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Link Found Between Brain Molecule,Obesity and Diabetes?...Or are people just FAT?

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posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 03:09 PM
Iguess they will keep coming out with medical reasons why people of this country are so overweight. Why cant they just admit that some are just lazy and thats why they are fat,and with being fat comes diabetes. Instead they try to cover up the truth with stuff like this. So this kindaq news will probably make the overweight not feel so bad about themselves now because now they have another excuse to go along with the over active thyroid they have been using forever...

Newswise — April 19, 2011 – (BRONX, NY) – The brain’s hypothalamus plays a key role in obesity and one of its major complications – type 2 diabetes. Nerve cells in the hypothalamus detect nutrients and hormones circulating in the blood and then coordinate a complex series of behavioral and physiological responses to maintain a balance between calories eaten and calories burned. Obesity and diabetes can result when this regulatory mechanism goes awry.

Now, research by postdoctoral fellow Clémence Blouet, Ph.D., and Gary Schwartz, Ph.D., professor of medicine and in the Dominick P. Purpura Department of Neuroscience at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, has revealed a molecule in the brain that may contribute to those health problems, both of which are reaching epidemic proportions. A 2008 study in the journal Obesity predicted that 86 percent of U.S. adults will be overweight or obese by 2030 if current trends continue. And last October the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that the prevalence of diabetes among American adults could rise from the current 1 in 10 to as many as 1 in 3 by 2050.

“Our study indicates that TXNIP in hypothalamic nerve cells provides a crucial link between brain nutrient sensing and the increases in body weight and fat mass that lead to obesity and diabetes,” said Dr. Schwartz.


posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 03:22 PM
I had gestational diabetes with both of my pregnancies. You wanna know why? Because I'm fat. You wanna know why I'm fat? I enjoy food more than I should. After getting gestational diabetes TWO times in a row I've finally had enough it. Why can't some people just recognize their faults (not all obese people are just lazy bags)?

I recognize that I'm fat and it was detrimental to the health of both myself and my (at the time) unborn children.

Now that I've recognized my shortcoming I am taking care of it. I don't need a scientist to give me a scapegoat on being fat. I need to put down the cheeseburger and get up on that treadmill, which just happens to be what I'm doing

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by gdaub23
Iguess they will keep coming out with medical reasons why people of this country are so overweight. Why cant they just admit that some are just lazy and thats why they are fat,and with being fat comes diabetes. Instead they try to cover up the truth with stuff like this. So this kindaq news will probably make the overweight not feel so bad about themselves now because now they have another excuse to go along with the over active thyroid they have been using forever...

Actually it is an under active thyroid that causes weight gain. I have an underactive thyroid and yes, it can cause weight gain. I'm not saying it is the only factor, but it does make weight control very difficult.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 03:46 PM
just so people know i am not trying to pick on or single anyone out....i was once 320lbs and got down to current weight of 185lbs..i knew i was fat because i was lazy an ate too much and after losing the weight i find it funny that people try to find evry excuse imaginable to blame their weight on

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 04:22 PM
For the last few years I have been gaining weight due to undiagnosed Diabetes. The low Insulin levels have been preventing glucose from being processed into my system causing a hard to quench hunger and a lack of energy to go out and exercise (a passion I had before this).

Now that I know I have it and am on injections I am needing to eat far less and have lost a lot of weight and fast. It's only been 1 month since I was admitted to the hospital and I'm more than half-way back to my normal (some would say too skinny) size.

This is just my experience. If someone else is having trouble with their weight then a simple blood test could confirm/rule out this situation for them.

Also, on an interesting note, at this early stage of my diabetes I am unable to adjust my own Insulin levels to account for any exercise (I'm banned from even mowing). So the weight loss I've had has been purely from the lowered hunger whilst still sitting on my behind all day.
edit on 20/4/2011 by Planet teleX because: extra note

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by Planet teleX

Word up Planet teleX!!

I went thru the "undiagnosed Type 1 diabetes" hospital stay in October last year. I didn't get good control til earlier this year & after that I started losing a pound a week. Makes me happy girl, although having to eat after exercise and add calories kinda stinks.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by gdaub23
Why cant they just admit that some are just lazy and thats why they are fat,and with being fat comes diabetes. Instead they try to cover up the truth with stuff like this. So this kindaq news will probably make the overweight not feel so bad about themselves now because now they have another excuse to go along with the over active thyroid they have been using forever...

Ever think that being fat makes you lazy and lethargic? Surely, you should know. Right? You can't even tell the difference between hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Why should anyone expect you to understand the delicate link between the hypothalamus, obesity, diabetes, metabolism, hunger and laziness?

The hypothalamus controls the thyroid (and all hormonally controlled physiological function), which controls metabolism, which is catabolism (burning energy/breaking down tissue) and anabolism (storing energy/tissue growth).

People with tumors in the hypothalamus have been shown to grow extremely obese. Experiments have been down in rats in which researchers lesioned the hypothalamus in rats which led to hyperphagia (extreme hunger) and corpulence. This was in the 30's, mind you. So what the researchers didn't know was why lesioned rats became fat. Some believed that obesity was literally caused by tumors in the hypothalamus which were inhibiting the hunger regulation center of the brain, giving those inflicted with such tumors a ravenous behavior.

Eventually, they found that the lesioned rats were having nutrients directed away from the tissues and organs that needed them for fuel and then shuttling them straight to the fat cells for storage. These rats, and people with a damaged hypothalamus, weren't consciously deciding to be lazy and eat was a physiological response.

This type of research is really the missing pieces to understanding why we get fat, eat a lot and stay hungry....and stay fat.

Researchers found that lesioning the hypothalamus actually leads to hyperinsulinemia (increased insulin production) and that insulin is the driving factor in hunger and nutrient allocation.

If insulin levels are high, nutrients are directed to the fat cells and away from the organs and tissues that need them. THIS causes hunger, lethargy and laziness (even depression), which in turn causes more fat deposition (obesity). If insulin levels are low, nutrients freely flow in and out of the fat cells and to the appropriate organs and tissues as they are needed. THIS causes high energy levels, satiety and the feeling of "I can't just sit on my ass".

So, dear poster, the point is: Obesity, and diabetes for that matter, is not a psychological is one that is driven by physiological responses to hormones. In other words, trying to exercise more or eat less just doesn't work because it doesn't address the root problem.

Stop calling people lazy and glutinous when you have no idea what you're talking about.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 07:59 PM
There is a medical reason, but that aint it.

It's called bovine growth hormone.
It's in, almost, all our dairy now.
Check into it, some dairy is proud to be made without it
so there are options, but those products are not carried at Walmart.

We had couch potatoes back in the 70's but
no one got as big as people are getting now.

It's bovine growth hormone.
A molecule in the brain should be ridiculed as disinformation.

David Grouchy

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by angrymomma
I had gestational diabetes with both of my pregnancies. You wanna know why? Because I'm fat. You wanna know why I'm fat? I enjoy food more than I should. After getting gestational diabetes TWO times in a row I've finally had enough it. Why can't some people just recognize their faults (not all obese people are just lazy bags)?

I recognize that I'm fat and it was detrimental to the health of both myself and my (at the time) unborn children.

Now that I've recognized my shortcoming I am taking care of it. I don't need a scientist to give me a scapegoat on being fat. I need to put down the cheeseburger and get up on that treadmill, which just happens to be what I'm doing

Your post just made my day. The right attitude will take you as far as you want to go. That's at least half of the work.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by gdaub23

AND YOUR RIGHT! in most cases i am pretty sure that we just like to eat our good american food ! and why not ! because it sure is good! Those god BBBQ hamburgers /Riibbs /sweetcorn/hot dogs/ hhhhmmm ! just got hungry ! goto lihgt BBQ .LOL/ nicknav.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 03:09 AM
There's good money to be made off of obesity. All that medical care and packaged food items to eat. The fact is there is an epidemic of thyroid hormone problems, most likely due to deliberately introduced environmental stresses. One of which is fluoridation. Moreover all packaged food contains MSG or hydrolized vegetable protein or their equivalents which are known to create endless food cravings.

They want you to get fat, sick , be helpless, need med.s and die young; and we are obliging.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 10:22 AM
i dont believe that there should be anexcuse for people being fat...even if they have some type of thyroid issue you can try and keep it down...fat is fat

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