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Next Months UK Census.

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posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 06:06 AM
It is almost upon us again.
The nosy census forms will be bursting thorough our letter boxes at a cost of £482 million to us hard up tax payers.
The cost of this is worth discussion on it's own, but what I am really interested in is anyone who had refused to fll one of these things in.
What happens? If I make a stand, where do I stand legally?
Why can't I keep my own personal information personal?

Thoughts please people.


posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 06:15 AM
reply to post by NonKonphormist

do you know what census forms are used for? you should do some research.

somebody is going to deliver a short questionnaire to your house. They will then come back and collect it in a few weeks.

you think refusing to fill out a few questions of a government survey is taking a stand? good work

its a pity they don't email it , then you could just hit delete.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 06:17 AM
I'm over 40 and thus far managed to avoid ever doing this, so has my partner... and have a deep dislike for all things census, so I am guessing for me it will be my dog ate my census and then threw up on my laptop making it impossible for me to fill out.

I hear that an American company is doing the work and as the data will pass through an American company my understanding is that means the US Gov has a right to directly access this information. To be honest I hate the idea of trusting my own gov with my data, (as I am sure it'll end up being left on a bus/train ) let alone trust my gov, the US gov and whoever else has their fingers in the mix..

I'm sure you understand where my rant is coming from.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 06:24 AM
im 30 and have never completed one..Ive never heard anything back regarding it so can only assume if you dont wanna do it - dont!


posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 06:40 AM
I am going to get 'roasted' over this but I have broad shoulders and a thick skin and I do not really care what any of you squealers will say but here goes ...........

Firstly, I do NOT work for the American (GE?) company running this census nor do I work for any Government body HOWEVER i do laugh at all of those here saying ''don't complete the census'', ' I have never completed a census in all my life'', ' they can shove this census up their Arses'' etc etc etc......because this data is actually very valuable to try and improve our society..

Aside from all the Fecking Corporations who would love the data and all the other Consumerism limpets trying to screw us all for money (we should all be ABLE to resist their offerings I would have thought !?) I Think that we should provide this information so those whom are trying to run our societeis are BETTER informed about those who are part of the society....

I see lots of threads on here about the Injustices of how Governments favour minorities or people who are 'creaming ' the system and claiming benefits................. If those who create and set the laws understood better the makeup of the society we live in then maybe more sensible decisions can be made and also be Accountable.....

To say 'I am NOT complying' shows a SEVERE lack of intelligence and stubborness which guarantees that little will change and therefore we can all feel better in the future as we CARRY ON complaining about the stuff we refuse to be part of....

Rant over..... and I really do not care what others will whine about over my comments..


edit on 22-2-2011 by PurpleDog UK because: spelling

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 06:41 AM
just ignore its my advice, unless your unlucky enough to be one of the handfull they pick to make an example of they'll just leave you alone.

to many people don't bother filling it in for them to seriously crack down.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 06:41 AM
i dont think they are mandatory. ive never filled one in either.

i dont think there is anything sinister about them either. they happen every 10 years and provide valuable information about the make up of the country. this helps when allocating resources.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 06:55 AM
The forms aren't exactly onerous to complete. It asks basic information about you and your family, a little about any visitors on the day of the census, and some details about your house, numbers of rooms.

Compared to the information held about us on the databases of the super markets, and our shopping habits, the banks and our travel and spending patterns, our levels of debt and so on. There are the insurance companies who know what we own and details of any illnesses we may have. Of course the biggest intrusion is your ISP who know all your dirty secrets and porn browsing preferences

I wouldn't worry about the census form to be honest, any and all information TPTB need about you they already posses or can lay their hands on at very short notice. The census form doesn't tell anyone of ill-intent anything they don't know already.
edit on 22/2/1111 by Rob37n because: Speeling mistook

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 07:00 AM
The last time the census was about, I never filled it in, a few weeks later I had a man knocking on my door with a clip board telling me I had to sort it out and that he would go through it with me!
I filled it in myself and sent it off.
So there is some sort of follow up.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 07:01 AM

Originally posted by Rob37n
The forms aren't exactly onerous to complete. It asks basic information about you and your family, a little about any visitors on the day of the census, and some details about your house, numbers of rooms.

Compared to the information held about us on the databases of the super markets, and our shopping habits, the banks and our travel and spending patterns, our levels of debt and so on. There are the insurance companies who know what we own and details of any illnesses we may have. Of course the biggest intrusion is your ISP who know all your dirty secrets and porn browsing preferences

I wouldn't worry about the census form to be honest, any and all information TPTB need about you they already posses or can lay their hands on at very short notice. The census form doesn't tell anyone of ill-intent anything they don't know already.
edit on 22/2/1111 by Rob37n because: Speeling mistook

If they already have the juicy stuff, why spend millions to get what they either already have, or don't really need?

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 07:15 AM
Just to clear up the "is it or isn't it" mandatory debate.

It is a legal requirement for everyone to complete the census, which takes place once every 10 years, with the next national survey due to be conducted on 27 March. The results are used to help plan public services, including school places, hospitals, and transport. Persistent refusal to complete the form can lead to prosecution and a fine of up to £1,000. But the Office for National Statistics, which organises the survey, admitted that while three million people failed to complete the 2001 census, only 38 were convicted.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 07:18 AM
Lockheed Martin, the same company that loves to collect and store private information on citizens for "Anti terrorist purposes" have been given the contract for this UK census.

For that reason, I refuse to fill in the form and will happily accept the £1000 potential fine for not doing so.
I'm all for keeping the country running, but nowadays it's beyond ridiculous!
Our government has either left our private data on the bus, sold it to interested parties without our consent, or are now giving them to a known compiler of peoples personal data 'so as to counter possible home-grown terrorists'...don't make me laugh!
Lockheed Martin isn't having anything to do with me and my family's political affiliations, sexual preferences, etc.
edit on 22-2-2011 by OptimisticPessimist because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 07:47 AM
I just spent the past 15 minutes looking at the census web site.

their idea of justifying a census is sh1t.

How to provide better services, yeh right.
I bet that is not the half of it.

Does anyone have hard proof that Lockeed Martin has the contract to get our information ?

I mean that if it were just a true census then there would not be a threat of prosecution, so why is there ?

I would be more inclined to fill in the questionnaire if there was no threat of prosecution, now I feel like tearing it up and putting it in the bin.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 08:37 AM
I've just been through it too.

The general theme of it is that it want's to know who you are and where you go most of the time.

Well... Maybe i don't want you to know where i go most of the time, surely that's my business, and not the governments, if i spend more then 30 days a year at someone else's address.

I too, would throw this in the bin, but seen as they've threatened everyone with £1000 fines for not filling it in, i have to, as i can really afford to hand out a grand to the government, but i'm going to either leave information out or just give stupid answers where i can.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 08:50 AM
Thinking about it.

No where on the Census web site does it say it has to be filled in correctly.

But it does say it has to be filled in.

Ok fine.

Mr and Mrs Flump live at my house with the moomins.

problem solved !

Me and the government happy then.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by NonKonphormist

Then you should have replied to the dude. I just do not have the time right now. Arrange another date. And dont be ion when they show up.

I know where my census forms will be going once I recieve them. The bucket.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by diddy1234

That would work as long as you don't sign the form (but, the same legalities requires you sign as proof of factual info), because you sign to declare that what you've written is truthful, or suffer possible prosecution.

Mr & Mrs Flump might be a little obvious, lol!

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 10:30 AM
That was the plan.

Also you could put for every answer NOYB (None of your business).

And not sign it.

Just to jog everyone's memory, in the last Census of 2001 339,000 UK residents put Jedi as their religion.
The result of this was that the religion was then 'recognised'.

To me this says that people are getting fed up with governmental interference in their lives.

I know I am.

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by NonKonphormist

One machine readable form, that saves trawling through all the other sources. Having worked on government projects I'd say you've even less to worry about. I expect the system won't work, when it does its very slow, and can't add up 2+2 to make 5, sorry 3, or is it 4, pi?, most of the time.

They outsource these developments to big corporations who are crap at writing software.

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