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Force 'Old People' to Retake Driving Test!

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posted on May, 4 2011 @ 05:22 PM
I was crossing the road earlier at the traffic lights and nearly got ran over by an old person who failed to see the transition from green to red at the traffic stop. She braked yeah. Just in time to stop just past the lights and then carry on after realising I had not been hit. If I hadn't got to the other side of the road in time I would have definitely been hit and although it would not have been fatal I would have definitely been injured.

This is not the first time something like this has happened to me, by far in fact. I am not slating all old people and their ability to drive, I know some really good drivers well into their 80's. The fact remains that some old people really really suck at driving and are as much of a danger to pedestrians and other road users as some drunk drivers.

This is why I believe people should have to retake their driving test at lets say 5 year intervals once they reach a certain age.

You shouldn't be driving when you can barely feed yourself and take 5 seconds to react to physical threats.

Sorry if I've offended anyone, I'm not tarnishing all older people with the same brush but this is a serious issue which involves the livelihoods of all of us. If perfectly capable older drivers have to take time to do the test again and it saves lives then it will be worth it regardless of the 'Nuisance' caused.

Of all the stupid new laws, rules and regulations we face there are still problems like this that are unresolved..
edit on 26/10/2010 by TechUnique because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 05:30 PM
This is why there is a law that states you have to renew your drivers licence..

In ma when you have to renew it, you need to re take the eye exam..

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by TechUnique

Considering the 16-20 age group recently passed a driving test, the statistics may show that a driving test may make no difference here.

Link to Source

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 05:43 PM
I think after you're so old when you get your liscense renewed they need to do a ride along driving exam.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 07:31 PM
Actually young people are FAR more dangerous on the road than older people. If you want to decrease the accident rates, don't let teens drive at all. Here's some stats on how bad it really is. Just one stat from tha article:

Costs. Drivers (both male and female) under age 24 account for 30% - $26 billion Dollars of the total costs of Car accidents in the US.

I'd much rather take my chances with an older driver than even get near a teen behind the wheel.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 07:51 PM
Personally I think the whole drivers license test should be changed. It seems people are taught how to operate a car but most don't know how to drive.

Almost everyone makes right turns without stopping, or yielding correctly to pedestrians. You're not supposed to roll around the corner while someone is trying to cross in front of you. You're not supposed to enter an intersection at all if you can not exit it, in other words you're not supposed to cross the white line if there are people in the crosswalk, or the traffic is backed up so that you get stuck in the intersection when the lights change blocking traffic and pedestrians. You are supposed to yield to pedestrians in any marked crosswalk, that means if someone is trying to cross you are supposed to stop regardless if there is a stop sign, or lights...

I can go on all day lol.

Anyone can operate a car but driving one means knowing the rules of the road, and not thinking you can do whatever you want because you are safe behind your locked doors. 'I didn't see you' is not an excuse to run someone over, you're gonna pay big time.

Sry for the rant but I was hit by a car, a so called professional drive in a limo, making a left turn into the crosswalk. I was paid well by their insurance, but it will never repair my back.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 08:15 AM
Would rather see them institute standards such as the ones for japanese and german licenses. Far too many countries have lax requirements to get a driving license thus every idiot and their brother get a license.
Too many out there of all ages driving who shouldnt be..

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 08:54 AM

Originally posted by schuyler
Actually young people are FAR more dangerous on the road than older people. If you want to decrease the accident rates, don't let teens drive at all. Here's some stats on how bad it really is. Just one stat from tha article:

Costs. Drivers (both male and female) under age 24 account for 30% - $26 billion Dollars of the total costs of Car accidents in the US.

I'd much rather take my chances with an older driver than even get near a teen behind the wheel.

I never said one or the other. Do both if it'll save lives.

Second line.
edit on 26/10/2010 by TechUnique because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 10:47 AM
Did you know in most states if you know a person that is not driving aware you can give then their license plate number and they will call them in to retake the driving portion.

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