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Bush cancels keynote speech after learning of invite for WikiLeaks founder

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posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by MrWendal
I simply asked you for some evidence to back up what it is you claimed.

I asked you the same thing. Obviously you are incapable of doing what you demand of others.

Originally posted by MrWendal
The only thing you have managed to accomplish when asked to base your opinion with facts is deflect, insult, and do everything you could to change the subject.

That's laughable. Your posts are full of hypocrisy. It's incredible.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 07:27 PM

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by PETROLCOIN

Well since what I REALLY wanted to say crossed the MOD line... I will try again

This is not about me. You made a statement and you have been asked to show evidence of your statement. Your attempts to push things back onto me is nothing more than deflection and distraction. That is what people do when they have nothing intelligent to say. It is what people do when they know they have inserted their foot directly into their mouth and began to happily chew.

My comments about thinking Wikileaks was a CIA operation was said to prevent you from doing to same dismissive nonsense that you had done to someone previously in this thread who made a very valid point. Again, that is what people do when they have nothing of substance to add. They marry themselves to some idea, based on nothing of fact, and rather admit that they might be mistaken, they attack. Personally I am not impressed.

So instead of backing up your statements from the very start of this thread, you have chosen to make this about me. Rather than your own statements. The fact is the burden of proof lies with you, not me, and anyone with the intellect of a goldfish can see that by reading this thread.

So in closing, put up or shut up. You made a statement and attempted to pass it off as fact. So prove it, or do not reply. Your high school attempts to remove the focus of the conversation onto anything other than what you claimed is just laughable.
edit on 26-2-2011 by MrWendal because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-2-2011 by MrWendal because: (no reason given)

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