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posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 05:11 PM
Hi. Don't know if this is the right forum for this, but here goes.

I write books. History books. Basically, books on social and religious history. They are popular with the free thinking crowd, but not very popular amoung Christian groups. I have had on line web ads running for some time, but many web masters have discontinued the ads due to preassure from Right wing groups. The books are 100% FACTUAL and concern the early histories of the Christian groups. They are NEVER found to be detremental, libelous, etc., they just bring up the social control aspects of organized religions. In this time of neo-conservative and fundentalist control in our schools, these books remind us what happens when the church is allowed to "run things."

I am once again seeking formats to place my ads. My publicist asked me to investigate, and as this is a HUGE forum I suspect some members might have ideas.

If this is the wrong forum, please excuse.


posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 08:11 PM
Well naturally ATS might be good. It means your helping ATS by helping to fund it and most of us are at least open-minded. Also try movie theaters, they let coke advirtise C2 for crying out load, just kidding don't advirtise there. Aviod the superbowl, but try sites like ATS that or book stores. BTW you say you write books. What books have you written. I might like to read one.

posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by cyberdude78
Well naturally ATS might be good. It means your helping ATS by helping to fund it and most of us are at least open-minded. Also try movie theaters, they let coke advirtise C2 for crying out load, just kidding don't advirtise there. Aviod the superbowl, but try sites like ATS that or book stores. BTW you say you write books. What books have you written. I might like to read one.

I have no problems funding a web site to display my book ads. I wonder who I would contact? For books, I would recomend "HERETICS" if you are a history buff; "MIRACLES" if you are into spiritualist stuff, ghosts, etc.; and Just Smoke and Mirrors is you are into debunking, pseudoscience stuff.

Michael Shermer liked HERETICS and Dorion Sagan liked MIRACLES. Go figure. All my books have been reviewed by freethough magaizines and a few popular journals.

you can see the books here:

Thanks for the suggestions. If you might know who I should contact to display ads here, plese U2U me.

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