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A Paradoxical haunting

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posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 05:40 AM
First of all if this is posted in the wrong forum I do apologise and if a mod feels the need to move then so be it

This is an event (well sequence of events) that happened to me and shaped my life, yet it is still a paradox how it could of happened and I just wanted to get some thoughts from you guys and your opinions. I am not trying to prove anything or alter anyone's opinions or beliefs.

Ok lets get on with it. When I was a child around 11 years old I had a paranormal experience, I was lay in my bed in the morning, it was full daylight and I was wide awake, my bed room was in an attic, not a creaky attic, it was done out very nice and I loved my bedroom, it wasn't what you could call spooky in any way, it was a nice bright room. My bed was flush against one wall, and also on this wall was a grandmother clock (much like a free standing grandfather clock, but wall mounted and smaller)

As I lay on my bed I looked up at the clock and a man leant forward out of the clock and looked at me, needless to say this scared the life out of me, the figure wasn't how I would of expected a ghost to look like, the figure was solid, not translucent in any way, He was wearing a blue t shirt, jeans, had white skin (normal tone) dark hair, he looked like you and me, as though I was seeing a real person, but I knew it was not a real person, a feeling of unease (sheer terror really) also he was leaning through a solid wall, and a clock (the clock was only about 5 inches deep) I reacted like most kids would I dived under my covers and hid, I lay there terrified unable to move or cry out for over an hour.

Eventually I gained the courage to move and looked out, the apparition had gone, and so I ran downstairs to tell my mother what I had seen, she of course told me it was just a dream, even though I was frantically telling her I was awake, eventually putting it down to over imagination. Anyway this experience always stuck with me, what made it stranger to me was that I felt I knew the figure that came out of the clock, but I couldn't put my finger on to where from. This altered my life, I became fascinated with the esoteric, with ghosts, the occult anything paranormal, sadly though this was in 1973 Salford docklands, not exactly the place to get information.

As I grew older I studied, getting my first tarot deck at the age of 14 and over the years gaining more and more knowledge, the experience had really shaped my future, and the whole experience never left me, it remained a burning question in my mind, I experimented with magick both in an attempt to prove it could be done, and also to try and improve parts of my life, I had mixed results, some complete failures and some complete successes, but even the great successes could at a stretch be put down to coincidence, i needed more personal proof...

So I tried astral projection, if a ritual could do that, then yes one of my questions was answered with positive personal proof, so I attempted it, well to cut a long story short the ritual worked very well and I left my body, but I also freaked the hell out of myself at the same time, panicked and went straight back, but that didn't matter I had the proof I needed. I stopped practising magick then, and concentrated my mind on other esoteric matters and philosophy.

Still this strange event haunted my mind, no pun intended, and around the mid 90's I became interested in remote viewing and lucid dreaming, and one night I decided I was going to try and remote view this event, to see what really happened and what this apparition really was, and so I entered a lucid dream state and concentrated on that moment and willed myself to that point, but unlike other remote viewing experiences I had had, I had teh rushing sensation I got from when I had tried astral projection, anyone who has done astral projection will know what I mean.

Anyway, I reached the point, and I entered my old bedroom, as I looked around I saw myself in bed, as my younger self looked up at me I saw the eyes widen, the terror and quickly he slid under the covers, I looked behind me to see the apparition but it wasn't there, just the clock, it dawned on me and I looked at myself, my blue t shirt, my jeans, I had haunted myself, the apparition was me

And till this day it haunts me, I cant answer the question, the haunting made me investigate the paranormal, it gave me the skill to do the astral projection, without the the haunting I would never of learnt the skills, without haunting myself I couldn't of learnt the skills to do it, it just seems like such a paradox to me, I just cant figure out how it could come to be. it is like a self fulfilling prophecy, I have had many strange experiences but this still baffles me, Any thoughts people because I really wish I could figure this out


posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 05:45 AM
Very interesting, and thanks for sharing.

I think what happenned was, was a dimensional slip. You saw yourself in the future. This is merely my opinion.

This would explain why the figure was solid, yet seemed to come out of the clock, it was a slip in dimensions, you got a little peak of the future.


posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by VreemdeVlieendeVoorwep

I see where you are coming from, but this was directed, I willed myself to that point (this doesn't go against the time slip theory) but it was directed by me, and that is the paradox, I directed myself to be there because I had already seen myself there, one event could not happen without the other

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 06:21 AM
Definitely sounds like some sort of time slip. I had a time slip experience once that still haunts me to this day. So real and impossible at the same time and you go over it and over it in your head.....did that really happen?

Someone once told me of the paranormal "you get a glimpse sometimes...that's all it is". And that glimpse is enough to make you wonder for a lifetime.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 11:25 AM

Have you seen the movie Twelve Monkeys? It reminds me a lot of that, only involving spooky stuff instead of technological time travel, and much less depressing. If you haven't seen it, you should, and I won't ruin it for you...but for reals. Very cool.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by PrinceDreamer

As I read your account and the description of the person who scared you by coming out the clock, I thought "did he have a long coat? It's the Tenth Doctor!" (David Tennant..)

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 08:58 AM
You said he leaned out of the clock............but in the end you say you were looking at yourself........and you haunted yourself.......

Um so wheres the part where you came out of the wall?

Cool story

but im not buying!

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
You said he leaned out of the clock............but in the end you say you were looking at yourself........and you haunted yourself.......

Um so wheres the part where you came out of the wall?

Cool story

but im not buying!

Yes I said he leaned out of the clock, When I projected back as I said in my original post I looked and saw myself in bed, and saw myself hide under the covers, I looked behind me expecting to see the same apparition I had seen those many years before, but when I looked behind me all I saw was the clock, I realised I had entered the room by passing through the clock, looked at what I was wearing and it was indeed a blue t shirt and blue jeans,

I realised what I had seen all those years ago was me coming back to check what the apparition was, and that in fact I was the apparition, and this is the paradox for me, it was seeing myself that set me off on the search for the skills that eventually allowed me to do the astral projection. The event was the cause of the learning, the learning was the cause of the event, only one can be true, both cannot be true yet they are do you understand the paradox I face?

And you don't have to buy it, or believe it, I am not trying to prove anything or convert anyone, I am just trying to get help figuring the answer for myself

But thanks for your reply


posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 04:34 PM
That's really freaky yet fascinating at the same time. Wow, can't help you out but I wonder if others have experienced this?

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 02:56 AM
I have had something sort of similar happen to me.

When I was 8 years old I was visiting my aunt in Los Angeles. She was in her sewing room sewing and I wanted to ask her a question. The sewing machine was making a lot of noise so I started to walk across the room toward her. There was one window in the room and the sunlight was shining in making a large square patch of sunlight on the rug in the middle of the room. As I stepped into the sunlight I suddenly seemed to be in two places at once, and the other me stepped off a curb and into sunlight from the shade of a building. I didn't seem to be able to stop, and when I reached the other side of the patch of sunlight (about 4 or 5 steps), the other me also stepped into the shade of another building and was gone.

The other me was wearing a hat and some sort of suit with long black sleeves, a skirt, something uncomfortably restrictive around my neck and shiny black shoes, and was very hot and uncomfortable. It was very odd and made no sense, but I told my aunt all about it.

Ten years later (possibly to the day, I'm not sure), I was in US Navy "A" school in San Diego. As I was going to a full dress uniform inspection on a hot late Summer afternoon, I stepped off a curb to cross the street and was suddenly in two places at once - I and my 8 year old self, joined again, walked through the sunshine together until I stepped into the shade of the building across the street. Later that day I called my aunt and asked her if she remembered the earlier incident, and she did. Now the uncomfortable hot suit and shiny black shoes made sense!

It still bothers me when I think about it, because in order for me to have experienced the incident ten years before it happened, the first time, it appears as though my future was predetermined...

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 08:37 AM
I do not quite understand the episode with the clock. Someone you control, but you can not go out with them on contact. When contact is made​​, they may be quite different than you think.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by hhott

Amazing. Chalk that up against the "we make our own destiny" saying.

I'd love to experience one of these things for myself.

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