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STOP being Scared!!! Live your Life,Do what you want and Worry about it Later....

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posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 10:25 PM
I have started seeing these threads about the aspartame in soda not being good for you and people warning not to drink it...well i say screw that!!! everything seems to be bad for people nowadys..its starting to become a joke...sodas bad,cigarettes are bad,and even water is bad for you...vegetables and fruits are bad because of the pesticides they use...what is good for us when everything is being labeled BAD? in my opinion I think all this stuff i just crap...unless youre growing your own food and filtering your water from a well then youre bound to run into things that are bad...its soda,its not meant to be good for you...people know when they are drinking soda that its not the best thing for them,diet or not..but i think some people dont care. I think that if they like it then theyre gonna go ahead with it anyway...just like people and smoking...people have known for a long time that it definately isnt good for you but decide to do it anyway..

in my opinion,i believe that soon enough all these BAD things that we take for granted and critisize now wont be affordable or even around for very long,so i say go ahead and enjoy life and the things you like doing with it before it all gets taken away and when it gets to the point where youre wishing you had a good cigarette and a cold soda....

So what do you think about this? Are you going to be one who shys away from these things that are labeled bad? Because really,like i said before,WHAT IS GOOD FOR YOU? Live life and stop worrying about what might kill you years from now and start worrying about things and or events that may in the near future....

edit on 13-4-2011 by gdaub23 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 10:30 PM

What? Soda's bad for you?



posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by gdaub23

i say go ahead and enjoy life and the things you like doing with it

Amen to that. We all die sometime and I would rather enjoy what I have now than wonder what its like later when I cant have it.

Sure, stuff like cigs and soda are a bit bad, but I still drink soda and smoke. Im thinking about quittin cigs but im not sure yet. Its my body and one day I wont have it anymore, and thats why I like vodka.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 11:35 PM
From what I can tell, the aspartame and fluoride seems to be working just fine.
I'm sure you'll be missed, if anyone remembers you a few days after you're gone.

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