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Libya no-fly bid 'legal without UN'

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posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 05:53 PM
mmm it sure feels like there are some disinfo agents floating around in this thread. I think we need to get back to discussing the issues at hand and knock the personal attacks on the head guys.

If we cant remain civil on a web forum, what chance is their for the middle east and the rest of the world?

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by ReptilePete

Well I didn't take this thread off track as it was already heading that way. I had to laugh a bit at the Disinfo thing as I was quite literally trying to make sure the info stayed legit. That being said I don't really have anything else to say on the matter.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by moosevernel

He is already fighting back against the protesters / revolutionaries with all he's got. We can make a difference without ever setting foot on Libyan soil. Every message out of Libya from citizens there pleads for the international community to help them get rid of this dictator. A no fly zone would save innocent and oppressed people's lives, and it would further fracture Gaddafi's hold on the military and send the mercenaries running.
edit on 3-3-2011 by mydarkpassenger because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by moosevernel

A broader war with what allies?

He lost those when he snuggled up to the US a few years back. People like Chavez in Venezuela aren't friends of his - they seek only to level accusations at the US. NATO could do it, and put an arab stamp on the operation, with just one fighter from Tunisia or Egypt.

He needs to go.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
reply to post by moosevernel

So its ok if he kills a million of his own people because its internal?

Are you human?

The opposition have requested for help, but they don't want any foreign troops deployed in Libya.

AMEN!!! Lets help those people that we've been screwing the last nine years!

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 08:57 AM
This is how they take advantage of situations and set the stage ... the stage for a gadaffi hanging next ...
The UN should be dissolved .. they are an organization setup just to support the interestes of the US .. they are useless to help in any other case that does not benefit the US ...

My question is why isn't the frreaking internation court talking about investigating gadaffi for war crimes ( ... while bush and cheney are untouched ..? The should check the chief prosecutor's bank balance .. i'mm sure he received a good 'package' from the US ... corrupt bastards ...

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by mydarkpassenger

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
reply to post by moosevernel

So its ok if he kills a million of his own people because its internal?

Are you human?

The opposition have requested for help, but they don't want any foreign troops deployed in Libya.

AMEN!!! Lets help those people that we've been screwing the last nine years!

For all those who think the West is doing this to 'help' the Libyan people ... you're living in a dream ... the West doesn't give a rats ass about their own citizens... yet alone foreign citizens ..
This is just an opportunity to get rid of Gadaffi and control the country by putting in puppets to control the oil supplies of Libya .. while securing another place to launch attacks from all around the world ...
Wake up!

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by mydarkpassenger
reply to post by moosevernel

A broader war with what allies?

He lost those when he snuggled up to the US a few years back. People like Chavez in Venezuela aren't friends of his - they seek only to level accusations at the US. NATO could do it, and put an arab stamp on the operation, with just one fighter from Tunisia or Egypt.

He needs to go.

All i meant was any country with an agenda against the west could ally themselves with libya if it ever came to war with Libya, much like Russia did with the Allies in the 2nd world war

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 09:09 AM
Reply to post by Fitch303

Ha ha ha.

Nice post, and very true.

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posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by moosevernel a people whom we owe nothing. Haunting words of Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain there.

When Qaddafi is using the air force to slaughter unarmed protesters, carrying out heinous crimes with callous efficiency I think the international community has a moral right to protect human life.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by legalizeit
The UN should be dissolved .. they are an organization setup just to support the interestes of the US .. they are useless to help in any other case that does not benefit the US ...

Excuse me?
There was I thinking the United Nations was founded to maintain World peace and correct the failings of the League of Nations

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by TinfoilTP

"Does it bother anyone that these rebels have no food, medicine, or bullets yet they have a huge freshly made banner half the size of a football field ready to wave at the world saying we dont want your help? It looks professionally done. " how do you know what supplies these so called "rebels" have?.. and how do you, the US govt, or MSM tell the difference between a "rebel" and an opportunist mafia gangster thug?..

The US govt & their American MSM propaganda lackeys usually consider people in civilian clothing carrying weapons to be "insurgents" or "terrorists".. folks ok to summarily slaughter.. but in Libya, uni-formless & stateless insurgents.. are "rebels", by next week they'll be "freedom fighters", eh?.. lol

Rebel defined: "insurgent: a person who takes part in an armed rebellion against the constituted authority"

Anyone who supports US military intervention or "no fly zones", so called, in Libya.. needs their head examined. Haven't those NWO "damn fool" dear party leaders & establishment media clowns lied enough violence onto humanity yet?.. oh wait, THIS TIME.. it's all true, eh?.. lol

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by mydarkpassenger
reply to post by moosevernel

He is already fighting back against the protesters / revolutionaries with all he's got. We can make a difference without ever setting foot on Libyan soil. Every message out of Libya from citizens there pleads for the international community to help them get rid of this dictator. A no fly zone would save innocent and oppressed people's lives, and it would further fracture Gaddafi's hold on the military and send the mercenaries running.
edit on 3-3-2011 by mydarkpassenger because: (no reason given)

How would you know?.. let me guess, you read it on the internet.. so we know it's true.

And.. a media personality, or three, read it off a teleprompter over and over again in a serious tone with furrowed brow. Undoubtedly quoting & interviewing clowns who call themselves "govt officials", "experts" or "politicians" in a scripted proto-propaganda soft ball question circle-jerk.. where viewers are fed a steady diet of the soggy crumbs.. tainted for "left / right" palateability .

I readily admit I haven't the slightest clue what reality exists over there.. chronic liars say and write things like they always have.. but I dunno if any of it is true... to condone deadly force without really & truly knowing wtf.. is insanity.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by GovtFlu
reply to post by TinfoilTP

"Does it bother anyone that these rebels have no food, medicine, or bullets yet they have a huge freshly made banner half the size of a football field ready to wave at the world saying we dont want your help? It looks professionally done. " how do you know what supplies these so called "rebels" have?.. and how do you, the US govt, or MSM tell the difference between a "rebel" and an opportunist mafia gangster thug?..

The US govt & their American MSM propaganda lackeys usually consider people in civilian clothing carrying weapons to be "insurgents" or "terrorists".. folks ok to summarily slaughter.. but in Libya, uni-formless & stateless insurgents.. are "rebels", by next week they'll be "freedom fighters", eh?.. lol

Rebel defined: "insurgent: a person who takes part in an armed rebellion against the constituted authority"

Anyone who supports US military intervention or "no fly zones", so called, in Libya.. needs their head examined. Haven't those NWO "damn fool" dear party leaders & establishment media clowns lied enough violence onto humanity yet?.. oh wait, THIS TIME.. it's all true, eh?.. lol

Easy, they are all over the youtube and twitter stating they are out of medical supplies and running low on food.
and your definition of Rebel is spot on, it fits them perfectly. Once they have their own govt up and running they will be soldiers representing that govt.
Also the rebels own elected council is continually calling for no fly zones, go take it up with them.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by TinfoilTP

"Easy, they are all over the youtube and twitter stating they are out of medical supplies and running low on food. and your definition of Rebel is spot on, it fits them perfectly. Once they have their own govt up and running they will be soldiers representing that govt. Also the rebels own elected council is continually calling for no fly zones, go take it up with them. "

Uh huh, like I guessed.. you read it on the internet... where with a key stroke or click, unknown Twit-tube personas dispense nothing but "the truth", the whole truth, and nothing but the truth...!

Did it ever occur to you that there are people out there, with billions of dollars on the line, who might want to b# you?. So.. the "rebels", so called, have an "elected council", huh?.. who are these people? how many Libyans do they represent?. massive election turn out??.. lol.

I'll bet these Libyan "leaders" you claim exist are just begging for US Apaches come on down and "help" reduce their fire wood collecting children to 30mm pablum.. please America!!.. help us like you did the Iraqis!!, we're so tired of Gaddafis running water and electricity!!! we demand our sewage flow through the streets!! we want a Libyan Abu Ghraib!!, freedom to be tortured and evicted from our homes by occupation troops!!.. all the freedoms you have brought to Iraq!!

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