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Elections Canada and the Bogus Robo Calls

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posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by Jocko Flocko

I can't watch the video, but do you mean to tell me that 71 ridings in Canada have did not receive robo calls of a suspicious nature? Dating back to the day before the election?

I'm having a bit of a hard time understanding, why if at all, people would defend the actions of a government who have already been caught, multiple times breaking the law, lying to Canadians. So much so that he was fired once by his collegues.

Just some questions, and if you could give me a brief description of the video and it's contents, that would be great.


posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:54 PM
If I were to vote for the Conservatives again right now I would glady do so when taking into consideration the track record of the Liberal Party during the 1990's; the NDP at the Federal level are a far left bleeding heart joke. I refuse to draw conclusions based upon none factual evidence regarding these "robo calls" until elections Canada finishes it's investigation, I'm not going deduct any morality points from the Tories just yet.

In the video it details who has a hand in what, how many complaints actually have merit and the fact that big money liberal organizations/websites are taking this incident and blowing it up to look much larger than what it truely is. As a small buisness owner I knock on wood knowing that we have faired fairly well in this country under the current world economic climate.
edit on 9-3-2012 by Jocko Flocko because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by Jocko Flocko

Please, save your breath about SUN NEWS and Ezra Levant as being "biased" and so called "ultra right wing". I've heard it all to often from the kids on Facebook.

That's because it's true.
Fox North doesn't impress me anymore than Bob Rae does.

In other news:

“I think it’s deplorable, those types of tactics. I’ve spent my life trying to get people to participate more in the political process, for them to vote more, and the fact that people are trying to work in the opposite direction is deplorable,” Manning said.

He said the most important issue is to determine how to end unethical vote-suppression tactics, be it by robocalls or any other form. Manning says stricter surveillance by Elections Canada and campaign managers is one option but ethical training of campaign workers is probably more effective.

Manning said it would also be wrong to point the finger solely at the Conservative party, even though the Elections Canada investigation is largely centered on the Tory campaign in Guelph, Ont.

Always liked Preston Manning. If he was prime minister, none of this would have happened because he has ethics. Something the bunch in Ottawa, whether liberal, conservative or New Democrat, are sorely lacking.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:43 PM
One of the tricks the (provincial) conservatives used in one of the ridings I campaign managed -

They sent their people around with flyers on the day we sent out where to vote cards. Picked the you-vote-out cards out of the mail boxes when they delivered their flyers.

Then they redelivered them to sections of the constituency that they had low turn out in their favour.

No follow up from the elections people on it. Total blow off, along with several other irregularities.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by Aeons

Interesting. Was that the Mike Harris tories or the more recent Hudak bunch?

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by masqua

They probably originated from somewhere in India anyways. A company, paid by a front company. Do you think they would be stupid to leave a paper trail? I somehow doubt it

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:47 PM
Klein Tories.

The best type too - the immigrant mafia ones.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by Jocko Flocko
If I were to vote for the Conservatives again right now I would glady do so when taking into consideration the track record of the Liberal Party during the 1990's; the NDP at the Federal level are a far left bleeding heart joke. I refuse to draw conclusions based upon none factual evidence regarding these "robo calls" until elections Canada finishes it's investigation, I'm not going deduct any morality points from the Tories just yet.

In the video it details who has a hand in what, how many complaints actually have merit and the fact that big money liberal organizations/websites are taking this incident and blowing it up to look much larger than what it truely is. As a small buisness owner I knock on wood knowing that we have faired fairly well in this country under the current world economic climate.
edit on 9-3-2012 by Jocko Flocko because: (no reason given)

Vote for him again? Have you not been paying attention? I understand and appreciate right wing ideology (As former vice president of the Chamber of Commerce) but God help Canada should the bully Honourable Stephen Harper get re-elected. Do you not remember the G-20 2010? Illegally arresting and imprisoning thousands of innocent Canadians, my brother and sisters. The Ontario Ombudsman stated it was the WORST human rights violation in Canadian history! Honourable Stephen Harper then went on to declare the G/8 G/20 a great success! He squandered a billion and a half dollars on security, giving money to ridings dozens of miles away.
Do you not remember the torture documents from Afghanistan...Honourable Stephen Harper refused to share this information with Parliament as required by law.
Honourable Stephen Harper then pirogues (closed down) Parliament 2 times.
For the first time in western world politics, Harper Government has been found in contempt of parliament, in contempt of the citizens of Canada.
Lets not forget his MP's (Ada) forging and altering documents and the abuse of the election act which could see some of the Harper Government do jail time!
When Harper Government took office we had a $13,000,000,000 surplus now we are looking down the barrel of a $54,000,000,000 deficit. That is sixty seven billion dollars squandered. While the western world was having a financial free for all before the collapse in 2008, Canada was limping along with austerity measures getting our fiscal house in order, that's why we did so well during the recession! I don't know who remembers but the Harper Government wanted to change the banking act and remove regulations to mirror that of the U.S.'s but now takes credit for the great shape Canada and it's banks was in!
So this robo stunt is exactly what the Harper Government would do to get and stay elected.
I too did get called, but I always lie about who I'm going to vote for so the polls are not accurate (I recommend everybody lie all the time to the pollsters)
If I may quote the Australian from the article; Canada watches its democracy erode, "Edmund Burke noted that all that was necessary for evil to triumph was for good men to do nothing. Canadians are certainly good and worthy folks, but they suffer an excess of civil obedience, politeness and lack of civic rage that could be harnessed to combat political atrophy. At a time when Arabs risk life and limb for political freedoms, Canadians seem largely apathetic about the erosion of their democracy." The article then finishes with the line "Oh Canada, we cry our hearts for thee." I am embarrassed and ashamed by this article.

edit on 9-3-2012 by brice because: double post

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 01:40 PM

But even the Ottawa Citizen couldn't make this gathering at the newspaper's anti-robot rally look good enough for their front page. So they chose instead a closeup of a rally in Montreal, where a few dozen anti-robot protesters had the media-savvy to stand close together. That, plus a screaming front-page headline, took up two-thirds of the front page of the Citizen yesterday.

In fairness, in Canada's biggest city, there were several dozen protesters at the anti-robot rally. One of the keynote speakers was Zafar Bangash. Who's he? He's an anti-U.S., pro-Iran extremist in Toronto. My favourite Bangashism is his description of Israel as a "Zionist parasitical state." Listening to him is like reading a translation of the magazine Der Sturmer from the 1930s.

Sun NEWS North

lmao, I knew it wouldn't take long.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by brice

Piroguing government and shuttting down debate in the house is a tactic that Harper adopted from Klein. It truly embodies a respect for the spirit of the process.

I actually don't mind some of the things that Harper is doing. THIS behaviour, I find quite offensive.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by Aeons

What exactly don't you mind? The rigging of the tendering process on the unworkable F-35 boat anchors, Telling Canadians that either you support unabated internet surveillance or you support child pornographers, Losing our leadership role in the U.N., maybe the careless use of public monies or is it the extremely well done advertising campaign provided by big business?
Just wondering where you stand?

Canada's Debt

As you can see, in the previous Liberal Leadership and their Austerity finance measures saved Canada from bankrupcy in only 5 years of Conservitive lack of leadership pubic debt commitment is higher than it's ever been.
edit on 29-3-2012 by brice because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by Jocko Flocko

lmao, I knew it wouldn't take long.

From your 'Fox News North' link:

The robot scandal is fake. The real scandal here is the media pack's propaganda.

Media pack... as if they're not media themselves. What a joke.

They wish it would die on the vine, but it's not going to happen anytime soon.

It appears the chief electoral officer, Marc Mayrand, had a message to deliver to the House today:

Canada’s chief electoral officer is rejecting any attempts to play down the extent of the voter-suppression tactics in the last election, expressing his outrage for the first time in public about fraudulent robo-calls made in the name of his impartial organization.

“It’s absolutely outrageous,” Marc Mayrand told a parliamentary committee. “It’s totally unacceptable in a modern democracy.”

Elections Canada has received complaints about phone fraud in the last election in about 200 ridings in 10 provinces and one territory. Mr. Mayrand said the complaints “cut pretty much across the whole country.”

200 ridings in 10 provinces and a territory?


Of course, this is budget day, so we won't hear too much about what Mayrand had to say in the media, especially not on Sun News. Ezra will be too busy gushing about all those cuts.

edit on 29/3/12 by masqua because: (no reason given)

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