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Alert Issued After Security Incident On Camp Pendleton

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posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by Target Earth

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
reply to post by dolphinfan

Three gents who fit the terrorist profile almost to a T

Because they are middle eastern?

I used to hang out with 3 Iranian brothers.. great people, honest people.

Are they a perfect fit for the terrorist profile?

absolutly they fit the profile, please get off the moral high horse... being PC is how you lose wars...
WE ALL KNOW, who blows up buildings.
Yes we do know who blows up buildings, invades countries and slaughters innocent people. Look no further than the gov't with the help of Mossad of course.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by dolphinfan

Thanks for your post.

FrancoUn-American: Not to sure where you were coming from with your post. Yes there are car bombings outside of the ME. Who perpetrates them? Oh yeah, mostly Muslims...

I used to hang out with Iraqis all the time while deployed...what's your point. No one is saying all Muslims are terrorists. Most terrorist attacks are carried out by Muslims...

Some of you need to get off the BS 911 conspiracies...our government and the mossad brought down the towers...
Do you realize how moronic you sound?

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 05:19 PM
OK the topic is about the three individuals and their actions which led to their arrest. The Op feels this is relevant in terms of the probability he sees that this is more imported terrorism at play.

Honestly, I can't deny that it has to figure among the first possibilities to resolve. It is prudent for the safety of all.

However, the recoil may be unwarranted. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

I think it may be too soon to make sweeping generalizations apply to this event, but I will not be hypocritical and say that I would be shocked to discover they were extremists of some sort. It seems to be a natural fit for the story.

I am disinclined though, to ever deny my experience that in events such as these, the easy, simple, and straightforward answer is often far from the underlying reality.

We shall see.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 05:31 PM
Fantastic World Weekly News material. Sensationalize a topic that most Americans aren't concerned with anymore. Terrorism in the U.S. is non-existent, and this article just tries to make it sound like it's alive and well. I think the guards would have asked questions regardless of race or color, with a suspicious steering console. These guards aren't the same counter-part as in the civilian security force.

The thought that just because the men in question were of Middle East descent shouldn't apply. They've been brought in for questioning, and maybe it could be an actual legit terrorist plot. Not one orchestrated by our own intelligence community, because they don't have the intel on it like they have on every other terrorist plot that has occurred on this soil.

My memory seems to tell me that on American soil, it isn't just middle easterners that detonate car bombs. I seem to remember a federal building take a large blast to it, from a white kid from the god-fearing midwest of our own United States. That bomb seemed to kill a lot more Americans than did any Middle Easterners car bomb. Now when taken into account of a bomb at a foreign embassy, is a different matter.

What I'm trying to say, is that "terrorism" doesn't know a race, in today's day and age. To be honest, terrorism has never known a race. Like another poster has said, it is the MSM that has painted the picture of a turban wearing middle eastern man with a unkempt beard that speaks in his native tongue that is made to sound like the boogeyman in our modern times. Live in fear, I suppose is the way to go about ones life nowadays. Live in fear of a population that lives half a globe away and doesn't care or concern themselves with anything you do in your house while you spew hatred through your computer screen at a person that is trying to live according to their own values and morals, that do not reflect the same views as contemporary christian borderline fundamentalist views. Glad to see we as a species are heading back towards the dark ages where religion helped eliminate a few million to billion people through genocide based on archaic views based on a flawed belief and faith system.

Continue the ignorance, instead of looking into the majority of these people that have no violent tendencies or negative intentions towards their fellow human beings. I'm sure if they even cared or concerned themselves of what they thought of the average american and it would either be a fat lazy ignorant toothless imbecile or it would be of a West Baptist Church fundamentalist. Because based on a lot of posts on this topic, there is a lot of ignorant threads that only feed the reason why this species is not going to see the next evolutionary step in its future. Thank you for giving me hope, and feeding the fear machine that keeps us entrapped in this slave system of subservient control by a few lunatic puppet masters. Fear the unknown from half the globe away. Don't do yourself the justice of reaching out for information in this information age to find out what's really going on in this world.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 11:36 PM
IMH(f)O, the important part to me is underlined ...

SAN DIEGO -- One of the nation's largest military bases is reportedly under tighter security after three Middle Eastern men tried to enter without proper authorization.

To me, that's automatic detainment, and background investigation - fully justified.
Doesn't really matter to me if they were "three Middle Eastern men" or three (substitute any other label of person here).
It may turn out to be nothing, or something.

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