing across the isles of our senate house only creating more expenditure's,Unwarranted acts of misappropriated funds throughout the spectrum of governmental spending, etc. etc. I could go on and on with the crap list of these event's and their effect's on our societal bliss as it should be. It has to stop, "But why can't we stop it?"
It all becomes more relevant every day I see the turmoil's turn more and more fierce towards the people themselves. And the burden's of these fiascoes as well are bared on the shoulder's of unaware citizens of the spending's of the financial institutions behind closed doors.
I speak and chat with people every day that have innovative and very appropriate ideas and invention's to benefit public need and financial gain, but they all have one thing in-common "They fear the government will claim or stop them by means of power and greed." Our rendition's of "Republic" has been transformed into what can be considered a "Soft" communistic enterprise that has forgotten it's respective grass roots and ideologies of greatness.
Well, that is all I have to say as of right now, but here is the Transcript of the show I watched on CNN with Fareed Zakaria yesterday. it is, like I said previously, "An eye opening reality for our countries future and prosperity."

ZAKARIA: That's fascinating, Steven. So if you were to tell us, though, where do these innovations come from, why do they happen?

JOHNSON: You know, we have an assumption, and particularly in the U.S., that the private sector, the marketplace is driving all of this. But actually, where good ideas come from, I analyzed the last several hundred years of innovations and what we found is, in fact, that a large number of them are coming out of public sector, research or science funded by the military or the government or just kind of academic basic research.

And so -- something like the Internet or GPS comes out of the public sector, not the private sector. So the best model seems to be a kind of a hybrid where you have entrepreneurial energy but you also public sector funding.

The rest of the Transcript

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 06:30 AM
To be honest it is difficult to feel sorry for a society that has lost the will to fight for their rights. And as long as the salt of the earth US citizen remains complacent, you will be quietly relieved of your liberties.
As is being witnessed around the world and has been throughout history a society can only change the status quo when they are willing to pay for it in blood.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 06:31 AM
The american dream.

The oppertunity to sue somebody for a quick million or 10.

Then spend it on BIG cars, BIG houses, BIG clothes, BIG food.

American innovation, you mean, steal from other countries, install listening posts and listen to companies around the world. Then claim it as yours.

Because that's their goddam rights!

edit on 12-6-2011 by zookey because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 06:37 AM
Karl Marx

But, if constructing the future and settling everything for all times are not our affair, it is all the more clear what we have to accomplish at present: I am referring to ruthless criticism of all that exists, ruthless both in the sense of not being afraid of the results it arrives at and in the sense of being just as little afraid of conflict with the powers that be.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by Allred5923

People aren't really stupid, just kept ignorant of so many facts that they don't even have the lexicon to describe their problems and come up with solutions. Also they have been kept too busy struggling to survive and pay bills so they literally do not have time to save the country. The fact is, in order to change things and stop playing by their rules, a lot of us would have to end up unemployed and homeless before enough of an impact could be made. But people treasure their half million dollar stick shacks... Going camping for a year would just be unbearable for someone used to using a hairdryer everyday and wearing freshly washed clothing everyday and cruising down to get a starbucks at a whim... They would love it and would feel so free.... They just don't know it because they are caught up in this freakin system that is the cause of their misery. The world is a literal garden of Eden... We just walked away from it in the pursuit of resource gathering. Funny everyone works their whole life to be able to retire and relax and finally walk away from the system.
edit on 12-6-2011 by ZackMorris because: fixed a polethera of sp mistakes... O.o

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by zookey
The american dream.

Whether you believe it or not, there truly once was one. It has thus far been aggregated into a nightmare situation from a simple principle of thought and great ideologies of principle to mankind as we know it.

The oppertunity to sue somebody for a quick million or 10.

Not everyone is in this category of perceptional thought. Some of us work hard for what we have and expect nothing but to be left alone and to prosper with what we have surmounted as our lives work progressed. I do realize that these people do exist in our societal scheme of reality, but for the most part, American's are hard working down to earth contingent to one another for those I am speaking of.

Then spend it on BIG cars, BIG houses, BIG clothes, BIG food.

If they have earned it, they deserve it. Don't understand your argument or your digression from such acceptable outcomes of financial security and financial bliss

American innovation, you mean, steal from other countries, install listening posts and listen to companies around the world. Then claim it as yours.

We as a species deserve to help one another when it comes to innovation. Though I do see your point with some aspects of these scenario's being factual, there is a greater need for more than one mind thinking over some issues of ulterior motives of necessity.

Because that's their goddam rights!

I don't know if that is the right offensive answer, but do understand your perception's behind it. This is why we as "People" not "Government's" must be a bit more vigilant and wary of such institutional dictatorial awareness.
We are only as good as we do, and that has the biggest room in the world on it's side..."The room for Improvement.."

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by Utopian
Karl Marx

But, if constructing the future and settling everything for all times are not our affair, it is all the more clear what we have to accomplish at present: I am referring to ruthless criticism of all that exists, ruthless both in the sense of not being afraid of the results it arrives at and in the sense of being just as little afraid of conflict with the powers that be.

Though I am not, myself, a believer in Marxism, the above statement does have merit without the twist of the Marxism movement. Limitation's of Governmental control is what it is all about, not regulating societal needs, want's and practical application's to a societal community. Some may even think NWO when I state this, but that is not the thought process in my thinking. It is more of the Humanitarian prowess rather than too the audaciousness of governmental control.
edit on 073030p://0974 by Allred5923 because: [ quotes ]

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 07:15 AM

Originally posted by ZackMorris
reply to post by Allred5923

People aren't really stupid, just kept ignorant of so many facts that they don't even have the lexicon to describe their problems and come up with solutions. Also they have been kept too busy struggling to survive and pay bills so they literally do not have time to save the country. The fact is, in order to change things and stop playing by their rules, a lot of us would have to end up unemployed and homeless before enough of an impact could be made. But people treasure their half million dollar stick shacks... Going camping for a year would just be unbearable for someone used to using a hairdryer everyday and wearing freshly washed clothing everyday and cruising down to get a starbucks at a whim... They would love it and would feel so free.... They just don't know it because they are caught up in this freakin system that is the cause of their misery. The world is a literal garden of Eden... We just walked away from it in the pursuit of resource gathering. Funny everyone works their whole life to be able to retire and relax and finally walk away from the system.
edit on 12-6-2011 by ZackMorris because: fixed a polethera of sp mistakes... O.o

That is a very well stated observation of current affairs when it comes to societal recognition, not just the USA but the entire world. Even though China may be beating us out in the brain game, there is plenty of room for more to come from our own people right here in the USA. We just need the backing of our governemnt when it comes to these kind of ventured affairs.
Believe me when I tell you that there are those out there that have some fantastic ideas and even some have prototypes for examples of applicable possibilities in our reality, they just don't have the fund's or the means to make a dream a reality for to bring to the multitudes for consumer use.

Funny everyone works their whole life to be able to retire and relax and finally walk away from the system.

It truly is rather strange!! Love the quote above. Very pertinent if viewed correctly as a statement of factual perception's.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by Allred5923

Nice post. The interviewer is partially correct. Some idea's and technology ARE government driven and developed. Great idea's and products CAN come out of Universities and Gov Ops.
That's not the problem with that scenario. The problem with that description is getting the product from the public to private sector at a PROFIT.
With all the grants, low interest loans,and R and D money on the front end in Development,the value of the product or service becomes "bloated" before it can be assesed a fair commercial/consumer value.

In Public sector..find a solution to a problem without consideration to cost.
In Private sector..find a solution to a problem while considering costs along the entire process.

Take aerospace/military companies that were downsizing in the 80's. Take General Dynamics as an example.
Nevermind the handheld weapons they made. (Rocket Launchers) They needed to "rollover" products and technology that were nonMilitary to commercial applications. I can't tell you how hard they worked on Products that are supurb idea's, but because they had costs burdened into a Department Of Defense budget,they went back to the drawing board again and again to try and get costs out. I think I quoted programs for 5 years with GD guys trying to get from D.O.D costs to commercial. SOME of that technology went into the commercial Airplane manufacturing industry. Some got shelved.

I have been on many College Campuses and saw really great new products and idea's. Innovation IS coming out of the Universities. The problem? They have NO sense of urgency to "time to market".. ZERO
Why should they? It's not like they need a profit..just more research money.
Chances are..if they're working on something,so is someone else..BOOM..there it goes.
So they take THAT new product..dissect it ..see how it was made commercially,and what do they do?
BACK to the drawing board...and "play"with it.

I could go on and on.

Right now..I'm working with Companies that are trying to bring back jobs in the manufacturing sector to the U.S.
Here are the considerations:
COST before Freight
Lead Time
Is the Product Labor Intensive?
Can we automate the labor?
Freight(going up)
"What is the perceived value with it saying Made In America.?" This is where it get's dicey for these manufacturers. Everyone SAYS they'll buy American over offshore. But HOW much more will we pay?
That's the million dollar question being asked in every board room.

Example..: I was at the National Hardware Show last month.. A LOT more Companies had "Made In USA" banners in their booths.
OK ....... 2 hammer companies..One from China..One from U.S.. Foundry's to forge steel just cost more in U.S.
We have more regulation for safety,documentation,wages,benifits etc.
China does not. So... ONE hammer is $14.95(U.S.) One hammer is $6.96.(China)
Which one will you choose? 9 out of 10 will say higher price and Made in U.S.
Here's the problem.... U.S. hammer is $29.95 and Chinese hammer is $4.95. NOW which one will you choose?
THAT"S the problem U.S. Manufacturers are grappling with. At what point will you or won't you pay?
If you won't PAY the $29.95..then guess what? U.S. hammer will be made in China and they'll just sell it from off shore manufacturer before they want to lose sales.

PRIVATE sector businesses MUST RETOOL as the market dictates at a much faster rate then PUBLIC sector.

Public Sector has no sense of urgency. Private sector must meet demand and deadlines. Public sector has no clue what a deadline is. It's not in their blood or their investors. It doesn't exist. Why give up that research dough for a PROFIT? How insulting.

American Private Sector ingenuity is the way to retool America and get back in the Global Game.It's who we are.

People all over the World BUY Made In America Products because it stands for Quality!.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 08:42 AM
I have no clue what a hammer costs..that was an example.

I'm not that handy.. I have to fix things by checkbook.


posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by Utopian
To be honest it is difficult to feel sorry for a society that has lost the will to fight for their rights.

As opposed to when? People really only do things when they are forced to or are already being led. Otherwise, it's entirely too risky.

And as long as the salt of the earth US citizen remains complacent, you will be quietly relieved of your liberties.

What, exactly, are you proposing to do?

As is being witnessed around the world and has been throughout history a society can only change the status quo when they are willing to pay for it in blood.

That may be true.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 08:51 AM
Why do we want to restore the American dream.

American Dream by James Truslow Adams in 1931, "life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement" regardless of social class or circumstances of birth...

I think we should change the motto to...

Survival of the fittest...

If you don't contribute you get NOTHING..... because all the freeloaders that want the American dream have killed it for the people that are actually working for that dream....

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 09:16 AM
You know what Zaaaaany? I work my ASS off to try and get ahead. I agree with you. The sense of entitlement and complacency is starting to grate my nerves a little bit.

I took some risks in my life and LOST. Now I'm doing again.. I can't sit back and watch the world go by because "what's the use?"

That's pretty weak.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 02:24 AM
reply to post by niceguybob

Thanks for your incredibly accurate contribution...
We are in the terrible loop of success to failure, the only thing different this time around, opposed to the experience's during the great depression, American ingenuity pulled us out big time. But, at the same time made government more powerful than ever before.
We as a society can get this all figured out, but as far as the big Government spending wasteful investments in other countries, we must start investing here before we can manage anything abroad. Some how we have lost that "High-n-Sight" mentality. There are blame issues with these dilemmas, the thing of it is it is all the higher echelons of either corporate or Governmental operations. I don't think every investment was a bad one, but it is the bad ones that are going to drag this country down to the implicated 2nd and 3rd world status.
The hammer explanation was a good metaphor for explanation of the mechanics behind these matters. It shows how the most simplest of ingenuity can be manipulated when monetary values are established with nothing short of pure monetary and gluttony for the capitalism markets. We are losing our path to success every time the PTB's decide what is best for our nation. There is no possible way, nor will there ever be a way for all the people to be represented with best interest in mind by a soul representative too portray the better good of all.
Don't know how it will all end, but so far, I have to say that our very foundation of the United States of America are being shaken to the core like never before.
"Niceguybob, you my friend understand what necessity truly is."

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