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What happened last time "Nibiru" came around??

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posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 12:56 PM
I just decided to google search various civilizations from 3600 years ago and although I'm finding some stories of early American civilizations being wiped out during the window of time "Nibiru" was last supposed to have made a pass, I can't find any CREDIBLE sources.

I'd like to dedicate this thread to researching what happened to any civilization, or the planet itself about 3600 years ago. I'm on the line about this object, meaning I don't know what to believe. At first I was in complete denial however the events of the past 2 years have brought me closer and closer to acceptance. The binary star theory makes perfect, logical sense to me.

If I'm not mistaken, we're talking about 1589-1579BC, could be terribly wrong though. Nothing that I'm finding rings mass destruction so far, and I've noticed we have some excellent researchers here on ATS.
edit on 26-3-2011 by because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 01:21 PM
you probably wont find much on lost civilizations, destroyed by nibiru for a few reasons.

1. they are a lost civilizations, and we can barely find any proof now of any lost civilizations existence
2. the human population of that time wasnt all that huge and probably only effected coastal villages
3. most artifacts are probably covered in thick layers of mud, if not at the ocean floor
4. the powers that be probably wouldnt allow such information to get out. look at how much exists on nibiru, should it exist.

you should try researching civilizations that existed at that time and still do exist like eygpt, tribes of jerusalem and the middle east, china, african civilizations and so on.

i was read a quote on some random website a good number of years ago, detailing what the eygptians said to the romans, when rome first showed up. i dont know if its real or not, but this is what it was:

"Our civilization is so old, we have witnessed the sun rising from the west opposed to rising from the east."

something like that.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 01:27 PM
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Not sure of the dates but ancient ruins have been found off quite a few coastlines,Japan to name but one.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 01:27 PM
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I also posted this on another thread but didn't get what I was looking for. Maybe here?

I have been fascinated by this subject for awhile now and I do admit to being somewhat of a newbie to the whole Nibiru/Brown Dwarf debate.

I have one question as a newbie and I hope I receive intelligent answers rather than flames.

If the orbit takes 3600 yrs and we will see 2 suns as many are predicting, why are there no previous records showing this? Or is there?

Anything from paintings, texts, scrolls...hell even a cave drawing 10,000-15,000 yrs ago would be something. Prehistoric man would have made records on cave walls alongside Mammoth hunts as it would have been a time of great wonder for them.

Are there any scrolls that record eye witness descriptions? Paintings that depict 2 suns?

And also from the last passing of 3600 yrs ago, there would be pyramid building going on with hieroglyphs and so on. Anything recorded that you know of?

I am seriously curious about this so if there are any such recordings of the 2 suns, could someone post a link for me?


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 01:33 PM
2345 BC was apparently the last time there was some kind of global catastrophe. You can Google about and find some info on that, and go ahead and listen to this for some info on what may have happened on that date.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 01:44 PM
Honestly, I don't think your going to find much "disaster" from that time. Many cultures were writing by that time, and there isn't really any mention. I think you would have to go back much further say 5000- 6000 years. That would be around the time that many cities around the world were wiped out by a great flood.

The amount of flooded cities around India, Asia, Cuba. is astounding. The current theory is that an ice wall holding back billions of gallons of water, at the end of the last ice age, gave way flooding all costal cities around the world. In the time frame you are looking at we would have been in the process of rebuilding. A large percentage of humanity would have been wiped out with few survivors.

Keep looking, if you find anything let me know. Not sure if I really believe in Nibiru. Geologically there's not much evidence out there. But if I start seeing a giant planet in the sky, my opinion will change quickly. Keep looking, but don't believe in Nibiru 100%. I'm sitting at around 50% belief/skepticism. I think that's a safe place to be. A mind open, but not so wide open that anything falls in.

I see some other posts with rather interesting info. I'll check them out and adjust my theories accordingly. Thanks guys.
edit on 26-3-2011 by Chindogu because: new info

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 01:50 PM
If the estimates about the 3600 year cycle is the magic number, there were some interesting things going on around that time. There was a sudden abundance of Iron available which was found to be meteoritic in origin, some really interesting stories from Burma about rivers reversing their direction, and I think that was also around the time of Joshua in the bible which spoke of the sun staying in the sky an extra day. Also coincides witht he foundings or beginnings and endings of alot of advanced civilations... then of course roughly 3600 years before that was Noah era and roughly the dawn of written history when we all just showed up in mesopotamia one day and started civilization. Worth researching though, I think modern acadamia has a really nasty habit of writing off mythology as just stories but a cyclic cataclysmic event sure explains a great deal to me about our history and 'mythology'.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:10 PM
Scripture does talk about objects coming from the heavens, but whether they are nibiru or not is another question. If you believe in scripture, maybe that is a good place to start.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:29 PM
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Hope this helps a ltl. Not sure if you have read/watched this or not...but has alot of answers...seem pretty credible,but like i said in a previous post alot of people dont believe anything nasa it's upto you..

anyway good luck in your venture of knowledge! have a good one

- JagSR

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 02:52 AM
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Ask the dinosaurs. They would probably know.

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