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Nearly 300 Roma women and children flee their homes fearing vigilante attacks from nazi-paramilitary

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posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 10:04 AM

Nearly 300 Roma women and children flee their homes fearing vigilante attacks

Hundreds of Roma residents in a Hungarian village have fled their homes, fearing far-right vigilantes who set up a training camp nearby.
The group denies trying to provoke the locals, but the Roma want more protection.
(visit the link for the full news article)


Hungary's government has accused its political opponents of staging an unnecessary "evacuation" of Roma families from a northern village.
The village, Gyongyospata, was recently the scene of ethnic tension between local Roma and right-wing vigilantes. A vigilante group was due to hold a paramilitary training exercise in the village at the weekend.
But officials have told the BBC there is no connection between the two events.

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edit on 23-4-2011 by stavis because: edit for credit

edit on 23-4-2011 by stavis because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-4-2011 by stavis because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 10:04 AM
This situation looking just like the one in poland just before ww2 was starting.
Is this the trigger to the ww3?

edit on 23-4-2011 by stavis because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by stavis

This situation looking just like the one in poland just before ww2 was starting.
Is this the trigger to the ww3?

edit on 23-4-2011 by stavis because: (no reason given)

Sure! A neo nazi little group sets a training camp and world war 3 starts because 300 people ran away...

It makes sense in every way... now, stop to think about it.


posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by FraternitasSaturni

I do not think the women and children who evacuated laugh as much as you. I meant the soul clearly not that WW3 starts at this very moment! exactly the same because the incidents occurred before WW2 started. But WW2 did not start the moment when people "vacationing" with red cross el similar organizations.
It is precisely this type of events when the state goes and blinds evacuations with the gravity of a war becomes present.

Just as you laughed right now were there many people who did exactly the same back then to these family "holidays" but then when the war started they didnt laughed any more. You should realize the magnitude of this event has, and it is not isolated or can be called a one off. Even if it were so, it is hardly associated with living in a "free" world of "equality" and "democracy" so instead of laughing, read on about the events that took place before WW2 broke out in full scale.

I love to talk to ignorant people like you but I'm too tired and I am working with people who need my help more than you, but obviously you need a lot help and hopefully you will find it

edit on 23-4-2011 by stavis because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-4-2011 by stavis because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 10:46 AM
National Socialism is no longer a credible threat, just a bunch of burned out rednecks with a racist agenda. It is up to the hungarian government to provide 'protection' at this point.Nazis are gone

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by 12tracer
National Socialism is no longer a credible threat, just a bunch of burned out rednecks with a racist agenda. It is up to the hungarian government to provide 'protection' at this point.Nazis are gone

National Socialism is no longer a credible threat!
What is this? dont you know anything? do you have the slightest idea what National Socialism is? I feel sorry for your ignorance, but I hope one that one day you learn to understand what is happening and who controls and why things happen. There is a very good time aspect in any event before a war breaks out.
You do not see a sign there spot on the day your government orders all residents in your community to take on the gas masks that are out, and that everyone should stay indoors if you do not have access to shelters. Can you tell me what socialism&national socialism is because I must have got it all wrong.

edit on 23-4-2011 by stavis because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-4-2011 by stavis because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-4-2011 by stavis because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 11:02 AM
The romas are viewed very negatively here in central Europe. Unemployment is a norm among them, and their numbers keep growing since the revolution.
Also, the left in Hungary was largely discredited due to endemic corruption and bankrupting the state. Thus it is no surprise that even such far-right groups feel more confident now.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by Maslo

I know unfortunately that is true but people forget who is to blame their governments to individual groups, in this case Roma.
It blames the upcoming deprissionen on everything except the actual causes. I understand the situation but the explanations Hungarian government gives is unforgivably poor and clearly indicates its position in this event.
The only correct course would be to resort to each of the national-socialists who now gathered for a "training camp" that is really sad with this contemptuous of human life which the Government of Hungary is now showing.
But given the fact that Ashkenazi Jews have immense power in Hungary is unfortunately this event which will repeat itself over and over again. Just look at how the Palestinians have it today and how they have had since 1948.

The fact that people laugh just shows that WW2 happened due to the input ignorance and a feeling of "it does not happen to me" so then everything is hunky-dory. I pray for these women and children who are now forced from their homes.

This vid is for educational purposes to these people who think this is funny

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by stavis

Even if this does get out of hand, hungary does'nt have the clout for it to become any more than a domestic issue.

Theres groups like this in every country. Every now and then they'll do something that will rile the media up and the more paranoid people will start making connections that are'nt there

No this is'nt the beggining of WW3. Hungary does'nt have the economic or military might to bring about such a thing.

edit on 23/4/11 by KrypticCriminal because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by KrypticCriminal

They have both military and economy if it is. Again I do not mean that WW3 will start precisely at this moment. I will only say that this event is exactly the same as the events that occurred in Germany before WW2 broke out.
One should not diminish this for a moment. The fact that people do not understand that Nazism is a different type of racism than what appears to be the case, is deplorable. Sure, the Nazis racists but the truth is watered down for their racism against all people who are to betrecht which Goyer in their eyes. National socialism and communism is a policy and its guidelines are tailored to the Ashkenazi Jews' ultimate goal. As you probably know that Ashkenazi Jews are not Jews but that term has it managed to get through to 700-800's converting to Judaism. Originally, these Ashkenazi Jews Khazars who came from eastern Russia. They are a God-loose people from the very beginning as they are today. This event is precisely for this reason, very devastating.

And do not think you seriously when you claim that Hungary does not have funds to implement this!? that's exactly what they built up their capital for! to name some names to back them and are on this journey, you have Rockefeller, Kissinger, and so on. yes, it is so Freemasons and Illuminati, and where they would have lost all their assets?

edit on 23-4-2011 by stavis because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-4-2011 by stavis because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-4-2011 by stavis because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 11:45 AM
The following undeniable question arises: What happened to the remaining males if only women and children were allowed to leave?

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by stavis

I agree that what is happening is deplorable and instances like this, no matter where or on what scale or wholey upsetting. However the only reason that Nazi Germany were able to progress on the scale they did was because of their know how, economic size and the charisma of Adolf hitler. If you look at this situation then non of these are met.

It does'nt matter who maybe funding the country. They would still have to rely heavily on outside sources to achieve there goals. Which would mean a lot of countrys openly supporting this ideology and supplying the technology and expertise needed to make hungary a real threat. This is'nt the 1940's anymore. Technology and the media has come along way since then.

edit on 23/4/11 by KrypticCriminal because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by Nightchild

I have no clue about this and but with a bit of luck the media attention could very well be the saver for these men who still are there!? but one thing is for certin and thats the fact that the hungerian authorities did not give a damn about this. I believe rather that they are disappointed that this news has reached us, and therefore, any plans not completed.
But it is my guess and I do as I say not more than that this event is anything is ridiculous but extremely serious. It is a provocation but serious undertones, this should not be mistaken or reduce the severity in. But let's say there are around 100 men left that does not mean that it becomes harmless. There are large forces in motion now and the general interpretation is that they feel for the controls and how the world reacts to this particular event, now that it has become known to the public.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by KrypticCriminal

Sure, but by now they have built up their capital and influence, development can be fatal. I will not elaborate more, but ask anyone who does not understand this situation, read the suggestion Albert Pike's book, Morals & dogma, and then the whole concept easier to understand.
But let's say, and God forbid this from happening: that these men would "disappear" no one can say that their relatives should not worry about WW3 have not been home to the ignorant door sill. I mean no offense by this but just want to make a point.

edit on 23-4-2011 by stavis because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 12:39 PM

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by 12tracer
National Socialism is no longer a credible threat, just a bunch of burned out rednecks with a racist agenda. It is up to the hungarian government to provide 'protection' at this point.Nazis are gone

I agree with you that National Socialism doesn't pose a threat for TPTB at the moment. Their attempt to dismantle and disrupt it has worked very well. I'm a National Socialist myself and I know pretty good what's going on in "the scene" in Germany. It's kinda like "Animal Farm goes Kindergarten". But TPTB still want it exterminated, even though there is no escaping from the real National Socialism and TPTB knows that very well.

That's why every single fart by any right-wing minded group or person gets lots of media-attention.
If three skinheads beat up a foreigner it gets all the attention in the world and they will be jailed for the longest possible time. But if three foreigners murder a German in cold blood it is mentioned on page 6 without racial backgrounds and the murderers get parole. I've seen recent examples.

It's the same with this article, this fear-mongering article is here in the breaking news section and the continuing revolts, extreme vandalism on a daily bases and a recent large attack on a police-station in Berlin by an extreme leftwing group doesn't.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by Regenstorm

I assume that you are Ashkenazi Jew, so to speak? you practice the talmud and think it is ok to have sex with a child as long he or her is older than 3 years!? ok god will judge you I dont, you are free to belive what you like.
Let me say this as clearly I can before I retire for tonight. First of all Ashkenazi Jews has converted to judaism from the beginning that is facts. During WW2 murdered hitler Jews who were from europe known as Sephardic Jews, who are the real Jews. Ashkenazim Jews who converted to Judaism said, but is therefore only false Jews. So during WW2 killed hitler primarily Sephardic-Jews for several reasons.
1: Sephardic-Jews were the only ones who knew the Ashkenazi Jews history and true religion. By killing them he hoped to wipe out the only source of truth on the Ashkenazi Jewish origins.
2: Since Ashkenazi Jews at War "was receiving" state of Israel by the United Nations in 1948, they were able to rally his people there and start building themselves. At the United Nations had Ashkenazi Jews already a majority in power through the over 1200 years infiltrating the Scandinavian royal families, which was now the descendants of the different governing rabbis from the ancient tribe of Khazad-people.
3: Immediately was established concept that anti-Semite, anti-Zionist and so on. because the rest of the world now tricked into believing that Ashkenazi Jews were "real" Jews, there was growing support and enormous sympathy for them. But the play was successful, and now they had not only managed to kill lots of Sephardic Jews, but now there was also the state of Israel in their hands.
4: while the people of the world expressed their contempt for the Nazis and their agenda fell reality away into oblivion. Hitler was just a lackey for ashkenasi-Jews, and moreover he was Masons, unconfirmed reports said that even Hitler had Khazar origin, which in itself is not entirely impossible. Ashkenazi Jews had succeeded in eradicating the next Sephardic Jews-by pefekt cover: National Socialism & Nazism. The word Nazism importance of German in Hebrew.

5th They had already established themselves in all political activity and were now also represented in the left politicians. Left politics is called: communism and in a milder form known this for socialism.

6th Now they could grow unhindered and that they already owned almost all the economy was on the rise after years of war. Today's leftists who do not know better fighting days right-wingers who do not know better, their common enemy, though they do not see it, the Ashkenazi Jews who have Talmud as their religion. while these groups fight each other create opportunities to manipulate and weaken Europe's states and others. Communism is satanism politics and Satanism have been hidden in Judaism, the doctrine called the Talmud. I will stop there for today and hope you take the time to read up on history and how the falsified to conceal the truth. did you know for a fact that the jew had an army of 150.000 soldiers fighting for hitler and the national-socialistic nazi!? have a good night and I will pray for your awakning god bless you.

edit on 23-4-2011 by stavis because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by stavis

This world gets funnier day by day, I just love it. The signs are everywhere. Things seem to speed up really fast now. I have nothing to do with the Talmud, Judaism or Jews, I'm 6 foot, blond, blue eyes and of true German/Dutch(=German) origin. I searched everywhere for clues why I landed on this nutty planet, what's wrong with it and how we can solve it.

I have found my answers.
The answer is connected to Germany and the ancient unknown/dismissed history. ATS has unwillingly confirmed that what I already knew and contributed greatly to the expansion of my knowledge.

A part of the answer can be found in the link from the quote in my signature (no worry, it's in English). Many people think that it's about Germany. I agree with them.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 03:25 PM
Sad story, I hope this doesn't turn into something more serious, it's not unusual for brutal attacks to take place on behalf of these quasi-paramilitary nationalist groups against minorities like the Roma in Europe. Hopefully all who were forced to flee will soon be able to return to their homes in peace.

ETA: There is alot of unfair propaganda which works in favour of these nationalist groups and against these minorities, all perpetuated by the maintream meda; the stereotypes against minority groups like the Roma are very pervasive and extremely malicious. Racism is tearing our society apart, hatred and intolerance are no way to live a happy, fulfilling life. People who percieve that they are without purpose naturally latch onto these nationalist groups because they need something to be a part of, they're brainwashed into thinking anyone who isn't like them and doesn't conform to their world view is an enemy.

edit on 23-4-2011 by lifeissacred because: I can't spell

edit on 23-4-2011 by lifeissacred because: to add

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 09:56 PM
To build a truly advanced civilization we need to pass beyond racism. Many Hungarians are deficient in this. I know as I have been living in Hungary for a while. It could be partly explained by the economy and the sorely divided partisan politics ruling the country.

The situation with the Roma could only be better in a truly cooperative civilization which truly wants to integrate minorities. As things stand, most of Hungary has been colonized by a ruthless globalist force and many Hungarians do not react well to this. Hospitals and schools are on the verge of not being able to carry the burden any more. The fact that there are well publicized Gipsy crime cases does not help this. The fact that many racist violent crimes have been recently committed against Roma people solely on the basis of race does not help this.
I agree that the situation is dangerous and paramilitary groups is where it must be stopped. the present government does a lot to stop them - but underlying tensions are growing as the standards of living have been steadily declining since the investor groups took control.
There is a spiritual-historical side too. The Holocaust was pretty bad in Hungary - both for Jews and the Roma - and many of my fellow compatriots indulge in a false sense of innocence about the forties when Hungary willingly exported hundreds of thousands of people to Nazi death camps. One would need to step out of this pattern to create a new one.
Most Hungarians who are mildly racist would basically want more security and public safety. However, there is also a bitter internal struggle between two camps in politics - one globalist (calling itself the "left" for propaganda reasons mainly) and the other nationalist.
Yet the majority do not want more violence between these two groups.
Hungarians have deep spirituality and there is an uncommon amount of geniuses here. However, they are grossly impractical. (I say they, because I spent a good part of my life abroad and am an American citizen.)

I do not think World War three is starting here. It is already going on, on a small scale, all around the world.
But as things stand, the controversy between right-wing fanatics and Gypsies is insoluble.

Hungary pays eight dollars out of every ten earned towards its national debt which was largely used up for business interests of two closed circles that fight each other in every way except physically. This is clearly a no go, in my opinion the nation has to say no to this weid debt burden just as the Argentines did. The middle class is disappearing and we are heading towards a dictatorship - which is good from the point of minorities as a temporary stopgap. The general populace feels justifiably ripped off. Yet we are in the EU, and militarily we have not been successful in the last few hundred years, despite all the documented heroism of '56 and 1848 and so on. We lost two world wars, Hungary lost two thirds of its territory in the Versailles (Trianon Castle) Treaty, with literally millions of native Hungarians excluded from their own country in a region where nation-states operate as nation states. Neighboring states in the twentieth century went on a rampage of petty vengeance - Hungarians were even forbidden to speak their own language among each other in public places in some periods.

No wonder that right-wing idelogies crop up where Hungary is the Christ of nations, being sacrificed and nailed to the Cross.

On the other side, there are Buddhist and Christian groups that organized high schools and integration possibilities for Roma kids that would want that. There are EU programs to make Roma people microentrepreneurs but the EU rarely considers how desperate and informal the economy really is and what a vast cultural change it would demand. One result of that is that EU programs rarely have enough follow-up. Usually everything that is created for the Roma is dissipated soon when the programs are over and the money and training is wasted. Roma leaders have unfavorable corruption stories.

Young Hungarians - twenty-somethings - are more hopeful. They say no to the insane free-market globalism as well as the corruption. There is also less racism in them generationally.

I do not agree to the OP's Ashkenazi angle. I do not think they are the true holders of power - true, more middle class people are Jewish and mostly Ashkenazi. I am in contact with some wonderful Jewish families that accept me as a non-Jew. My basic feeling is that they just want to be left alone without the very real antisemitism that goes on. The most powerful people in Hungary are not Jewish though. This is again a more complex question as the fear of fascism is justified, only, this time it is not sadistic totalitarian Arrow Cross members but mostly lip service. Yet I understand that when they hear the very same slogans their grandparents heard in the Forties, they get alarmed.
Usually Jewish people are more tolerant towards Gyspies, just like in the US they were the first to cooperate with the Civil Rights movement.
Recently we have some more charismatic Roma leaders but not enough. Hungary is by and large a macho country. Acceptance and tolerance are more feminine values.

Right-wing Hungarians usually regard Hungarian Jews as an alien race - which is itself a racist, non-democratic pattern of thought that Hitler and Szalasi (the leader of the terror in 44) popularized. Hungarian Jews voted last year or the year before that they do not want to be regarded as an ethnic minority. This went totally unnoticed everywhere. Such people disallow the mere existence of Hungarian Jewry which exists all the same.

The collective hysteria of teh divided parties and collective projections upon the Roma constitute a truly negative transcendence - as Jung described in the case history of German Nazism. And most want to go back to a feudal and nationalistic romanticism which is a no go.

Despite the Hungraian ultra nationalistic ideas, we owe a lot to Germans. In fact we are a composite language linguistically, the debate still ranges on whether Turkic and Turkish influence is the basis with Finno-Ugrian elements. But modern Hungary has a lot of language taken directly over from German due to the Austrian occupation during the earky days of civilization. Hungarian Christianity itself started by importing German priests to spread the faith with bloody means against native paganism.

A lot of Gypsies feel like outcasts. They live in sociologically ghettoized situations already. Yet rumors abound of Gypsy mafias that usurp their situation and show up at the welfare office with Mercedes or BMW cars whikle ordinary Hungarians are regularly denied welfare.

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