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BP Claims Admin gets a RAISE to 1.5 Million a MONTH

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posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 04:43 PM
According to the AP, the firm handling the BP claims just got a raise... From *850,000" to 1.5 Million - a MONTH!

For those suffering on the Gulf Coast, he is doing his job, and performing just as BP likes... moving at a slow pace and apparently, BP is rewarding him for his "Good Work".

If you are not boycotting BP, and it's new owners, please do so.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 04:49 PM
BP is moving like snails and flooding victims with paperwork and more "we needs" to make them just give up and go away.... I hope the victims stay strong and get what they lost and are asking for..... I live in Alabama and we lost a lot of money for our education system due to the oil spill..... no tourist, no money...


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