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Dream of Zombie Vial *Broken*

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posted on May, 5 2011 @ 05:38 PM
I had a horrible dream last night, I will not even go into specific details as it is just too personal and horrific. I will say that there was an outbreak of a virus which even though the people were only zombies for a short time before they die an agonizing death, were not something anyone would ever chose to become or live through to the end.

In the end, the heros myself included managed to obtain the vial from the faction trying to rid the planet of humanity as a whole except those who were chosen to remain. Unfortunately while we were celebrating the vial dropped and once again the zombie apocolypse was initiated from the bloody looking smoke that rose from the vial.

Myself and one other chose to opt out of it before we were affected, very awful dream, stayed with me all day.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 05:44 PM
I suppose the reason I shared this with you guys is that there must be somewhere in my subconscious a stressor which includes the volatility of all the missing vials I have read about including but not limited to Ebola, H1N1, Leprosy, The black death, smallpox, bubonic plague, Spanish flu, Aids...

A little on a few of these:

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by antar

horrible? zombie dreams kick ass!!! i would love for a zombie apocalypse to come to fruition, well it did, but this kind is annoying lol

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 06:04 PM
Maybe we should have a zombie dream thread?

Why? because for some reason a LOT of people are having zombie dreams, I've had quite a few strange ones myself. It might be because there are so many zombie related themes in media lately. It is a little strange thou.

edit on 5-5-2011 by _Phoenix_ because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by CUJOCREEP
reply to post by antar

horrible? zombie dreams kick ass!!! i would love for a zombie apocalypse to come to fruition, well it did, but this kind is annoying lol

I hate zombie dreams. I really,really hate them.. Mainly cause I always seem to get torn to shreds in them(I can kind of experience pain in my dreams).

It could either b a) too many zombie flicks or b) your scared of dropping something? Scared of messing something up that you can't undo? Or it could just be a random strange dream.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by antar

Confucius say: "Never celebrate the end of the zombie Apocalypse by getting all giddy or jumping around while holding the fragile vile that can restart the zombie Apocalypse."

Confucius also say: "don't count your chickens until they've hatched."

and also Confucius say: "Woman who jumps off cliff, jumps to conclusion."

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

No kidding! That is the truth. Had a part two to this dream where we were all gathering sea apples to save ourselves, now what the heck is a sea apple???

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 10:37 AM
The e.coli outbreak in Germany and across Europe is really scary! Not Zombies but equally as excruciating for the victim I am sure.

Fleas in Arizona have tested positive for the plague!

Of course we know they purposely brought the Spanish Flu back to life, and there were actual live virus contaminates sent to Countries in Europe through Baxter; something like opps, but it never got any more attention.

The list goes on and on, and out there there is someone who handles those vials every day; how on Earth an alarm can sound and a Military Installation can get shut down because of missing vials of substances that were mandated to be destroyed years ago? Then the real kicker is the conclusion was, "it's alright folks, it was just mislabeled"! OMG! (maybe this has been hoaxed but this is what I remember happened) It was something that kills within hours!

I would dare say we all should be having these dreams! How scary to think that we just didn't get shown enough Horror Movies to make us wake up to the madness that could happen!

I have my own theory on how the Zombie Apocalypse will happen naturally and without all that Man-made nightmare stuff. I believe the Sun will turn off for three days. Just as it has been prophesied; I think the Interstellar Fluff could be the factor that makes it shut off; the Fluff is comprised of highly magnetized particles and mostly Helium. Our Hydrogen burning Sun cannot burn Helium and so the Helium will "snuff out" the sun while it is passing through the Solar System.

The Sun will not shine, but the radiant energy will still exist; people will be running about outside thinking it is nighttime or dusk. You know, the party animals celebrating the end, the looters, and murderers, all running about during an intense solar radiation phase.

People will go dehydrated in hours, their skins will peel before their own eyes. The pain will reach so deep within that people will be walking around with their arms sticking outward ahead of them, and they will moan and scream in agony and run from place to place looking for safety. They will literally cook!

That's a Zombie! Best to get in the cave and shelter and lock yourself up tight when the Sun goes out!

It is said that the next destruction of our World will be by fire!

It certainly makes the vial method seem easier!

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by antar
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

No kidding! That is the truth. Had a part two to this dream where we were all gathering sea apples to save ourselves, now what the heck is a sea apple???

Sea Apples

I hope you weren't planing on eating them apples, they happen to be poisonous, though who knows they might have something in them that could help with the zombie Apocalypse.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 02:52 AM
reply to post by Greensage

An interesting way to turn into a zombie.
But they would still feel the sun even if they can not see the sun, or at least what would be left of the sun. You would have to be pretty high or drunk to not notice that your cooking or feel the burn or that you have a serious case of sunburn at night time.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 02:53 AM
Im always having zombi dreams, i know a few people who do as well, i remember one where I had a shotgun but i couldnt move my trigger finger!! I hate that!!

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

I wonder if they plan to use this in future vaccines which will cause human mutations and zombie like states?

Medical usesThere is tremendous, commercially driven promotion of saponins as dietary supplements and nutriceuticals. There is evidence of the presence of saponins in traditional medicine preparations,[14][15] where oral administrations might be expected to lead to hydrolysis of glycoside from terpenoid (and obviation of any toxicity associated with the intact molecule). But as is often the case with wide-ranging commercial therapeutic claims for natural products:

the claims for organismal/human benefit are often based on very preliminary biochemical or cell biological studies;[16] and
mention is generally omitted of the possibilities of individual chemical sensitivity, or to the general toxicity of specific agents,[17]) and high toxicity of selected cases.
While such statements require constant review (and despite the myriad web claims to the contrary), it appears that there are very limited US, EU, etc. agency-approved roles for saponins in human therapy. In their use as adjuvants in the production of vaccines, toxicity associated with sterol complexation remains a major issue for attention.[18] Even in the case of digoxin, therapeutic benefit from the cardiotoxin is a result of careful administration of an appropriate dose. Very great care needs to be exercised in evaluating or acting on specific claims of therapeutic benefit from ingesting saponin-type and other natural products.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by galadofwarthethird
reply to post by Greensage

An interesting way to turn into a zombie.
But they would still feel the sun even if they can not see the sun, or at least what would be left of the sun. You would have to be pretty high or drunk to not notice that your cooking or feel the burn or that you have a serious case of sunburn at night time.

The burn you speak of is the radiant heat, but what of the infrared that can reach you from within?

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by antar

I wonder if they plan to use this in future vaccines which will cause human mutations and zombie like states?

All nature stuff, one creature or group of creatures evolves a poison and another counters that poison, the sea apples apparently flood the near by area with chemicals that are lethal to fish and other of its predators when it feels threatened or is about to die.

There are probably lots of such natural chemicals made by natures creatures that live in the sea that effect humans in all kinds of ways. One of the ways witch doctors make there zombie powders is from a pufferfish toxin called Tetrodotoxin which effects humans by putting them in zombie like states it seems. And in the wiki it says there is no known antidote for this neurotoxin. Tetrodotoxin

Seems that there is 189 species of different kind of pufferfish.

I don't know about the sea apples but I don't think anybody has yet to try to make any zombie powder from them, or in what way would its toxins effect humans.

But who knows maybe your dream was perhaps somewhat correct that you could cure yourself from being a zombie by way of sea apples, or at least the ones under the influence of the zombie powders the witch doctors make from the pufferfish toxins. Maybe they would have a toxin that would counteract the Tetrodotoxin of the pufferfish after all they are natural enemies in nature. I think the sea apples cast out there internal organs which contain the toxin that would kill whatever fish is trying to eat them as there defense against sea predators.

Or like you said maybe they will use the sea apples in future vaccines which will effect humans unknowingly and cause mutations and lead zombie like states. Like you link on Saponins of the sea apples says, at the end paragraph.

Very great care needs to be exercised in evaluating or acting on specific claims of therapeutic benefit from ingesting saponin-type and other natural products.

Wouldn't want to take a vaccine that would turn us into zombie slowly. Or maybe the saponin-type vaccines would help us gain immunity to whatever would turn us into zombies during the zombie apocalypse. Who know eh! Personaly I am starting to look forward to the zombie apocalypse, got my sword all nice an polished and ready to terminate some zombies.
I guess I should have a zombie out bag, to go with a bug out bag. You know just in case people start walking funny and saying things like arrrr wantz brainzz, one day. Always good to be prepared.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by Greensage

Wouldn't the whole atmosphere have to be gone before enough infrared heat can get trough that you would be able to be cooked from the inside out and not feel a thing in any time frame. I am pretty sure that infra red would cook you slower then regular radiant heat but you would still fell it no doubt even if it would take longer. And if the atmosphere goes then we would have bigger problems, and would definitely notice there being no atmosphere it even if we cant see it, and we would most likely be dead from the higher spectrum of our suns energy such as x-ray and gamma-ray spectrum's, before we would be effected by infrared.

But who know's, only one way to find out and that is if it happens we will find out.

Heres a site that gives a good explanation on the sun and its light spectrum.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

What a great response, sorry I am just getting back to the thread, kind of surprised at the direction it has taken... Kind of scary really because I was never one of those horror flick lovers nor part of the zombie crowd. Could be that nature has a cure for everything and that is part of the reason they are so quick to destroy the amazon rainforests and the precious oceans worldwide.

I hope you do survive and that sword is long enough to do the job.

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by antar

I hope you do survive and that sword is long enough to do the job.

Ah don't worry about me, a zombie Apocalypse would be like a vacation for me, it would give me a chance to let lose a little all these restraints and rules that I have to abide by in this crazy ass world. In fact the more I think about it the more I look forward to something happening, and I really couldn't care less what it would be, shtf, zombie apocalypse, or the end of the world. Whatever, its all the same. At least it wouldn't be boring, weird as hell, and monotonous. And survival is overrated, but its bound to happen so whatever.

And nature being nature will always have something going on that you wont even see or know about, but in one way or another it will come bite you or deliver any number of nasty surprises, as well as pleasant surprises, every once in a while.

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 01:06 AM
i had a wild zombie dream maybe a week ago. it was like nazi zombies. everytime i opened a door i had to kill off a small hoard of zombs. and yes, i agree zombie dreams kick ass. i even survived a nuke in that dream. so much fun! haha

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 12:17 PM
Hello. What a seriously fantastic dream. Thanks for posting. Here is an interpretation.

The 1st paragraph of your dream just sets the scene. This is humanity today.

The 2nd paragraph is the meat of the dream and is meant to teach you. The key elements are: a vial to cure humanity, the faction you get the vial from, the celebration, and that the vial isn't actually a cure but has the same zombie effect on the people.

This dream was/is warning you off of the avenue you were taking when you had the dream. You are looking for a "cure" for zombie-ism. You are trying to help humanity. You were/are searching in a place that is actually controlled by the very people who caused the problem. They will give you/are giving you a false cure. They create the problem, then give you the solution.

And, the celebration may be just an interesting aside. You are told that discovering/realizing truth is not the end. We tend to celebrate ourselves when we "know the truth." But, having the vial of truth yourself means little if it isn't given to the "afflicted."
edit on 16-6-2011 by ajkesh because: (no reason given)

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