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How to Bust Chemtrails from the Ground, Very Simple

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posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 09:42 AM

originally posted by: BridgebyaFountain

originally posted by: network dude
Conspiracy nut. Please don't feel so damn self important to think that you are the only one. All of us here are under that umbrella. We joined a conspiracy site.

You seem to have joined for completely different reasons than I have. And another big difference between you and me is that I don't have such an issue with being mature on a thread that I feel the need to call people names so quickly.

I stopped getting pleasure out of calling people names when I was still in public schools. Until you get past that level there is no point in you thinking that you are even seriously up to this discussion in the first place.

Apparently we have a failure to communicate.

I was not calling you any names. I asked you to look at this from a non conspiracy nut position. I then explained that we are all conspiracy nuts, as we have all joined this conspiracy site. You decided to be the martyr. That's a shame.

I did bring up the point (which you seemed to ignore) that apparently his work was not all burned by the government. Seeing as how you have PDF's of it. So there was an alarmist point of view taken. (based on your reaction, that really shocked me)

He died a natural death and was a con man. If you wish to prove that assertion wrong, then I suggest you prove orgone cloud busters are the real deal. Otherwise, the facts speak for themselves.

Your choice is to communicate or complain.

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 09:54 AM

originally posted by: BridgebyaFountain
Well first I asked why it was necessary for the government to burn all of Reich's books if he was just a fraud, and I didn't get an answer to that from any of you either.

All I got was "I don't agree with book burning" and "I agree, book burning is despotic," etc. etc. That's not what I asked. I asked why do you think they did this if he was just a fraud? It's a rhetorical question. Obviously Reich wasn't just your typical fraud and the feds had more concern than they would for your Kevin Trudeau-type figure.

Actually, no, that is factually incorrect. You were offered this post:

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: BridgebyaFountain

originally posted by: Aloysius the Gaul
answer to your comment "The US government didn't burn his books, destroy all his machines and put him into prison (and then murder him) for nothing. " - no, they didn't do it for nothing - they did it because he was a quack and a fraud.

Prove it.

Following two critical articles about him in The New Republic and Harper's, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration obtained an injunction against the interstate shipment of orgone accumulators and associated literature, believing they were dealing with a "fraud of the first magnitude."[8] Charged with contempt in 1956 for having violated the injunction, Reich was sentenced to two years in prison, and that summer over six tons of his publications were burned by order of the court.[9] He died in jail of heart failure just over a year later, days before he was due to apply for parole


Which explained that it wasn't his "work" that was burned at all, but the propaganda that was associated with his orgone scam. Why they burned it? no idea. But don't lie and say nobody gave you a reply. You chose to ignore it.
edit on 11-9-2014 by network dude because: tried to fix the suck ass quoting system this site has enacted.

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 11:09 AM

originally posted by: network dude
Apparently we have a failure to communicate.

That's not surprising considering how quickly you label someone as a "nut." Whether you said it directly or indirectly, it's not something mature adults do while communicating.

I don't know why you think a Wikipedia article proves anything, because I could go edit it myself right now and correct it to include this information:

The facts are these: On August 23, 1956, dozens of boxes of ten hardcover book titles, written by Austrian-born research physician and scientist Wilhelm Reich, were removed from the storage facility of his private press in the Greenwich Village section of New York City, and loaded onto a truck.

In addition to these books, boxes of Wilhelm Reich's softcover research journals and bulletins--which he had published regularly from 1942 to 1953--were also loaded onto this truck. The cumulative weight of these hardcover books and softcover publications amounted to several tons.

The truck then drove several blocks north to one of the Sanitation Department's incinerator plants located on Gansevoort Street by the Hudson River, a place where New York City garbage trucks routinely dumped their trash into a large concrete pit. This dumped trash would be subsequently scooped up from the pit by a pair of large metal jaws affixed to an overhead crane, and then dropped into an enormous incinerator.

And this was to be the fate of that truckload of Wilhelm Reich's publications: all of the boxes of books, bulletins and journals were tossed into the pit, and then the overhead crane dropped them into the nearby incinerator.

This was actually the second court-ordered destruction of Wilhelm Reich's literature in America, and by far the largest. Two months earlier--on June 26, 1956--a much smaller destruction of literature had taken place at Reich's home, laboratory and research center in Rangeley, Maine. At that time, a handful of boxes of Reich's softcover publications had been burned outside of his laboratory.

A third destruction of Reich's literature took place four years later in New York City-- on March 17, 1960--when additional boxes of Reich's publications were taken to that same incinerator plant on Gansevoort Street and destroyed.

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 11:13 AM
Reich's books were also burned by Nazi Germany and the USSR. The Nazis burned them because they were "Jewish" and the communist USSR burned them as "anti-revolutionary propaganda."

As stated above, they were burned one three separate occasions in the US.

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 11:39 AM

originally posted by: BridgebyaFountain

That's not surprising considering how quickly you label someone as a "nut." Whether you said it directly or indirectly, it's not something mature adults do while communicating.

Well, with you having a loon like this as your hero, you might think about taking a class or something to get some thicker skin. You will have worse things thrown at you than me asking you to use a different perspective.

I don't know why you think a Wikipedia article proves anything, because I could go edit it myself right now and correct it to include this information:

Yea, but you won't. I know why too. Do you?

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 04:00 PM

originally posted by: BridgebyaFountain

Well first I asked why it was necessary for the government to burn all of Reich's books if he was just a fraud, ....

No you didn't - stop shifting the goal posts.

you said (not asked!!) that the government didn't burn the books "for nothing" - pretty much everyone agreed - saying that they burned them for the reasons given - because he was a fraud and a huckster.

and then you started going all silly about it, despite the fact that everyone agreed with your that the books were not burned for "no reason"!!

Here's your first post in this thread:

originally posted by: BridgebyaFountain
I found this thread and just wanted to throw out there that you can find Reich's 2 original books on the discovery of orgone online, in pdf form, if you do a search or two. I have them saved to my computer already.

I haven't finished reading them yet but if you want to know how orgone energy relates to the atmosphere then forget what everyone is saying today and go back and read it from the man himself. The US government didn't burn his books, destroy all his machines and put him into prison (and then murder him) for nothing.
(bolding added by me)
edit on 11-9-2014 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

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