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3-16-2011 Dream Fragment The Alligator

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posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 07:12 PM
Last night I only remembered a small part of my last dream, which took place at my grandfather's house.

It was late in the evening and I had went to my grandfather's house to do something, I just remember talking to him, and we went outside; there one of my uncles, one of my cousins, and my mom joined us in our conversation.

At some point I remember seeing a baby creature, which I think I recognized as a known animal, but oddly I think that the creature looked like a small very skinny reptile-like baby humanoid; but I could be wrong, because I remember knowing what it was and I picked it up, but my uncle told me to put it down & so I did.

Then we saw a small medium-sized alligator walking toward us, which I have never seen in my birth town before, and we started to back away from it in shock/surprise.

My uncle grabbed his machete and chopped its head off with one chop, and I asked him & my grandfather had they ever seen an alligator in their neighborhood before; and they said no, and they were surprised as well.

Oddly I do not remember what happened to the baby creature.

Something weird happened inside my grandfather's house later in the dream, but all that I remember is an unknown man being inside the house with us and something (plural) was in the house spreading & we could not defeat it(them) so we had to exit the house & someone was going to destroy the house if necessary to stop it(them); maybe it is somehow connected to the baby creature, I do not know.

There was a panic and I think someone turned on the gas on the oven in the kitchen & the gas on the heaters, and they were going to attempt to blow up the house to kill what ever it(they) was (were) in the house; so it must have been pretty bad.

I remember trying to get everyone safely away from the house, and I was wondering how they (who ever it was going to try to blow up the house) would blow up the house without getting themselves killed; I just remember running with my mom away from the house, as we expected it to blow up.

I think the unknown man and my uncle ran out of the house, I think that my grandfather was already out of the house & my cousin as well, but the house did not blow up; but we could smell the gas.

Then there was a pause as we wondered what to do about what ever (plural) was still in the house, since it had not blown up, and I think we started trying to decide if we should go back inside to fight.

I think that my uncle, the unknown man, and I told my mom, grandfather, and my cousin to go to my parent's house for their own safety; while the three of us would possibly go back in the house to fight, but then I woke up.

The end,
-John Jr

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 07:14 PM
You seem to be able to recall dreams very well

I am envious!

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 07:27 PM
Wow, I recall having a dream last night about dinosaurs and reptoids. It was so real, like i was at Jurassic Park. I was sleeping in my own bed, most of my dreams start off with me waking in the dream, anyway, i was sleeping and was woken by a loud moaning like a whale. I looked thru the blinds of my window and it was foggy as hell and loud booms were coming from around the house and i saw the shadowy silhouette of a freakn' brachiosaurus(spelling) and it stretched its neck right into my window and i ran, obviously, and told my family that there were dinos in the back yard. Then i ended up in a lush green forest and there were the little green dinos (copies, the lost world) and they tried eating me but i had other plans. After kicking a few of em' they ran off and the i was hoping fences in a garden with a lion stalking me. Jeez. There were all kinds of pics flashing thru my sleep last nite, most didnt make any sense, but i do remember talking to someone about reaching the light, then i woke up....hmmmm

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by LoveSoldier
You seem to be able to recall dreams very well

I am envious!

Thank you.

I guess having an interest in dreams, not having much else to do, thinking about your dreams, occasionally typing your dreams, occasionally talking about your dreams, occasionally hearing other people's dreams, etc can really help with your dream recall.

Plus, 2011 has been a good year for dream recall for many of us.

I wish you luck in remembering more of your dreams.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 07:34 PM
Cool dreams guys! The unknown man could be the key in the story of the op's dream If there is a story at all. Weird thing. A minute in a dream can feel like an hour, and an hour as a minute

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posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by AOA2012
Wow, I recall having a dream last night about dinosaurs and reptoids. It was so real, like i was at Jurassic Park. I was sleeping in my own bed, most of my dreams start off with me waking in the dream, anyway, i was sleeping and was woken by a loud moaning like a whale. I looked thru the blinds of my window and it was foggy as hell and loud booms were coming from around the house and i saw the shadowy silhouette of a freakn' brachiosaurus(spelling) and it stretched its neck right into my window and i ran, obviously, and told my family that there were dinos in the back yard. Then i ended up in a lush green forest and there were the little green dinos (copies, the lost world) and they tried eating me but i had other plans. After kicking a few of em' they ran off and the i was hoping fences in a garden with a lion stalking me. Jeez. There were all kinds of pics flashing thru my sleep last nite, most didnt make any sense, but i do remember talking to someone about reaching the light, then i woke up....hmmmm

Wow! That was an action packed dream night and definitely a lot of reptiles
, thank you for sharing that.

Maybe you should start sharing your dreams more often, I would like to hear more.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by WeZet
Cool dreams guys! The unknown man could be the key in the story of the op's dream If there is a story at all. Weird thing. A minute in a dream can feel like an hour, and an hour as a minute

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

You might be right/correct there, thank you for bringing that up.

For some odd reason I think that the man may have looked somewhat like this

I did read a news article with him in it yesterday, so maybe my brain recycled him as a character, but I could be wrong.

edit on 3/16/2011 by TheDreamerCalledJohn because: missing information

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 07:50 PM
About a month ago as I layed down to go to sleep and closed my eyes, I saw a very vivid alligator. Just the head, but it was so detailed that I could see the pattern of the skin and the pattern of iris?! So vivid that I had to keep telling everyone about it. My son suggested maybe it was my animal/spirit guide. Don't know about that, but I did look it up and found that the qualities associated with it are definitely mine. Eerily so. Kind of interesting to see other people dreaming about them.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by Christarella
About a month ago as I layed down to go to sleep and closed my eyes, I saw a very vivid alligator. Just the head, but it was so detailed that I could see the pattern of the skin and the pattern of iris?! So vivid that I had to keep telling everyone about it. My son suggested maybe it was my animal/spirit guide. Don't know about that, but I did look it up and found that the qualities associated with it are definitely mine. Eerily so. Kind of interesting to see other people dreaming about them.

Ooh, that is interesting, thank you for sharing that

This was my second recent dream to have an alligator in it, they are very rare in my dreams, as are most common non-human animals.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 07:59 PM
Any thoughts on what it might mean, John?

I rarely remember any of my dreams and have never tried to interpret any that I do.
edit on 16-3-2011 by Christarella because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by Christarella
Any thoughts on what it might mean, John?

I rarely remember any of my dreams and have never tried to interpret any that I do.
edit on 16-3-2011 by Christarella because: (no reason given)

I usually do not try to interpret dreams either and I do not know much if anything about interpreting dreams, and I do not have any ideas really, sorry

But here is one URL of a website I found with some suggestions

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by Christarella

Also, maybe it does not have any special meaning in your or my case; maybe it was just an alligator and not a symbol for anything.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:40 PM
Like I said, never one to interpret that kind of stuff, but I looked up the totem for the alligator again and one of the websites said that if an alligator makes an appearance to you in dream that it could be telling you to take care of yourself and to secure your basic survival needs. Now that is kind of interesting. Had to share. Thanks for the dream posts, they are really interesting.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 12:20 AM

Originally posted by Christarella
Like I said, never one to interpret that kind of stuff, but I looked up the totem for the alligator again and one of the websites said that if an alligator makes an appearance to you in dream that it could be telling you to take care of yourself and to secure your basic survival needs. Now that is kind of interesting. Had to share. Thanks for the dream posts, they are really interesting.

You are welcome and thank you again for sharing that, that is an interesting possibility for the alligator symbol/meaning; and I am glad that you find my dream interesting.

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