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How do you relax after finding out all is not really in your control

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posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 10:38 AM
Hey guys I'm hoping people can help me here nothing to extreme it's just that my life is turning to crap after opening my eyes to whats going on around the world everyday. All the puppetry that is being played by the one world order ( the UN ) and it is driving me nuts that this can't be stopped maybe slowed but untill all see it stopping it is impossible.

Anyway after what i have read trying to go back to my day to day life and showing my wife affection without looking at the laptop trying to find out more has become impossible. So basically I'm here trying to find out what you guys or girls may do to just relax and forget about the impending doom that is slowly surrounding us.

I have read many things and with Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard bringing in a carbon tax it won't be long before we will be screwed by what all this is going to entale. Knowing that the youth support this even though they have basically been brain washed by the organisation that are behind everything they have learnt thats all organisations or branches of the UN look them up if you haven't already and see what they have their fingers in it is unreal that they haven't been stopped from posessing to much control or power over this world.

Couple this with agenda 21 which some of these things are part of it looks like it is going to be more and more inevitable that this lot will succeed in their agenda of cutting population down ridding money from the sytem and having us all as slaves and having most people not even notice is the drama.
I'm only one person and as we have seen anyone that tries to get people to see this just get ridiculed as some crack pot makes life hard and thinking if you tell someone about it they will listen and take it in rather than laughing at you and not trying to book you into the nearest mental asylum.

So what I want to know and this maybe a good thread for others to learn from is what do you do to put it all at the back of your mind and be with the people that love you 100% without worrying or being so damn angry that you want the world to know and in the process hurting the ones closest to you.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by vkturbo

That's the thing, it is really all in my control.
I have measures in place for those who might come to disagree with me.
I bother no one so no one should bother me.
Simple as that.
Hope it helps.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by vkturbo

So you are having intimacy problems with your wife because of your passion for learning about "what's coming next"? I may have misunderstood maybe, but with awakenings comes disturbances in your old life routines and emotions. I had intimacy issues when I first woke up, then I had issues with old friends.
Now I am doing great, but I don't speak to about 90% of my old friends and my old life in the Matrix. They still think this world is what the TV says it is, and I can't function around that mentality anymore.

What me & my gf do to relax is watch documentaries, 80s movies, we watch a lot of comedy stuff, that is a must for relaxing.
It's very normal for you to be breaking apart from your old life once you awaken your new eyes and ears to reality from the old illusions, you upgrade yourself, and if your old friends and family won't upgrade along with you, then there's nothing you can do for them, they have to come to realizations on their own.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by vkturbo
Getting into action and becoming part of the solution is usually something that is empowering and will help someone to feel that they are regaining some control. Also, most of it comes down to perception. How do you perceive the things that are happening? Are they spiraling out of control or are TPTB about to be exposed and disseminated???

I tend to look at it like this; I alone can't stop the tide from rolling in and the waves from crashing on the beach, but with some knowledge I can surf those waves and show others that I care about how to surf them with me. Maybe if I am able to reach enough people we can build a jetty and breakwater to hold the waves back. Or I alone cant stop the river from flowing but I can use that river to for many things, and if I get enough people involved I can build a dam.

I think, at this point, just educating yourself and separating the wheat from the shaft is the most empowering thing you can do. Be patient, enjoy the things you have (like your wife) and gain comfort from knowing that at this point your positive action is educating yourself. If you have opportunities to do more, take them. Don't stop living just because those in power are doing exactly what they've always been doing...

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by vkturbo

I know exactly where you are coming from. I have been through this with my ex-wife and how she hasn't pulled a gun on herself I would not know. You need to remember as fast as everything seems to be travelling, it really isn't moving that fast. The world will not end tommorow, touch wood. Enjoy yourself, why worry about something that is out of your hands? It took me a long time to say f*ck this, Im just going to keep up to date and try to enjoy myself at the same time. There is not much more you can do. If the SHTF, then deal with it then. Always be ready though. Believe me, I have been to hell and back with all this conspiracy stuff and it aint worth it. Enjoy the time you have now.

reply to post by g146541

I have the same outlook. Don't bother me and I won't bother you. Its a simple outlook and a very effective one.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 11:26 AM
Go camping, get as far away from all the BS as possible and just enjoy nature for a while. It also give you a chance to test you bug out plan just in case. When understanding the state of the world it can be a very depressing place, even more so as we are are helpless to respond. It is good to be aware and keep a heads up to it all. Falling into the doldrums happens as you discover how it all works. Having your time being sad and accepting this is how it is helps overcome the constant state of depression. No one can fix it all and it will be a global effort to turn it around, all we can work on is our little piece of this world, one step at a time.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 02:10 PM
Thanks guys some of it helps some doesn't lol but will look at just relaxing a bit and enjoy nature when holidays come orund in a few weeks some times you feel like you are the only one just glad that I'm not as i need to do something I'm driving my wife mad as a hatter especially when i keep pushing her away.

You guys are right too I had friends and have just separated from them as they are way behind and just can't seem to interact with people anymore like i used too so annoying that is but will work through it. Will try what everyone suggested and yes there is a plan if shtf has been before i truely woke up so will look into that in the near future.

If anyone else wants to keep contributing please do as this does help talking this through thats for sure.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 03:31 PM
You're always going to be hungry if you keep letting this stuff eat your lunch.

It's your choice whether to act or react to what appears to be going on from your laptop.
The "true" situation doesn't depend upon you're interest in and observation of those phenomena that invoke your emotions. You can't control the (world) situation - you can and must control how you choose to let those events impact or impair daily living - it's the emotional content that needs filtering. I've often heard others say "I can't help how I FEEL about it!". Sure you can - we all choose what makes us "crazy" whether that choice is consciously derived or not - think of those things that stir you up inside as your preferences you can eliminate at will or nuture into self-obsessing personality disorders.

How did you relax before? It never really was in your control anyway - but it could be - it's your choice!


posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by ganjoa

Well before I wasn't looking at it in such depth and never really connected the dots and read the all the info that was available till now and when you reach one point there is always more involved. I like to see the inner working of things like this and try and take in enough info and places for people to go so i can share what I've learnt and hope others actually take it on board and want to do something about it. I don't like to put my head in the sand and pretend it's not going on especially when there is a rapid catch up phase happening in Australia right now.


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