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Mystery of the Blindfolded Spirit

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posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 10:40 PM
This is my first post, so please bare with me. This is one of the main reasons that I created a user account in the first place.

Okay, this all starts several years ago when I was still in high school. I used to have vivid dreams all the time during those days, many of which I am sure had meaning, however I am no authority on such things. Anyway, I had this one dream in particular that has always struck me as different from the others and I find it strange that I can even remember it right now, especially in such vivid detail. So here's the dream:

I was at my school but the hallways were deserted. I knew that I was late for class so I went to the nearest stairwell to attempt to get to the second floor where my class was located. As I hit the first landing and began to climb the next part of the steps, I was stopped by a female security guard who told me that I couldn't go that way. I noticed that the lights were out in this stairwell and there were cob webs in the corner, so I turned around and headed for another stairwell. In the dream there were four stairwells, one in each corner of the school building. Every single stair well was the same except the stairwell in the northwest corner of the school. It was well lit and everything. I climbed the stairwell and made it into the class. The teacher was talking about sending me to the principle and recommending detention because I had made it to her class extremely late. I don't remember the exact details here, but I remember that I hung back at the end of class to argue the point with her. She took me out in the hallway after that and had a male teacher escort me to the principles office, which was located in the back of a darkened classroom. He told me that he was going to talk to the principle and work everything out because he thought that the female teacher was over reacting. He left, talked to the principle, and then came back to tell me that things were good and to go to lunch. This is where things get really weird... I turn around and there is another door in the classroom that leads into a room with a wood floor and wood walls that resembles an old fashioned grocery store. My mother appears out of nowhere and informs me that she is there to buy me lunch. I walk up to the counter with her, which looks like an old fashioned deli counter with food on display and I picked out a grilled cheese sandwich. The guy behind the counter is the kind of old guy wearing a weird visor hat like you would see a poker player wearing. He tells my mother how much she owes him and when she goes to pay him, she drops this huge silver coin on the floor. It rolls away and she chases after it hunched over with her hand outstretched, trying to stop it from rolling away. I turned back around and the counter was completely gone. Furthermore, the room was closed and the only other person there besides me was this older looking man with longer silver looking hair and a beard, wearing whitish looking robes and a white blindfold. He sits down at a bench against the wall and beckons me to come closer to him. He has me sit on his knee and then he says to me, "You are the chosen one.". After that he touches my forehead and I leaned back and my mind was flooded with several images all at once, playing out like an old gritty film real.

First off, I do not think that I am the chosen of anything. However, I find it weird that this has stuck with me throughout the years and I think there had to be some level of significance to this.

What I am most interested in is the figure from my dream. I have researched and researched and have never found anything that matches his description. Other than another event that I shall share with you..

My wife is a practicing Wiccan and believes in nature only, not the god and goddess part of the religion. She was meditating the other day when she had a vision. In her vision she saw herself in the palm of a giant man. This man as she described him was wearing a white blindfold and had long silverish hair and a beard. He touched her forehead and said, "I am the one for you." and then her vision was over. She said that she felt so weak after that she had to go to bed.

So this is where you guys come in. Maybe someone is familiar with this spirit and can help me find out who or what it is and possibly what it wants from my wife and I. I have always regarded ATS as a very good place to get information on the weird and the unexplainable, so let this quest for knowledge begin! And thanks in advance to anyone who can contribute.

Mods, if this is posted in the wrong forum, I apologize. This is my first post and it sounded appropriate as it deals with a spirit.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 11:21 PM
Interesting dream you had.

What comes to my mind is how strange the dream played out until you saw this man in white robes. I do believe in benevolent spirits, however i think that all spirits ask for something in return when giving something. I personally would not react to this man depicting you as the "chosen one" - i don't mean to condescend but who knows, maybe he is trying to feed your ego?

I would think that you would be more in control by not dwelling on this and treating it as a thought. Equanimity can become a great ally.

In regards to your wive mentioning being in the palm this same elder man - did you tell her of this dream before? I am not too certain, but i sense that you may be attracting this experience to your reality by putting your mind to it often. Just my personal opinion, I mean you all the best.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 11:37 PM
I most definitely appreciate your input. I don't really put too much behind me being called the chosen one either. I just think that it is a really weird dream and that figure was especially weird.

As far as my wife goes, I had not told her of the dream before she told me of her vision. That, to me, only serves to make things weirder. In fact, I hadn't really thought much about the dream recently until she told me about her vision, then I proceeded to get my post count up so that I could post this thread.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 11:45 PM

Originally posted by southofheaven
As far as my wife goes, I had not told her of the dream before she told me of her vision. That, to me, only serves to make things weirder. In fact, I hadn't really thought much about the dream recently until she told me about her vision, then I proceeded to get my post count up so that I could post this thread.

Well I think that maybe you two have a connection with this white-robed elder. I believe that we know our family from many past lives (your wife in this case) so maybe you and her did some work with this blind folded man long ago. Maybe you could ask before you sleep for him to tell you who he is to start? Hope you find what you're looking for.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by survival

Originally posted by southofheaven
As far as my wife goes, I had not told her of the dream before she told me of her vision. That, to me, only serves to make things weirder. In fact, I hadn't really thought much about the dream recently until she told me about her vision, then I proceeded to get my post count up so that I could post this thread.

Well I think that maybe you two have a connection with this white-robed elder. I believe that we know our family from many past lives (your wife in this case) so maybe you and her did some work with this blind folded man long ago. Maybe you could ask before you sleep for him to tell you who he is to start? Hope you find what you're looking for.

Hey there southofheaven,

I think there is a high probability that this could certainly mark a pastlife connection between you and your wife ... and this blindfolded spirit may have been an elder of a tribe that you belonged to as suggested by survival ... or even have been a shared spirit guide.

If the latter is true I think the fact that he has appeared blindfolded to both you and your wife is of symbollic importance;

Maybe his message is to remind you that you don't only 'see' with your physical eyes ... we should use all of our senses to achieve the fullest answers ... one profound esoteric saying that this makes me think of is;

'Listen with your eyes ... and see with your ears' !

Maybe your eyes are giving you false impressions in a particular situation and all is not as it appears.

But usually with these kind of things the whole point is that the answer is found within ... and you have to journey within and meditate on this ... and hopefully if you are ready the answer will reveal itself to you ... remember sometimes it can be years before we receive a reply (when the time is right) ... other times our reply is instant.

Either way this nwas a fascinating read and I can't believe the thread hasn't received more attention


posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by woodwytch

Hey Woody! Thanks for stopping by! I knew that your advice in this matter was worth seeking.

I do believe that this being was a spirit guide of some sorts. Even in my dream, I felt a real presence from him. It was almost like when I entered into that room that I had crossed out of my dream and into a part of the astral realm.

There are a few things at this point of the dream that I feel are the most significant things. I feel like the beckoning was significant as well as sitting me on his knee. I also feel that the blindfold was possibly the most significant thing and it surely struck me as the most odd (I mean why would anyone cover their eyes unless they were blind? And who has ever heard of a blind spirit, apart from in H.P. Lovecraft stories?). In addition to those two things, I also feel that the touch on my forehead was significant, as well as th images that I was shown.

I don't like to get into this part, and this is the first time that I have discussed this with anyone, but some of the images looked like grainy black and white footage of WWII and I remember "wars and rumors of wars" being thought by myself at that time. ( I don't associate with the christian religion, so I don't care much for this part, I just thought it was odd.) All of the images zipped by almost faster than what I could see and my mind felt overloaded with information. Some descriptions of the Akashic Records reminds me of this viewing instance.

I am going to start the journey within to discover the meaning of this, whatever it may be. I greatly appreciate your feedback. I'd be interested in knowing if you have ever heard of anything similar to this, or maybe a spirit close in description. As well as your take on the things I mentioned above.

Once again, thanks a million Woody! And just so you know, I was a little disappointed that this thread didn't pick up anymore than it did. I was sure that someone would find it interesting, I'm glad that you did.

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by southofheaven

your wife would do better to know that she isnt the first entity to have traversed from form into formlessness. and those that have been there all this time, some have been there for eons before she was even born. in effect, there are dieties. as a wiccan practicing nature she should know better than to denounce all Gods and Goddesses. the rules of existence are held in place by conscious forces.

Visions are imagination. the inner spirit speaking to the individual. the message was meant for her, not to be broadcast as proof of her ability to perceive visions.

you should soon learn what it means to truly have sight. both of you.

justice is blind. and pointing to the forehead is the point of infinite treasure. be no longer blind and respect the dieties.
edit on 27-8-2013 by filledcup because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by filledcup

I really should update this thread.

We both know better these days. I've said as much about this dream to a select few.

Yes, I believe the message was that I would soon see not with two eyes, but a single eye.

It took roughly ten years for me to actually experience what the dream was indicative of, but yes that is what it meant.

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by southofheaven

Were you an Indigo child?

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by southofheaven

It sounds like the old man is you, or at least some untamed subconscious aspect of you, like ones super ego or "higher power" as they call it. Stating it is the only one for your wife, saying you are its chosen one. It has claimed you as its chosen, and in turn you represent it and it represents you, sorta a avatar in the simplest form. Has the old man given a name or you given a name to the old man?

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by BDBinc

You know, I have considered that very thing before. I have taken all the online "tests" and have some or most of the traits. However, I'm not sure that I believe in such a thing. I think it may largely be a misunderstanding of more awakened generations being born as we move back to union with source and a new golden age.

I seem to notice a lot of lamps are being lit in this day and age, if you catch my drift.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by Iontruth

No name from him yet.

I have no idea what to name him. I just refer to him as the blindfolded man. I have considered him to be an aspect of my higher self possibly, as you surmised.

Since that time, and since posting this thread, I have experienced peering beyond the veil, as they say. Or you could say that I have seen the bigger picture, entered into the mysteries, etc. I have yet to find out anything more about the man, but I know this is what was being revealed to me all those years ago.

I am sure he will reveal himself to me, when the time is right.

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by southofheaven

Yes I agree with you and its very good to see more lit lamps.

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