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GOP's hypocritical "Witch Hunt" of AARP

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posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 09:07 AM
OK, this is MY headline, observation and story. I'm not parroting any left-leaning MSM pundits or sites as many here do. (including myself in the past) Last night I watched C-SPAN's coverage of the Republican led Ways and Means Committee vilification of AARP regarding it's continuance of eligibility of non-profit status as a 501c. The pathetic tactics of the GOP committee inspired me to write this thread.

Although the GOP and their wicked evil twin the Tea Party supported candidates that promised JOBS, JOBS, JOBS during the last election cycle, their efforts to date have amounted to a rather ugly litany of busting unions, targeting Education, attacking Planned Parenthood, defunding NPR, targeting the poor and a long list of non economic boosting efforts to further their agenda to promote the rich while enacting revenge and retribution upon their political foes.

It is quite clear the AARP was targeted due to their support of recent healthcare reform legislation, period. By in large they exist as a legitimate advocacy group on behalf of our nations Seniors and champion NUMEROUS worthwhile causes. In my opinion they deserve their tax exempt status despite the weak allegations waged in the session.

By the way the nebulous “report” referenced as the basis for theses trumped up charges was authored by a Republican group, contain hundreds of footnotes (as vague elucidation) and was presented to Democratic committee members on short notice.

IMO, these types of ANTICS are a waste of time and money as we teeter on the verge of government shutdown during impending financial crisis but serve to prove the true method and madness of the GOP. To further throw fuel on the fire, other blatantly partisan groups like Freedom Works continue to enjoy 501c status unchallenged.


I will only provide a SINGLE MSM source chosen in the spirit of “fair and balanced” for overview of session:

A Republican-authored report on alleged financial irregularities within AARP has met with deep resistance among Democratic lawmakers and AARP senior executives.

The report, entitled "Behind the Veil: The AARP America Doesn't Know," alleges that the AARP violated its tax exempt status

Confronted with the report during an oversight hearing Friday held by the House Ways and Means Committee, senior AARP managers recoiled at its accusations.

Several Democrats on the Committee pointed out that other 501c4 organizations, including The Tea Party Patriots and the grass-roots conservative organization Crossroads GPS -- both of which are opposed to the new health care law -- also enjoy tax-exempt protections.

Two tax lawyers invited by the committee presented polar opposite views as to whether the report’s allegations should be further investigated. "My answer is yes," said William Josephson, an expert in charitable donations. But Frances Hill, director of the Graduate Tax Program at the University of Miami said, "I saw nothing the report that revocation of exemption is likely, probable or warranted."


Next they will probably go after the YMCA or the Boy and Girl Scouts. Basically any program that serves to help the less fortunate and needy to further their agenda to support the wealthy and divide the US populace. To quote Daffy Duck........Despicable.

edit on 2-4-2011 by kinda kurious because: fix typos and tidy up

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by kinda kurious

Although the GOP and their wicked evil twin the Tea Party supported candidates who promised promised JOBS, JOBS, JOBS during the last election cycle, their efforts to date have amounted to a rather ugly litany of busting unions, attacking Planned Parenthood, defunding NPR, targeting the poor and a long list of non economic boosting efforts to further their agenda to promote the rich while enacting revenge and retribution upon their political foes.


They will attempt to destroy the credibility of anyone who defies their selfish goal of destroying the middle class.

Some might do so unwittingly, due to ignorance, by simply having been seduced by those with big money.
We all know how seductive money can be, when you don't have any. The ignorance comes in by not realizing it is they, after all, who are trying to destroy you.
edit on 4/2/2011 by ladyinwaiting because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 09:07 AM
I am tired of liberal organizations like AARP, NPR, Planned Parenthood, ACORN, and PBS, receiving special treatment from the government. Also when public sector unions start hurting the public, it's time for them to go.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by Carseller4

Thanks everyone is entitled to your opinion on ATS whether they share it or not.

BTW, although the AARP admittedly lobbies on behalf of Senior's issues, it is non partisan and DOES NOT donate to ANY political party nor endorse candidates. It has been chastised by BOTH parties in the past for a variety of it's stances on various issues.
edit on 3-4-2011 by elevatedone because: Removed unecessary comment.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by kinda kurious

I couldn't agree with you more! S&F

Everything that the Republican/Tea Party majority in the House of Representatives has done, or attempted to do, in the past 3 months has been a complete waste of time & taxpayer dollars and has had absolutely nothing to do with job creation. If anyone should be fired for poor job performance, it should be the Republican/Tea Party majority in the House and Not our teachers.

It's pretty clear to me that their primary objective since being sworn in, is to inflict as much damage as possible upon their political adversaries prior to the next election, even if it means it would require re-writing the U.S. Constitution in the process. Creating jobs and rescuing the middle class is the furthest thing from their minds.

Not to worry, I think that their plan may very well backfire on them come election time in what may very well be this nation's largest case ever of "Buyers Remorse." They have exposed themselves for who they truly are and anyone who would vote for these people again must have their heads buried in the sand.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by Carseller4

Unfortunately its thinkers like you that give us these depraved anti-human Republicans. They brainwash you to hate certain groups, usually people of color or just poor people.

You are in serious error and vote against your own interest and the interest of your children.

That is unless you are a millionaire or billionaire, then I could understand your frame of mind.

Otherwise you should be studied

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by inforeal
reply to post by Carseller4

Unfortunately its thinkers like you that give us these depraved anti-human Republicans. They brainwash you to hate certain groups, usually people of color or just poor people.

You are in serious error and vote against your own interest and the interest of your children.

That is unless you are a millionaire or billionaire, then I could understand your frame of mind.

Otherwise you should be studied

The only problem I have with these liberal groups is that they get tax money. Tax money to promote their liberal agenda.

As a Conservative, I believe in the individual. Liberals love to lump people into groups, so your argument is seriously flawed.
edit on 3-4-2011 by Carseller4 because: 5 second rule

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by Carseller4

They are trying to help the needy. What’s flawed about that? They try to get justice for those being persecuted. What’s flawed about that?
Liberals or progressives aren’t perfect, but at lease they are trying to help people who are in need.

Conservatism has fought against every form of progress that humans have made in the 20th and now the 21st century.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by Carseller4
Liberals love to lump people into groups...

That is classic! You do realize that you just lumped liberals into a group, don't you?

Anyway, to the subject of the thread.... Jon Stewart did a good piece on this the other night called I Give Up! There are some classic sound bytes (similar to the above specimen by Carseller4) by our esteemed GOP Congressmen and women... not to mention showing Obama's sucking at the corporate teat.

GE's tax rate is 35%, but they paid NO federal taxes. In fact, they RECEIVED a $3.2 BILLION tax benefit! But yes, let's go after those greedy teachers, cops and firemen!

The real TEA party people need to realize that they're being bought and paid for by the GOP and they will get screwed, blued and tattooed along with the rest of the middle class!

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

Originally posted by Carseller4
Liberals love to lump people into groups...

That is classic! You do realize that you just lumped liberals into a group, don't you?

Anyway, to the subject of the thread.... Jon Stewart did a good piece on this the other night called I Give Up! There are some classic sound bytes (similar to the above specimen by Carseller4) by our esteemed GOP Congressmen and women... not to mention showing Obama's sucking at the corporate teat.

GE's tax rate is 35%, but they paid NO federal taxes. In fact, they RECEIVED a $3.2 BILLION tax benefit! But yes, let's go after those greedy teachers, cops and firemen!

The real TEA party people need to realize that they're being bought and paid for by the GOP and they will get screwed, blued and tattooed along with the rest of the middle class!

Wow, you have no clue as to the connections GE has to the Obama administration. Just wow!

GE's CEO is on Obama's Economic Advisory Board for Christ's sake.

BTW Liberals are a group, I didn't have to lump them into anything.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by Carseller4
Wow, you have no clue as to the connections GE has to the Obama administration. Just wow!

I don't know why you'd say that. Did you miss the part where I said Obama was sucking at the corporate teat? What did you think that meant?

Or do you have me in in that group of "liberals" in your head who worship Obama and agree with everything he says like zombies? Is that the group you have put me in? (Not that I think that group actually exists.)

edit on 4/3/2011 by Benevolent Heretic because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 01:59 PM
liberals are nothing but zombies they do nothing but kill the living so they can do nothing but create more control over our lives.

aarp is just like any other lobby group with severe leanings toward the left much like all those other groups that were previously mentioned.

liberals are the ones who destroyed business banking and industry in this country because they cant stand or tolerate a world without the need for them.

you dont need liberals if you can take care of yourselves.

scare the ederly because they are just too old and too stupid to think for themselves so they need prodding just like cattle to the slaughter.

you think obama and the left give a crap about the middle class or the ederly? then why since all of them are on social security that they have not received a cost of living raise(because everything has gone up) why have they not gotten one and why they will not get one next year.

you people are so blind.

tax dollars that i pay and anyone else pays should not be going to any lobby group i dont care whether its right or left.

the left and liberals are the saviors or the middle class and they care about minorities and the elderly........BS!!!

the only thing they care about is the authoritarian totalitarian rule over your life and to get power and increase it and they will never stop or yield to those facts so like the good little sheep that liberals are you people are being lead around by your noses and say "yes more please!!!!!"
edit on 3-4-2011 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by Carseller4
Liberals love to lump people into groups...

Pure comedy Gold. Classic

Added to my sig.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 07:28 AM

Originally posted by Carseller4
BTW Liberals are a group, I didn't have to lump them into anything.

No, you didn't have to, but you did. You lumped them into the group who loves to lump people into groups!
See how funny that is?
It's hilariously hypocritical!

The more the GOP goes after middle class America, the more votes they lose. If they want the votes of the richest 1% in the country, they can have them! But the rest of America is catching on. They're seeing the GOP go after AARP, Planned Parenthood, NPR, unions...

Of course, in 2003, the GOP praised AARP for endorsing the Medicare Prescription Drug Reform that they were pushing... Source

REP. PETE SESSIONS (R-TX): “What is surprising to hear the Democrat Party lambaste AARP..."
REP. BILL THOMAS (R-CA): "AARP has chosen to be with seniors, and they have chosen to be with us.”REP.
JOE WILSON (R-SC): “Additionally, I’m happy to be here because of the support of the AARP of the plan which is before us at this time. I’m a member of the AARP and I’m proud of their promotion of the best health plan that they feel can be produced and that’s the bill before of us this week.”

More hypocrisy... Politicians are such dirt-bags.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by kinda kurious

You do realize they are targeting supporters of the Democratic Party and those who would oppose Social Security reform? Which I guess is pretty insidious in it's own right... But America's elderly have become an over bloated cancer.

Go to Walmart and God knows how many obese elderly person using an electric shopping cart thingy taking up the room. These elderly people are the reason why America is so messed up, they don't deserve Social Security.


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