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Ripcontrol's Predictions (Psychic and Non-psychic)

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posted on May, 11 2011 @ 08:10 PM
Ello, I thought I might as well post some things Americans can look forward to... So using Psycho-history and Psychic warfare I Kent Walls predict:

A sell out show and tour for Garth Brooks

The time is nearing...

For some reason I think he might do a surprise appearance on a tour with Paisley...

A helluve a game is coming up in the NBA...

There's two of them...

Can you imagine the team that got both of them.... Two Jordan's on the same team....

Watch the news for this one... I highly expect something high profile soon...

Chelsea Clinton

Chelsea Victoria Clinton (born February 27, 1980) is the only child of former U.S. President Bill Clinton and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Clinton was born in Little Rock, Arkansas during her father's first term as Governor of Arkansas. She attended public schools there until her father's election to the Presidency of the United States at which time she attended and graduated from the private Sidwell Friends School in Washington, D.C. She continued her undergraduate education at Stanford University and earned master's degrees from University College, Oxford, and Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health. She is currently pursuing a doctoral degree at the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service at New York University. She worked for Avenue Capital Group, and serves on the board of the School of American Ballet.

If she plans to get into politics she needs to do it soon... So its not just necessity, I have a feeling she might enter with a splash....

Un attatched: tabloid style predictions

I see an upcoming Supreme Court battle between some us companies and the US department of the Treasury...
a)Over the US government trying to seize its assets illegally

A US company develops the definitive answer to predator drones... It successfully renders attacking UAVs obsolete
a) china learns of this fact when it sells the tech to iran and aids in its operations... The US Air-force and Navy Jets deploy them.. much to the nasty surprise of the Chinese and Iranians

A serial Killers reign of terror in Texas is stop by lovers of one his victims...
a) What makes it interesting is that he is found not guilty of committing a parole violation even though he shoots the serial killer dead.. not guilty on all counts
b) the serial killer was a cop

A massive and major computer attack against the US government is thwarted by an unknown US asset
The AI spearheads a team of four AI s
a)The US AI team retaliates and shuts down six countries completely involved

An assassination attempt on the campaign trail...
a) the investigation leads back to some high powered democrats

Now back to the numbers....

Web Bot

Web Bot, or the Web Bot Project, refers to an Internet bot software program that is claimed to be able to predict future events by tracking keywords entered on the Internet. It was created in 1997, originally to predict stock market trends.[1] The creator of the Web Bot Project, Clif High, along with his associate George Ure, who call themselves "The Time Monks",[2] keep the technology and algorithms largely secret and sell the predictions via the website.

I see it stolen... Algorithms missing...

What I see here is that the US government steals it....The algorithms are part of a new super-weapon being developed....

more to come as I look into the future with the awesome power of common sense (lol)

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by ripcontrol

Sometimes the trivial are just the background "noise" that surrounds other events. The signet people still don't get the fact there is NO noise, just a different message. Or source, or heard from a different perspective. Or with preconceived interpretations, or outcomes, etc.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 08:22 PM
Garth was the first concert I ever saw live. I was about 9 years old and me and my brother dressed head to toe in Cowboy gear. He will always have a place in my heart.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 09:19 PM
the thunder rolls...and the lightning strikes...

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 12:59 AM
Ripcontrols prediction...

A major US state will cause controversy with this...

"No US birth certificate, you cant attend public school"

A lot of factors go into this.. a whole lot...

the state I see doing this is...

Texas Slashes budget

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Texas lawmakers unveiled a Spartan budget late Tuesday night that slashes $31 billion in spending to close the state's massive budget deficit. Education, Medicaid and corrections would be hit particularly hard.

House legislators were forced to rely on spending cuts to close the shortfall -- estimated at between $15 billion and $27 billion -- because Republican leaders pledged not to raise taxes. They also did not touch the state's projected $9.4 billion rainy day fund, one of the most flush in the nation.

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The spending plan calls for a 13% hit to public education and a 7.6% drop in higher education support. Among the cuts, funding for pre-K Early Start programs would be slashed, and four community colleges would be closed.

The reason is this... if the kids cant provide the birth certificate the parents arent legal either...They will get deported and CPS will take the kids... Which will increase their funds... creating a vicious sub-cycle...

It will be ruled legal...

All of this because of 'shortages'

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 04:45 PM
Using the vast powers of mu subconscious mind

Summoning the super ability of common sense...

As waves of financial instability trickle down to the states, a second set of economic downturns hit the us...

Rioters are stopped from taking to the ground by national guard units....

At least until one states money supply runs out during a 'police action' by guard units....

The key issue of the 2012 election will be MONEY.... in an effort to save his presidency, every the democrat, Obama issues orders to take down and/or bring in two sets of people....

OPEC leaders
price gouging, waging economic warfare, unpaid taxes, intimidation, RICO violations, ect...

Bank owners
price gouging, waging economic warfare, unpaid taxes, Rico violations, ect

The world will blink for a day...
China threatens US with intervention

The US governments authorizes continuous fly of china with four planet splitters....

China backs down...

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:17 PM
Another thing I see is this...

An attempt is being made as we speak to bypass all forms of net neutrality

Congress is attempting with the input of various industries to do this...

They know that a bill to control the net will never work so this is what they will do

Using the commerce clause... and various tax issues... the will first set the ground work for control of information measures using enforceable copyright issues and tax liabilities...

A laughable measure will be used to attempt to pass control and will fail to pass. This is so it appears to be that the leaders upheld american values..

In truth a compromise will be offered...

It will be a structure that they initially intended...

They will attempt to use the following change

.SEX for all porn sites
.BIZ for all business selling items
.BLG for all user created content
.NWS for all news
.LAW for all legal items

from here it will allow easier enforcement of copy right law but will be hailed as the day CP was stopped....

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 03:01 PM
Using the powers granted me by psycho-history

I predict that an even bigger fall economically wise is coming... the risk are enormous

In "Reckless Endangerment," co-authors Gretchen Morgenson and Josh Rosner examine the origins of the crisis, starting in the early 1990s. The co-authors pull no punches and aren't shy about placing blame. (See: Reckless Endangerment: Morgenson, Rosner Name Names — Point Finger at Fannie Mae. )

Having taken a long, hard look back, I asked Morgenson and Rosner about what worries them today and looking forward.

they never fixed it...


it gets worse my fellow ATS's I am advising everyone I know to invest in Smith and Wesson.... or Winchester

young socialist abound.... and their are many of them

You see an even bigger wave is coming that by my guess will be here by late 2012... the market will bottom out completely

very few are putting in... large amounts coming out....

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 09:37 PM
Having spent the time mediating and summon the spirits of the ancient masters...

I Kent Walls will now share their messages with those who are ready to hear their message...

Keep an eye out in the upcoming election... God in all Her glory has decided to send the defenders of Israel a special gift.... A competent Leader... (no this person has not entered the election yet)

Because of the faith of a single believer, she has decide to give the American people a chance... This believer's faith was so strong it amazed me... Apparently He is one among twelve.... as long as they have faith She will not unleash Armageddon...

What I was shown was so amazing....

We launch our fist manned expedition to alpha centauri in 15 years because of this President...
From the Mars orbital station...

The moon colony surpasses ten million people...

The first Mexican senators and reps are seated in congress ( we have 60 states)

We are still in Iraq and Afghanistan... but not a single member of the Taliban is active against the world... they where scheduled to hold the first REAL elections in five years..... I watched US special forces hunt them down to the man... Wyatt Earp somehow was named???

Hydro farms spanned the American desert

Desalinization plants in the coastal states

Get this We where in the positive as a nation.... The government had lowered taxes again... Thats right the US government was not in debt we had over a billion dollar surplus....

Solar power farms dotted the landscape.....

We had developed a means to clean up radioactivity--- a complicated process using cern tech applications.... it was used to clean up the Japanese... the three carriers that had provided temporary energy to japan where bought by Japan..

Gravic power stations provided earth with an abundance of energy.... What got me was a design I saw I recognized...

Prisons where closed permanently in the US..... The system was complicated but made sense.... Treatment for those suffering from mental disorders ect, with restitution being the primary enforced.... Murder meant exile to Pluto..... I got lost on some of the finer points

Promise you wont laugh.... Cops lost the right to carry weapons and the ability to use deadly force.... mind you America passed a version of the make my day act nationally....

China fell apart, because America regained her strength from this leader....

I watched during this mans first administration end the drug war with mexico.... He is going to do it during a three day weekend... He got asked by his CIA director exactly what he was going to use....I heard this man voice "Why I am going to use this country's deadliest most powerful asset."
It got everyones attention and someone mouthed the 'Bomb'
"Nope something much deadlier..." He turned to the Commandant of the marine Corps, "Commandant, I am throwing my Marines at them..."

It brought a tear to my eye, but I misunderstood..... Quite literally They Threw Marines at them... and the Drug lords collapsed before the army even got there.... The marines jumped out of planes without chutes.... they had the flying gilly suit thingies and opened fired as they flew down...

In one masterful stroke he had also ended the immigration problem and lowered the size of the required border patrol...

As I watched all of this I got the picture of an angel... This angel then gave me a message, it was the prayer this humble man used...

You there God,
I know I aint the best of men, but I am a little worried here. I have always felt blessed by you having been born in this country.

I felt you protect me and my squad in the Iraqi Dessert as you guided us safely through me.

I also know you have blessed me with a beautiful Texas Angel for a wife.

I dont always make it to church but I do wake up thankful. My little Hellions remind me that my mother who is up there with you laughing. I smile whenever I think about it.

But, lord, a man Has his breaking point. As you know my mother in law said that if the economy doesnt improve her and her dog would have to move into our house with us!!!! She wont be able to make it... If this next election doesnt give a real leader who can fix this nation,she will be forced to move in with us!!!

I get to work and I find everyone talking about the election. The best line I heard so far describes it... A picture of some of the ghettos in dallas with these words... Rick Perry's Employed Texas, brought to you by Obamas dream for america... I know you laughed on that one dear lord....

I mention this because you know Mister Green from work. I know he is Pagan but he asked me why I had not asked you to do something about this. I believe you sent him here to me for this . He told me that you would probably be listening...

I believe in miracles because my Texas angel is not like her mother...

Dear lord, in all your power, I humbly beseech, will you send the US of A a great man who can fix this nation. So that my mother in law can be happy in her own home at the other end of the state.


They told me that She (GOD) had authorized me to see more... To share his prayer with ats, I laughed...

A sign that God had was listening to this man prayer would be this....

The US government would tighten the restrictions again on nuclear power... to the point that none would be built for at least ten years....

I was told that the US would have an incident in Libya....

And the third would be that it might make the news That a certain state did in fact execute an innocent man... and the DA had withheld evidence about the case from the defense attorney...

So ATS I decide to share some of what I saw and am waiting to see if these first three things come to pass

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