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Under Obama, Better to Commit a War Crime Than Expose One

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posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by adifferentbreed

Its only a matter of time before all the " messiah " lovers swoop down on this thread!

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 03:50 PM
There was a thing on TV where one of the White House workers for Obama was talking about the President playing basketball. He said when he played if he was hit, he held a grudge and went after that person.

That's how Obama plays ball. The White House worker for Obama went on to say he doesn't play ball with Obama anymore.

Sadism.....Chicago Politics....Union Thugs...they all enjoy inflicting pain/injury on their opponents.

Obama called half the country his ENEMY in a public speech. You can see where it goes from there. The "Haves" will do what they must to keep being the "Haves".

Obama's about to sacrifice Guam to justify a massive Pacific War. Same tactic was used to get America into WWII. It's all he can do to get the economy going since Corporate America/DOD/Federal Reserve blew America's bank....all our National Wealth's been going to China for decades.

Obama's going to collect.

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 04:09 PM
You mean Americans don't all love their president elected by the bestest constitution i the world to protect freedom and apple pie??

Coem to think of it....who WAS the last president who had no significant bunch of people think he was a psycopath, immoral, warmonger, corrupt or whatever????!!

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 04:11 PM
The only thing I would like to know, is have those in the situation discerned from "casualties " and " intentional "? After re-reading the article, we all know in war there are casualties. And I'm not excusing that. I guess my point is, we know we have war criminals here, but how legitimate are the stories from manning? How " factual " were the cables on wikileaks? I've read some of them when they first came out, but how legit are they? Yes, keeping him in confinement would suggest he is telling the truth, but could it be that he was a " patsy " , as to re-direct the peoples views of the situation?

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

Precisely why I assert this President, many in his administration, and many of his supporters are nothing more than a fraud perpetrated against the founding principles of this nation and the American people.

What a disgrace.

edit on 7-3-2011 by loam because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by loam

I think it was a attempted selling point for Obama, at the time of his inauguration. By " selling " the people on the idea that he was a humanitarian, would " clinch " the favor of the people. But he knew, from the very get go, that he was never going to do any such thing. Typical politician.

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by Whereweheaded
I guess my point is, we know we have war criminals here, but how legitimate are the stories from manning?
Manning isn’t telling any story, he is accused of leaking Department of State and DOD documents and material.

How " factual " were the cables on wikileaks? I've read some of them when they first came out, but how legit are they?
They are factual in that the US government never said they are fake or forged. The documents, particularly the “cablegate” related ones, are mostly opinions, analyses and insights by US diplomatic personnel regarding the countries, and respective leaders, where they were working.

The US government, as far as I’m aware, has yet to dispute a single document released by Wikileaks.

Yes, keeping him in confinement would suggest he is telling the truth, but could it be that he was a " patsy " , as to re-direct the peoples views of the situation?
I don’t think him being in confinement proves Manning is “telling the truth,” because, like I said, Manning isn’t really ‘telling’ anything.

His imprisonment conditions have more to do, in my opinion, with sending a message to any potential or future leakers. Whether Manning is guilty or not — he is only accused at this point — he is being used as an example of what will happen to you if you leak secret and embarrassing documents of the US government.

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by aptness

Maybe so? I think you may be on to something as far as using him as a scapegoat. To attempt to deter others from " leaking " any comical information about our oh so fair and balanced government.

Regardless, all of the past, and present members of the political cycle are corrupt.....hopefully some day the war criminals in our country will come to see their demise....and painfully so.

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by Whereweheaded
hopefully some day the war criminals in our country will come to see their demise....and painfully so.
It will never happen while Presidents, like Obama, outright refuse to even consider investigations into possible crimes of previous administrations.

But he knew, from the very get go, that he was never going to do any such thing. Typical politician.
Reminds me of someone:

I’m not so sure the role of the United States is to go around the world saying “this is the way it’s got to be.” — George W. Bush, pre-election 2000.

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by aptness

Agreed, but no President will ever allow for the former to undergo investigations for any treachery. Never gonna happen. So we'll just have to do the best we can interpreting the information we receive.

But it does make you wonder, if the " show " will ever end.....most likely not.

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by Aloysius the Gaul
You mean Americans don't all love their president elected by the bestest constitution i the world to protect freedom and apple pie??

Coem to think of it....who WAS the last president who had no significant bunch of people think he was a psycopath, immoral, warmonger, corrupt or whatever????!!

Kennedy... And he paid for his honesty with his life...

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by Whereweheaded
reply to post by GoldenFleece

Isn't it funny, how collateral damage, is always perceived as " accidental " or as military personnel claim, " casualties"?

Do you know what a "drop weapon" is?

Here's a hint: every platoon in Iraq and Afghanistan carries one:

edit on 3/7/2011 by GoldenFleece because: video

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 08:27 PM
It truely goes to show, the president of the united sates is NOT the cheif and commander in control anymore. its the pentagon, CIA and government. been like this ide say since JFK was shot. lyndon B johnson took office,a nd sicne then you never hear any president since, giving orders to blockade or bomb them ro invade never. its always been the UN or pentagon. somethings DEF fishy with that. its like johnson and the rest just gave the commanders seat to the pentagon.

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by GoldenFleece

In a non-combat zone, well in the sense of M-16's and AK-47's, a civilian zone it is called something else.

Quote from : Wikipedia : Falsified Evidence

Falsified evidence, forged evidence or tainted evidence is information that has been created or obtained illegally, to sway the verdict in a court case.

Also, misleading by suppressing evidence can be used to sway a verdict; however, in some cases, suppressed evidence is excluded because it was found hidden or locked away in areas the accused could not be proven to know.

In Britain, falsifying evidence to convict the guilty is known as 'Noble Cause Corruption'.

Some evidence is forged because the person doing the forensic work finds it easier to fabricate evidence than to perform the actual work involved.

The planting of a gun at a crime scene would be used by the police to justify shooting the victim in self-defense, and avoid possible prosecution for manslaughter.

The fact that the police/prosecution, (one of the parties with a vested interest in a trial), effectively controls the supply of most or all of the evidence, is a fundamental problem of the adversarial trial system.

However, the accused might have falsified some evidence, especially if not arrested immediately, or by having other access to a crime scene and related areas.

Falsified evidence could be created by either the police/prosecution or the defendant(s), or by someone sympathetic to their cause.

There is zero honor in planting evidence and any U.S. Troops doing it should be dishonorably discharged.

After being courtmartialed.

Whether under Bush, Obama, or the next jackass, they should be drummed out of the military.

Just as any Law Enforcement Officer caught doing it should be thrown in prison.

Zero tolerance for corruption starting in Washington D.C. and on down the foodchain.
edit on 3/7/11 by SpartanKingLeonidas because: Adding Depth and Insight Into the Post.

posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 05:02 PM
Great original post DD, flag-

I totally agree, this is shockingly disgusting and the grossest abuse of power, its abhorrent to treat Bradley Manning this way, any human in fact.

A 22 year old kid, more than likely not suffciently trained to cope with the material he witnessed, obviously damaged by it all,does the right thing exposing these crimes.

When is Bradleys trial? Does anyone know?

The worlds press in the last 24 hours has gone nuts about Brad, all the top national newspapers in the World condemming the USA Goverment for this.

Also Anon have started to attack the IT at the base he is being held, demanding he gets his clothes and a few other items, they are going to go after everyone involved in the case.

The world is loosing respect for the American administration. Its been building for a while now, even US Intell Marines have filed reports saying they can't get any intell, nobody will talk to them (other Countries etc), I suspect its the same in the spooky worlds, everyones probably worried Hilarys gonna jump out and swab your dna and mess with your frequent flyer miles (funny if it wasn't so true, evil witch).

The whole world is aware of the lack and twisted set of standards currently purported by the US Administation and US Military now, and thankfully are reporting and condoning this behaviour.

Nobody trusts them anymore or their double standards.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 04:35 AM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

You're absolutely right of course, but spend just a few minutes watching the video I posted above, "U.S. Troops Discuss Drop Weapons", THEN tell me how many will ever be court-martialed or dishonorably discharged for falsifying evidence.

This is just a matter-of-fact way of life in Iraq and Afghanistan.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by GoldenFleece
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

You're absolutely right of course, but spend just a few minutes watching the video I posted above, "U.S. Troops Discuss Drop Weapons", THEN tell me how many will ever be court-martialed or dishonorably discharged for falsifying evidence.

This is just a matter-of-fact way of life in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Of course.

I watched the video.

Discussing it, getting orders from superiors, or taking the initiative it still is wrong.

When it comes to committing illegal action whether during combat or not.

This is a means to sidestep green-around-the-gills troops from taking responsibility for their actions.

In other words, ignore training, just shoot to kill no matter what, and cover your tracks.

As well as ignore the U.S. Military Code of Justice for the duration of your deployment.

I do realize that some people believe soldiers are taught not to think.

And in some regards this is true, they are taught to follow orders, but this is an unlawful order.

If my non-commissioner officer, commanding officer, or anyone else were to order me to do something illegal I would take action.

I've had many people try to force me into illegal actions whether through orders, actions, and or by lying to me.

And each and every time this has happened I have made sure they got burned and I got out.

With my skin in tact and coming up smelling like roses.

For some odd reason all of their plans seem to fall apart without my ever lifting a finger.

This is because when people learn I am taking someone down they get behind me and follow.

Due to having ethics, morals, and a belief system which is lead by honor first and dying last.
edit on 3/9/11 by SpartanKingLeonidas because: Adding Depth and Insight Into the Post.

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